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Tuesday, January 29, 2019 8:08:12 AM
These "pumpers" were amazing. SFMI ran to a high of .46
Unfortunately I found about SF on the way down @ .25
Tuesday, October 04, 2011 11:26:01 AM
We're shipping over 2,000 ounces of gold and silver to Abu Dhabi refinery in 3 weeks and we're trading at what???????? Looks like a bargain to me.
Tuesday, October 04, 2011 11:26:01 AM
We're shipping over 2,000 ounces of gold and silver to Abu Dhabi refinery in 3 weeks and we're trading at what????????Looks like a bargain to me.
not understanding what you are trying to do ? what's the point of your post ? are you just stirring the shit ?
LOLOL!!!! Miracle= fka
Yeah, shure thang. Anudder winner. You shure cann pickem.
Bill Earll and Earll excavating made MILLIONS with SFMI.
So that’s the symbol we should be looking at why post here this one is toast
Earll just cut a deal with DSCR
Under what ticker ? Cause this one is shut down
He's actually a nice honest guy. He hates Pierre and crew. He has cut a lease agreement with the main claim owners in the Sinker. Mill should be open by mid summer making millions/year processing just the ore.
Good honest/CONVICTED Bill Earll!!!
Wouldn't want to see him driving on War Eagle mountain with a driving record like that
Q: How to make 10,000,000 shares disappear?
A: Buy SFMI in Summer of 2015.
SFMI registration revoked:
Silver Falcon Mines put in millions upon millions of dollars to begin operations to go on A TREASURE HUNT! LOL....LOL!!!
Comparing one management team that in the law and SEC's eyes turned out to be legit scam with another company that is looking to actually mine something other than shareholders pockets is an opinionated statement.
From all accounts the mine is funded and set to go, spring mining starts.
2019 will be the year for gold stocks, I've been saying that for weeks and it's started. Good to know Earll was legit and is ready to move on away from this scam.
No, actually the price of gold was higher back then, by about 50%
... and the new POS has the same problem as this POS. They don’t have any money and can’t raise it with 5 billion already outstanding and a .0002 share price.
SFMI ran that high at the perfect time in history for mining stocks... Then that was it, they pumped even harder the following years and could never move it big again. It just sank under the pressure of mass dilution/greed, which is the same situation the other stock faces
Thanks for the response, good to hear Earll is legit. I am trying to find his email addy now. It looks like at one point they had SFM valued at over $80 million for what they could have done at the property but failed so miserably at. They also spent all the money and construction costs too that got everything in place then decided to scam Earll. Whoever takes over the mine and mill facility with Earll and actually produces are going to be bigger than $80 million with today's gold prices.
These "pumpers" were amazing. SFMI ran to a high of .46
Unfortunately I found about SF on the way down @ .25
Earll is legit...I agree
Mug Search Results - Boise Mugshots
Looks like a pump and dump over here. Doing some DD most likely a promo to try and get dead shares out and sold.
Sinker Tunnel, Diamond facility, and Earll Excavation all good and legit. Only scams are SFM and GH.
Company is finito. The way it "trades" is misleading. It's been trading like that for a couple of years @ .0000-.0001
Correct a scam and I don’t call a 3 dollar trade yesterday a pump
Looks like this scam is being pushed again, 900% gain? Pump and dump promo I’m digging in to.
Looks like owners scammed shareholders and Bill Earll. Millionaire dreams squashed by the SFM scammers.
Link doesn’t work and I can post 2-3 big board Execs making millions that have had DUIs lol. Wipe some of the dust of that DD. Earll was robbed by this scam. Took his goods and moved on, thank god.
900% gain? Pump and dump promo being started.
Honest Earll was scammed, took all the goods with him, thank god. He was running a legit business and got scammed. Good to see he moved from this scam.
Why was this scam up 900% yesterday? Just doing some DD. Seems Earll was a hero, loved and legit businessman and has moved on to a legit business venture while the scams SFM and GH are out of business and took money from investors. What a scam.
What year did I post that? 5-6 years ago when we believed this Jr mining company was real?
Not sure why this scam was up 900%, Bill Earll is the man to invest in. SFM and GH were scams giving millionaire hopes. Lmao.
Sounds like Bill Earll is a good man. Appreciate the DD.
That’s tremendous to see that everyone believes in honest Earl and wants to invest in him! Nice to see Earll is viewed so highly and wanted to be invested in.
You were the man with knowledge here . What's up here.
Earll and SFM makes “millionaires” but Earll and a real mining company is a scam? Lmfao.
ZERO ties to the new WEM mining project, only tie is Earll Excavation that was taken by this scam. They are going to bank and do what SFM failed to deliver on. The loss and scam is here, yes, not at the real miner.
Yes and some of us lost a lot of $$$. What's your point? The majority of penny stocks turn out that way. When some fail they turn into shells and the next crew picks it up and it starts all over AGAIN.
Agreed! Now that Earll has teamed up with DSCR the real millions will be made there!
Looks like there were thoughts of millions to be had but these guys did nothing but mine shareholders pockets.
Thank god honest Earll got out and has a real team rolling in.
Dang that sucks! Interesting DD developments! Lolzzz
Don’t know but I will not throw my hard earned money at this pos!