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$XXII 22nd Century Updates Strategic Growth Initiatives for VLN (very low nicotine).
$PHBI Non-dilutive government deal.
You don't see these often in the OTC.
I set a small order sell at .25 ( a little higher than yours..) If it comes up enough to take you and me both out I will drive clear down there to take you to dinner... ( and I wouldn't be near as wealthy as you by then. :)
I hope you have a GREAT week.
SO far I'm up over 100% on SKGO. This year is starting out just fine. SOme of my other palys are at a stand still at the moment but I think they will get their turn as well. I know I am not worried about multiple plays when I have one that is constantly moving. Whenever it stops I will cash in and movve on. The DD I have done for the company and the company it is merging with kind of scares me but I will hold on as long as I can. I don't want to get stuck like those BHUBer.
My New Years Resolution for this year is to master this trading thing and make $100,00 by the end of the year from $5,000. I'm starting out with CBAI, MCLN, SKGO,GRBG, AMHD,MCCI, MTCH, and CJHBQ. Let cross our fingers that they don't all turn into BHUB
I'm guessing that SKGO is one of those for this week only buys but it is most certainly a buy if you get in by Monday. It is already up 42% so anything after it starts to go up more you might as well look at something else. It will probably have 2 or 3 good flips in it though. It looks very strong for this week and is being promoted on more than just Ihub. Personally I think .003 is a little high if you plan on getting in but it will go up before it goes way down.
SKGO 3 way merger CHINA STEEL COMPANY LOI USA- China- SKGO and Super Conglomorate.
Steel Company named to announced when completed.
This year I'm starting out with AMHD. From what I can tell there is nothing long about this one but it has people excited and the charts are looking promising so it is a good year starter. The word is that the CEO bought a good amount of shares in his company. To everyone else it seems like he is investing in his company to me he is trying to flip these shares like everyone else, so he is not going to stop promoting until he makes a good profit off of selling them, which works for me. I am with you guy.
AMHD new MEGA weekend DD~(must read by all)
AN American company which bought a fledgeling Barbadian producer of bio-diesel over a year ago, is projecting a profit for the operation here by next month.
Officials of Amelot Holdings Inc., which announced an agreement to buy local company Native Sun in April last year and upgrade its facility at Edghill, St. Thomas, made the projection last week.
According to management, a number of changes at the subsidiary called Amelot Oil, would make the profits possible. It’s all in an effort to tap into the global bio-diesel market, said to be worth about $20 billion.
“We would like to inform you that measures taken have been effective, and profitability is firmly expected to be achieved in January 2010. Bio-diesel production will continue through the Christmas holidays even though a slight slowdown in sales is anticipated due to our sales staff taking time off to spend with their families,” the company stated.
“We are working on building a reserve of product ready for market in preparation of an aggressive sales campaign beginning early January 2010. We want to ensure that our supply will meet the demand. We have also ordered additional storage tanks, pumps, and other equipment to handle the expected increase,” it added.
Amelot president and chief executive officer Fred Guarnieri, said officials “have made presentations to interested parties to replicate our business model in other locations throughout the Caribbean”.
He noted the response so far “has been favorable”, and presented a key growth opportunity for the company next year.
Guarnieri also said that as a result of his increased shareholding in Amelot there would be benefits for the Barbados operation.
“On November 5 I announced I had increased my ownership of the Company’s Common shares. Since then, I have purchased an additional 100 million shares. I remain solidly committed to making the Company profitable, and increasing value to our shareholders,” the company boss noted.
Prior to its purchase last year, Native Sun had been producing renewable fuel from used cooking oil since 2004. Amelot said then it was looking to upgrade the existing plant to the extent that the facility would in months be producing 6,000 gallons of bio-diesel and that it was initiating plans to collect cooking oil from each parish to make the project worthwhile.
Native Sun was the brainchild of Barbadian entrepreneur Handel Callender, who prior to forming a partnership with Amelot was producing about 100 gallons of bio-diesel from the used cooking oil weekly at the Future Centre Trust property at Edghill. Callender then became general manager of the subsidiary.
