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TSHO on watch sub .0043
Man you guys caught me sleepin over here what are you doing.
Who removed my picture in the I box?,
I'd be a little careful over here.
Yeah the float is low but it hasn't been updated since 2010 A 100 million outstanding shares At least and up to 250 million possible.
you guys got this up to a Half million dollar market cap Friday? And they have not released any information or even farted in 10 years.
opening day low of 27 not nearly touched Friday buy the usual Friday sellers... only a few 3s sold I had a bid in and it didn't even get grazed... $TSHO >>> next week looking to open up a can of woop ass... boom grab cheapies
5 is a great $TSHO entry point on Monday if there any left...
Right and they all tank to 000s. I have faith we got ourselves something different here $$
There's very little to .03 what other G2P can give u that...
moves on air $TSHO
Just remember where this came from... Still a great price here. One good volume day and this thing flies! There should be plenty groups looking for a low floater like this. And when they find it we all make good money$$
Grabbing some 5s
Someone wants this to stay down
Need the 01 gone now come on people. I remember the day where everyone would jump on these thin runners
level 2 really thinned right up to .03
Wait for the bids to build back up then pop
Agreed. I am still holding. I have a feeling something is up and I am not going to sell this cheap.
TSHO .0065 idiots gonna lose, .01 thinner
Craziness I tell ya
Not quite getting it. People are willing to sit on the bid with large support, but with the ask so thin they will not hit it, which would get us moving back up.
TSHO .0082 x .01 today is your day,lets go
$TSHO nice bid at .0082!
Need that first hit showing green
today will be fun! $TSHO
I’ll add if it dips
We shall see if this gets any interest tomorrow. Can't complain about today at all. It didn't tank like all the others. Ground floor here
Held up strong! A peep needed some beer, I understand tomorrow is pAydAy lol
TSHO .008 x .01 power hour almost here
$TSHO .008 x .01 with NO sellers! Let's go! So thin to .03s. Power hour bust-out >>> boom coming $TSHO
Power hour bust-out >>> boom coming $TSHO
If that 0075 bid would stop going away maybe we could have a run eod
Would be nice to have another power hour run here
TSHO .01 more hits,lets see the push
Losding account for tomorrow's trading.... I think we're going to have some fun here $TSHO
TSHO can see .02s easy from here
TSHO can see .02s easy from here
No sellers here. Once buys come in it is easy .02+
Nice 0075 bid now
TSHO .01s should fall soon, bids moving up
Sounds good, still to cold and windy up here
Just drinking my first monster! Stayed up late last night watching movies.... doesn't look like I'm missing anything think I'll go out and some golf balls $TSHO
You sleeping in today?
That's how yesterday was, everyone slept in then boom there were runners left and right
for sure, need the west coast trader's to wake up,lol
Slow start to the day everywhere today. I'm sure it will pick up afternoon
TSHO .0071 x .01 thin all the way up
Bids moving up .007 x .01 ~ 150K buy at .01 at close yesterday.
4 mms bidding 005+