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Re: NobleRoman post# 524

Tuesday, 08/16/2022 5:56:42 PM

Tuesday, August 16, 2022 5:56:42 PM

Post# of 526
I still have faith that there is a plan for emergence here.

All 856,133 shares still owned in a DARK company.

But a week after I posted the email I'm replying to, they filed another annual update to stay active a week or so after my posting with the NVSOS:

09/13/2021 09/13/2021 20211746900 Annual List External Snap Shot

Director Gregory L Pope 265 Turner Drive, Durango, CO, 81303, USA 09/13/2021 Active

Gregory Pope does have relations with Merryman from RMCF:

And RMCF, naturally, had connection to this former shell of U-Swirl

I wonder why the new name of Gregory Pope rather than Merryman? In 2018, Merryman was listed:

President BRYAN J MERRYMAN 265 TURNER DRIVE, DURANGO, CO, 81303, USA 08/14/2018 Active

In order to stay active on the NVSOS, they need to meet this deadline next month:
Annual Report Due Date:9/30/2022

Filing costs time and energy. I feel like there must be a plan. Especially with Gregory Pope's name suddenly appearing.