Officials have said that if all went well Barbados could eventually become an exporter of bio-diesel, since Amelot intended “to have a significant market share in growing low cost feed stocks to supply the growing demand for bio-diesel, to reduce energy dependency of fossil fuels, to help reduce the US dependency on foreign oil supplies and reduce the impact of energy on our environment”.
Amelot had recommended that “a modest investment of equipment and training into this (Native Sun Barbados) facility will increase production more than five-fold within the next 12 months. Initial acquisition costs, including capital investment, will be paid back within 18 months of operation”.
Amelot officials said they were keen to start the partnership with Callender who they praised for his “many awards of science and entrepreneurial merit”. (SC)
I'm back!!
That's funny I know know one reads my board but me but who cares, I'm ack and going strong. Been out of this for awhile focusing on my career and family but now that everything is in place aI have some free time to learn how to get this right.
Sie können belive, gerade wie was Sie mich möchten, sie aufzupicken und zu sehen, was geschieht.
I still beleive that this will have a good run one day even though it's not doing much right now. I don't believe it will stay like this for long. That doesn't mean I will not warn people that it's a risky play or maybe not even a play at all. Personally I like it, realistically it's dea for right now. There are a couple of stocks that people keep yelling scam on that just don't seem like scams to me. I have some that are scams and once those CEO's and friends made there cut they were no longer in existance. No trading on nothing just now you see me now you don't. There is more to this one than meets the eye and since I'm not in any rush I can wait to see what happens. The money that I put into any stock is money spent, to me. For the most part I don't plan on getting it back but when I do it's always like Christams.
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
And you have WNSH as your favourite stock! LMAO!!!!!!! Also komm! Jetzt mal im Ernst hier!!!!!!!!!!!
Na denn! Naechste Woche oder die Uebernaechste werde ich dir einen dieser "Picks" um die Ohren schlagen! :)))))))) (Emmmmm.....ich habe ne Amerikanische Tastatur.......weisst was ich mein)!
ACCR (Access Power,Inc.)
ADCS (Advanced Content Services,Inc.)
ADOT (Advanced Optics Electronics Inc.)
AFAO (AFA Music Group, Ltd.)
AMHD (Amelot Holdings, Inc.)
ARIO (AmeriResource Technologies,Inc.)
ASII (Axion Spatial Imaging,Inc.)
AVNT (Aventura Holdings,Inc.)
BHUB (,Inc.)
BKMP (Blackout Media Corp.)
BNYN (Banyan Corp.)
BUNM (Burned Media, Ltd.)
CBAY (Cal-Bay International,Inc.)
CWIR (Central Wireless,Inc.)
CWRM (Cotton & Western Mining,Inc.)
CNES (Conectisys Corp.)
CTCK (Coattec Industries,Inc.)
CTKH (Cetek Technologies,Inc.)
DLAV (DealerAdvance,Inc.)
ECGA (Encompass Group Affiliates,Inc.)
EWRC (eWorld Companies,Inc.)
FFGO (Fortress Financial Group,Inc.)
FGWI (5G Wireless Communications,Inc.)
FMNJ (Franklin Mining,Inc.)
FNIX (Fonix Corp.)
FSMH (FSBO Media Holdings,Inc.)
GLBT (GlobalNet Corp.)
GLMN (Global Media Networks,Inc.)
GMFX (GameZnFlix,Inc.)
HCPC (Heritage Capitol Credit)
HCFE (Healthy Coffee International,Inc.)
HMIT (Hidalgo Mining International)
IDCN (Indocan Resources,Inc.)
IDTA (Identa Corp.)
ILVG (Intelligent Living Corp.)
IMJX (Imagexpres Corp.)
ISYX (In-Systcom,Inc.)
JMON (James Monroe Capital Corp.)
LLBT (Lifeline Biotechnologies,Inc.)
MHLI (Marshall Holdings International,Inc.)
MNTY (Market 99 Ltd.)
MODI (Metro One Development,Inc.)
MTPW (MetaPower International,Inc.)
NUBV (Nutripure Beverages,Inc.)
NXHL (Nexia Holdings,Inc.)
PABN (PanAmerican BanCorp)
PHGI (Perihelion Global,Inc.)
PXIT (Phoenix Interests,Inc.)
PYCT (Paychest,Inc.)
