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Here's my take on next week:
My TICK, CPC and Vix charts are very close to topping thresholds.
The CPCE charts are still neutral - probably waiting on one last good push higher.
My regular charts are starting to show a lot of divergences - probably saying we make new highs in everything before imploding.
And last but not least - the MOON chart is calling for a top next Friday or the following Monday as the 30th is on the weekend.
In a nutshell - we might be going higher and then again we might be going lower. Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Thanks for the great commentary also ----
.....cracking up.....
I have to shut down as my computer Geek will be here in a few minutes to set up my new computer...So I will want FOOT to send me a few charts so I can see if my wide screen will show the whole chart...See you guys when I get set up...Hopefully I can figure out how to use it by Monday at the latest....My granddaughter is leaving Sunday for a soccer camp at Oregon State so she will not be around to help me if I get in trouble..
Remember when I said we would go up OR remember when I said we would go down. Whichever fits. heh heh
If we go sideways, does that mean I was half right or half wrong?
Yep, pivot point with cup with handles everywhere
So my guess is UP. Then a sell off when the CPCE gets bullish in a week. ... of course, check me tomorrow... I am a bear so an up call is hard here LOL
markets sell the news , debt, deal or no deal >> got a feeling, SS
I bet Tiger paid him off to keep him quite...Stevie was probably going to write a book and Tiger can not stand for anyone to make any money off him..He fired Fluff because he was getting a lot of commericals and making some good loot...The greedy just get more greedy...I sure do not miss Tiger...
LOL Jakeman
I am a Yankee fan (born in Schenectady NY) so I didn't pick them because the win the pennant every year. At a young age, I realized you don't pick losers like the Senators or Democrats. LOL
Football, Washington Redskins, because I grew up from age 5 in Walton's Mountain, Virginia.. Virginia Tech is my college team. I can relate to you about the Seattle teams, because of my relationship with the Redskins.... If there is a way to blow a game, they are there... my guess it is because they play in Washington... LOL
Tiger Woods, don't miss him, like the new young players now... He did Stevie wrong. I don't think you can party hard with him, so there is no way you could caddie. Now Gleno is someone who could Party Hardy with Tiger! :)
Good night Jake boy ----
The last ramp we had from 1267 to 1356 took 8 trading session to do that and we got OB on the 60 min chart about the second we can stay OB for a long time...Then it took 7 days to go from 1356 down to 1296...We are now in the 4th day of this up rampo and we are OB again on the 60 min chart...On the first rampo, the daily went from OS to OB...but on the second down move the daily did not get to even tho the 60 min is now OB we may not get much of a pullback until the daily gets OB again...We are gaining ground on that but it may take a move to 1370 to get the job done...And if they settle the debt who knows how high the uninformed will run it..As for me personally I'm staying out for now...$SPX&p=60&yr=0&mn=0&dy=20&id=p62667660860&a=121806161
Hey - let's talk about something else no one can do anything about ------------------
How about those Mariner's - lost 12 in a row now. Our Sounders were unbeaten in 9 previous games, then Manchester United comes to town and we get torched 7-0 - Ouch!! Our Seahawks are locked out, our Sonics moved to Oklahoma City (who loses their sports franchise to Oklahoma City?).
Where's Tiger Woods??? I guess now I could caddy for him.
LOL..Good stuff....
Pokersam - We the people have created this mess and we the people are going to have to fix this mess. The problem is we have more people that want a corrupt unaccountable government than do.
I don't believe term limits is the answer. Why throw a good one out and end up with a bad apple? Of course we could have a bad apple that we would then have for 5 years.
I believe we need to change the way we elect our officials and also have a way to throw them out if they are not doing a good job.
We need to totally revamp the election process. No donations from individuals, lobbiest, companies etc.... and no party affiliation that way the candidate does not owe anyone anything. Those interested in the office would apply by a certain deadline (just like a job), they would provide their bio (their credentials/vision/phylosophy), this information would be given to each registered voter. A preliminary vote would be taken, the voter would choose 5 candidates, the top 5 would all be given equal air time to sell themselves to the public, a 2nd round of voting would narrow the selection to the top 2 candidates, then the general election would make the final selection.
Make the President 6 year term
Vice President 4 year term
Senate 4 year term
Congress 2 year term
Have votes of confidence (failure to get 50% or more would require a new election):
President, Vice President & Senate - every 2 years
As for the Representatives in Congress:
If the voters in their district are not happy, they can petition for a new election which would require more than 50%
To be able to vote:
Be a U.S. Citizen
Be 18 years or older
Be atleast a High School Graduate
Can not be drawing Welfare
Must be a tax payer(if the fair tax was implemented it would take care of that)
I believe this method would give us alot better choices in candidates, more qualified candidates, and fewer less educated voters
That my 2 cents.