QEDC (QED Connect,Inc.)
RDYM (Remote Dynamics,Inc.)
RGII (Resource Group International,Inc.)
RMOE (Raven Moon Entertainment,Inc.)
RNVO (Renovo Holdings)
RSMI (Rim Semiconductor Co.)
SHMM (Southern Home Medical Equipment,Inc.)
SKGO (Skybridge Technology Group,Inc.)
SMAS (Somatic Systems,Inc.)
SMTR (SmarTire Systems,Inc.)
SNRS (Sunrise Consulting Grp.)
SPZI (Spooz,Inc.)
SWVC (Seaway Valley Capital Corp.)
TBLU (telcoBlue,Inc.)
THRI (Thresher Industries,Inc.)
TSSP (Trendsetter Solar Products,Inc.)
UCOI (Unico,Inc.)
UDTT (Universal Detection Technology)
USXP (Universal Express,Inc.)
WEHI (WGL Entertainment Hldgs.)
WNSH (Winsted Holdings,Inc.)
WTVN (Wi-Fi TV,Inc.)
XKEM (Xechem International,Inc.)
XTPT (X-Tra Petroleum)
Preferred Shares.
Typically give holders the right to a fixed dividend before any dividends can be paid to common shareholders. Shareholders may have no voting rights, but special features on redemption or conversion of preferred shares into common shares exist in many cases.
Dividends are generally fixed, but company may reduce or suspend dividends. Capital gains potential is usually less than that of common shares. Conversion and redemption privileges and other special features may enhance potential for price increases.
Moderate to High. Comments regarding common shares apply. Reduction or expected reduction in dividends may significantly impact share price. Tax authorities, employees, and creditors have claim on assets before preferred shareholders in cases of insolvency.
Common Shares.
Represent ownership of a company. Shareholders have the right to elect directors; to vote on certain corporate matters; and to share in any residual assets of the company if it is wound up.
May take the form of dividends or capital gains/losses. Many companies try to pay dividends regularly. Others may not pay dividends at all. Often, return will depend mainly on changes in share price, which can go up or down, sometimes dramatically.
Moderate to Very High. Based on company profitability, financial stability, management capabilities, exposure to economic slumps, foreign exchange, and competition. Common shareholders are last to claim assets in cases of insolvency.
10 Tips to Avoid Investment Fraud
Tip #1 - Check out the Person Offering Investment Deals:
Nevada law requires most securities and the people selling them to be registered by the state. Check them out with the Nevada Securities Division BEFORE YOU INVEST by calling Las Vegas 702-486-2440 or toll-free 1-800-758-6440.
Tip #2 - Beware of High-Pressure Tactics:
Say "no" to any person who pressures you to make an immediate investment decision. You need time to do your own research. Any ethical salesperson will understand this.
Tip #3 - Exercise Particular Caution if You Lack Financial Experience:
It's easy to feel intimidated and overwhelmed by complicated financial jargon. Ask lots of questions and insist that the salesperson explain the investment in every day language until you understand it. Protect yourself by educating yourself.
Tip #4 - Keep in Mind that Good Manners Don't Indicate Personal Integrity:
Con artists are generally extremely polite, knowing that many of us equate courtesy with personal integrity. Swindlers are also counting on your good manners to keep you from cutting them off. Don't let your good manners land you in trouble; simply hang up if you don't like the conversation.
Tip #5 - Watch Out for Salespeople Who Prey on Your Fears:
It is common for swindlers to pitch their schemes as a way to eliminate your financial fears of the future. Remember: fear and greed can cloud your good judgment.
Tip #6 - Exercise Particular Caution if You Are an Older Citizen:
The elderly, and particularly older women, are a frequent target of scam artists. Always seek the advice of a neutral party before investing.
Tip #7 - Monitor Your Investments and Ask Tough Questions:
Insist on regular written reports and look for signs of excessive or unauthorized trading of your account. Constant vigilance is a vital part of being an investor. If you suspect that something is amiss and you get unsatisfactory explanations, call the Securities Division and make a complaint.
Tip #8 - Look Out for Trouble When Retrieving Your Principal or Cashing Out Profits:
If any person with whom you have invested stalls when you want to withdraw your money, you may have uncovered someone who is cheating you. If you are not investing in a fixed-term security, such as a bond, you should be able to receive your funds within a few days.
Tip #9 - Report Investment Fraud or Abuse Immediately, Despite any Embarrassment or Fear You May Feel:
If you suspect you have been victimized, call the Securities Division immediately. The sooner you report fraud, the better your chances of recovering some or all of your investments.
Tip #10 - Beware of "Reload" Scams:
Con artists often use investment losses to scare you into a second scam. To recoup their losses, victims sometimes invest in another scheme (a "reload") in which the con artist promises to make good the original loss - and may offer new, higher returns. Often, the result is only more losses.
Online Investing Tips
Do Your Homework
Yes, it's true that you can now buy or sell stock with the push of a button or the click of a mouse. Many brokerage firms have made the mechanics of online investing as easy as possible for their customers. But the decision to invest - online or off-line - deserves as much care and attention as it always has. Every investment decision should be based on solid research and sound reasons that have stood the test of time for you and successful long-term investors.
Consider The Source Of Any Information You Receive online
The widespread use of the Internet has triggered an explosion in the number of investment information sources. These include an amazing array of bulletin boards and chat rooms. While there are many excellent sources of reliable information, the overall quality of information on the Internet is no better than what’s available off-line. Just as you should regard with skepticism a “tip” from a stranger, you should consider carefully the origins of what you read online. There are two areas of concern here: unintentionally misleading information and intentionally misleading information. Let’s look at unintentionally misleading information first.
Many of the people participating in chat rooms and other online forums are amateur investors. Assume they are less well-informed than you are. Chat-room comments are frequently “seat-of-the-pants” observations based on mere hearsay or worse. Don’t accept such information without question and verification. Remember that the Internet gives you easy access to a large number of reliable information sources: business and financial publications, annual reports, SEC filings, securities regulators, and more.
The other category, intentionally misleading information, has followed investors online. While most Internet users have honest intentions, those who seek to manipulate stock prices- or otherwise part investors from their money- now use bulletin boards and other electronic media in the same way that “boiler room” scam artists have misused the telephone. And whereas even the fastest-talking boiler-room operator would be hard-pressed to make more than 150 “cold call” telemarketing pitches in one day, a fast-buck swindler with access to cyberspace can send e-mail to many thousands of individuals in less than an hour. What’s more, most online computer services do not police their investment bulletin boards. Often, nothing is in place to prevent a con artist from posting one- or dozens- of pitches for a swindle.
Also in the realm of intentionally misleading information are claims made about “inside information,” including pending news releases, contract announcements, and new products. Investment bulletin boards and discussion groups are crammed with hot tips about impending developments sure to send a stock soaring in value. Just because these tips appear in cyberspace does not mean they are exempt from insider trading laws and rules. It is extremely unlikely that genuine “inside information” will be publicly broadcast on an investment bulletin board.
Moreover, do not assume that just because someone says they have checked something out that they have actually done so. online con artists make all sorts of claims about visiting companies, inspecting mining operations, and having personal conversations with company officials. Keep in mind that you may not be able to verify who is making these claims much less whether any of the information is true or the supposed research ever took place.
The rule to remember is to make sure your information comes from a reliable source, and when in doubt, confirm it with a source you know is trustworthy. And don’t forget to first make sure that an investment opportunity and the person promoting it are properly registered with the Nevada Securities Division.
Anticipate Delays & Breakdowns
If you drive during rush hour, shop during the holidays, or try to see a new blockbuster film the night it opens, you have experienced the downside of using a system at “peak capacity.” The Internet, although often called the “information superhighway” for the speed with which users can move across it, is no more immune than the off-line world to the inconveniences of such gridlock. When market activity reaches a fever pitch, you may experience the same difficulty accessing your account online as you would in reaching your broker by phone.
Moreover, there may be times when, for a variety or reasons, you cannot access your broker through the Internet, either because the broker’s online interface “goes down” or because your Internet provider or telephone company is experiencing problems. Discuss with your brokerage firm in advance what alternatives are available to you during those times, what the typical wait time is likely to be, and what your costs will be. For example, some firms will execute trades at online rates if the system goes down. Others may charge higher rates for telephone orders. Always be prepared to use a live broker or a touch-tone telephone system to place orders and get quotes.
Have A Plan For Dealing With Volatile Markets
Sometimes stock prices move so fast that order executions lag behind the fluctuations in price. This phenomenon may affect a single stock, a group of stocks, or occasionally the entire market. When these conditions occur, the prices you see on your computer screen may not accurately reflect the prices at which shares are currently changing hands. Keep in mind that the most common type of order- a market order to purchase or sell- will be filled regardless of the current price. A limit order is an alternative to consider when market prices are fluctuating. A buy limit order establishes a limit to how much you are willing to pay for a stock. If the stock price has risen past that point when you place your order, the order will not be filled. But, by setting a limit, you are establishing a cap on the upside price you will pay for that stock.
Likewise, a sell limit order establishes a floor, or lowest level, on the price you will accept when you sell. However, using a limit order to exit a position poses risk. If the market is falling rapidly, it might bypass your sell level, and there is no way of knowing when you will get another chance to sell at that price. For this reason, some professional investors favor sell stop orders.
A sell stop order is placed below where the market is trading. If the market declines to that level, an order to sell at the current market price is triggered. With a sell stop order, therefore, your order will be executed if your specified price is reached, although there is no guarantee what your selling price will be.
Knowing how to use limit orders, stop orders, and other kinds of orders- and the costs and risks associated with each- will help you navigate through volatile periods.
Avoid Risky Techniques
online trading gives you many of the advantages previously enjoyed by professional investors, including unprecedented access to information, analytical tools, and other execution capabilities.
These enhanced resources may appeal to people who want to trade on short-term movements in stock prices. This strategy is extremely risky and requires a serious, ongoing time commitment. Day trading, in particular, requires constant monitoring of the markets, often to the exclusion of other activities.
Investors are wise to stay away from thinly-traded, little known stocks sold strictly on the basis of online hype. These are the stocks most susceptible to manipulation. Unlike blue chips or stocks with a substantial number of shares available, the price of low-volume stocks can be moved through relatively small strategic trades. This is why online hype usually involves previously unknown securities, often for companies involved in mining or the world of high-tech. Even if the hyped stock starts to edge up, this may just be part of the manipulation scheme.
It is the rare person who is equipped, financially and psychologically, to really “trade like the pros.” The rest of us should view online investing as a tool for helping us to execute a long-term investment plan more conveniently and efficiently. If you did not employ strategies such as market timing or momentum investing before, do not start now merely because you have begun investing electronically. online capabilities might simplify- but should not fundamentally change- the way you invest
Realize online Investing Requires You To Be Self-Directed
The best way to avoid the pitfalls of online investing is to learn all you can about the process and take responsibility for your own results. Remember, if you are not consulting with a financial professional, the ultimate investment decision rests with you, the investor.
With online investing, it is harder to deny the consequences of your investment decisions because you take charge of not only the decision-making process but also the mechanical aspects of your trading. You will have to decide whether information is trustworthy and reliable. And there is no one to ask you if you really meant to buy when you gave the order to sell. There’s no one to stop you from purchasing twice as many shares as you intended because you placed a duplicate buy order when the confirmation for your first order was delayed. In this way and many others, online investing removes one last check point between you and the markets, and it is up to you to fill the gap.
The online environment gives you an array of excellent tools for investing and often lowers the costs of your investment program. In exchange, it requires that you take an active role in managing your investments and in protecting yourself and your money from scam artists. If you are ready for that challenge, online investing might be an option for you.
What they are
Stock represents ownership of a corporation. Stockholders own a share of the company and are entitled to a share of the profits as well as a vote in how the company is run.
How earnings are made
Company profits may be divided among shareholders in the form of dividends. Dividends are usually paid quarterly. Larger profits can be made through an increase in the value of the stock on the open market.
If the market value goes up, the gain can be considerable.
Money is easily accessible.
If market value goes down, the loss can be considerable.
Selecting and managing stock often requires study and the help of a good brokerage firm.
Smart uses for your tax refund
By Jason Alderman
Each year, roughly 70 percent of Americans get an income tax refund. Thanks to the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, beginning in early May most also will receive an additional tax rebate check of up to $600 (up to $1,200 for joint filers) - even those who don't earn enough to owe federal income tax.
A survey commissioned by Visa Inc. found that roughly the same number of people plan to use their tax refund to pay bills (43 percent) as to contribute to savings (45 percent). Others said they'll use it to make a major purchase (9 percent) or pay their rent or mortgage (3 percent).
Although the money may be burning a hole in your pocket, here are a few possibilities to consider before rushing off to the mall:
Spend wisely. If you want to reinvest part of your refund/rebate back into the economy, consider spending it on necessities that will save you money in the long run. For example, servicing your car helps it run more efficiently and last longer. And weatherproofing your house or buying energy-efficient appliances can significantly lower utility bills.
Pay off debt. When you carry forward credit card balances, interest charges can really add up over time. For example, making only the minimum monthly payment (assuming 4 percent) on a $1,000 balance could add seven years until payoff and more than $500 in additional interest for a card with 18 percent interest - assuming you don't make any new purchases.
Save for emergencies. It's wise to set aside three to six months of living expenses to cover job loss, unexpected medical expenses or other unplanned events. With interest rates dropping, shop for deals on high-yield money market savings accounts or short-term CDs at
Save for retirement. The longer you delay, the harder it is to catch up on retirement savings. Open or add to an existing Individual Retirement Account or 401(k) plan. Practical Money Skills for Life, Visa's free personal financial management site, contains detailed retirement financial planning information, including tax ramifications and interactive retirement savings calculators (
Finance education. Strengthen your career prospects and earnings potential by adding new skills through college courses or vocational training. Ask if your employer will kick in for job-related education.
You can also set money aside for your children's or grandchildren's education - while saving on taxes - using a 529 Qualified State Tuition Plan or Coverdell Education Savings Account. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's website provides information on 529 plans ( and the IRS's site explains Coverdell accounts (
Fund your vacation. Set money aside now so you won't need to rack up debt while on vacation.
Give to charity. Don't wait until year's end to make charitable contributions - a time when holiday expenses compete for available dollars. Try making part of your donations using tax refund money.
Don't overpay taxes. By getting a large tax refund, you're essentially giving the government an interest-free loan throughout the year. Ask your employer's benefits department for a new W-4 form and recalculate how much is being deducted each pay period. Your goal should be to receive little or no refund. Consult a financial professional about your particular situation; if you don't know one, is a good place to start your search.
Sure, it's tempting to blow your whole tax refund on the latest gadget, but try to invest most of it in your long-term future financial security.
Jason Alderman directs Visa's financial education programs. Sign up for his free monthly e-Newsletter at
Christian Prayer Room #board-9826
Do you mean "patients" as in sick people or "patience" as in taking your time and waiting?
Winsted Holdings inc.
I going to through this one out there just for kicks. I am not the best at trading but for some rason this one just gives me that feeling. It' hasn't been doing much lately but is still trading with fair amount of volume within the last couple of weeks. The CEO has been very quiet and there has not been much buzz at all. If you try to do DD you will find a little on your own but not much. Why I through this one to the masses I wonder myself but I like this one for some reason.
Gulf Coast Oil & gas Inc.
I know anyone who is always looking for that next big thing is looking for an start up oil company right now because of the increase in oil prices over the last week. I'm sure this week that is all people will be taking about besides trying to figure out who there going to carpool with. I have done a little DD on this one on my own and have found a few gray areas, that I feel need to be made black and white but other than that this one looks like a good one to through a couple dollars at to see what it does. I'm not saying morgage the house I'm saying a good amount of money that you won't miss.
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Market99 LTD
While some people are very sciptical about this one I see promis in it if the CEO plays his cards right. It will be hard for him to meet the investors expectation in the short run but I believe that in the long run it will be worth the wait to invest a little into this and see where it goes. Just because of the nature of the company I don't see it doing Walmart numbers but the way society is going these days I could see them doing really well.
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
S3 Investment Company Inc.
SIVC is looking to have some potiential. Actually it is very hot right now. Alot of perdictions being made for this upcoming week so this one might not need as much patients as some others.
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
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