The Dems don't have any ideas
They just repeat the same slogans and fear card all the time... Republicans are either stupid or dumb mantra, while showing no plan... Most of the people in politics are there because the can read a speech or look good.... if you have good ideas, the dems will demonize you... same old stuff..... The Dems support all the plans of the past and aren't able to figure out a "Progressive Plan" to change things for the better, just FDR plans of the past. .... Look at the Dem plan for jobs.... shovel ready... what a joke... they have no new ideas, the are always looking to the past...
Thank you Gleno! and thats for you:
The recession has hit everybody really hard...
My neighbor got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.
Wives are having sex with their husbands because they can't afford batteries.
CEO's are now playing miniature golf.
Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.
A stripper was killed when her audience showered her with rolls of pennies while she danced.
I saw a Mormon with only one wife.
If the bank returns your check marked "Insufficient Funds" you call them and ask if they meant you or them.
McDonald's is selling the 1/4 ouncer.
Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America .
Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children's names.
My cousin had an exorcism but couldn't afford to pay for it, and they re-possessed her!
A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico .
A picture is now only worth 200 words.
When Bill and Hillary travel together they now have to share a room.
The Treasure Island casino in Las Vegas is now managed by Somali pirates.
Congress says they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal. Oh Great! The guy who made $50 Billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $1.5 Trillion disappear!
And, finally...
I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc., I called the Suicide Hotline. I got a call center in Pakistan and when I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck.
And remember he never voted on hardly anything...Just present....
Looks like my Green Call from earlier this morning has now come to pass..
Jake, right you are! Yes, I resemble a putz.
My Dad sent me this:
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”
-- Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006
This is saying to look for shorts..???$TRINQ&p=D&yr=0&mn=8&dy=0&id=p16975527264&a=14540268
LOL..Of course you wouldn;t...
Just got the signal for the 60 min 20MA..Guess we see...1333 ish
POKER..I totally agree with you...Self first , country down the line someplace...and we send those donkeys to Washington to serve OUR interests...What a joke..
Well we finally did hit the down target of the 10EMA from yesterdays signal...No new signal but watch CCI10..If it can cross below zero then the target wil be the 20MA now at 1333.09...Actually it wouldn;t surprise me to see us go green sometime today..$SPX&p=60&yr=0&mn=0&dy=15&id=p93472946869&a=121806161
I just heard this and I think it is pretty good.
"There are two parties in Washington, the stupid party and the evil party. When they come together and make a deal it is bipartisan, evil and stupid. The country loses."
Face it, until there are term limits, a politician's first concern will always be getting re elected. What is good for the country will always be a lower priority.
Some things that would save this country.
Cut, Cap and Balance.
One five year term for the Presidency.
Term limits for Congress.
The Fair Tax.
Last night I was thinking about the car biz after Brian Obama Williams was talking about the gov't getting their money back...But there are over 300 million people in the USA and the Big Three will sell 11 million cars this year??? That is about 3.6 % of the people buying new cars...Seems like a pretty small percentage of new car buyers ...Maybe if you took out the kids and old people it would increase th epercentage...I have no idea what that means...This information is of absolutely no value..
The Fed sold their Chyrsler Stock
took a 1.3 billion dollar loss with our money... Maybe they were buying CAT stock with that money yesterday... LOL
Liquidity expanded yesterday and no one knows where the money is coming from..Da Boyz say it is not them and the uninformed do not buy enough to cause a big expansion....Must just be magic...
The Red dashed line was lining up with Foot's histogram. If you time your entry with the $NYADV:VIX and PPO - you should get a better entry. But you are correct - if we could put a slam dunk system together - we would all hire a programmer and let our computers do the trading while we putzed around in the garage - or where ever you like to putz. I like the 60 minute chart with the $NYADV:VIX on it - while it still has some shortfalls - it fits pretty well. Then add the MOON chart and now you've got something LOL.
Jake, as you can see Chart 1 isn't perfect.....when you look at July 5th. Red dashed line,down, but market keeps going up.
guess no chart/indicator is correct all the time. :)$CPCE&p=D&yr=0&mn=6&dy=0&id=p63036889113&a=239483170
rab...Good to hear from you...Hope you stick around ...
re Big charts
I put the link up for big charts and the chart I should always trade with LOL on the links box on the bored.
You can right click the chart when it comes up and
then click on properties,
then right click on the address and select all,
then right click the lighted up area and click Copy.
Put that url in the address box in your browser and click on Enter..
Save the charts to favorites
Not sure if you know how to do that, but am doing that for gleno's sake LOL.. Trade the cross of the RSI .5 :)
Big charts
re trades
Twitter? what's that LOL I have so many emails each day, that keeps me hopping just answering those. Guess teaching an old dog new tricks is over the top. Here is a good chart to trade. Simple, just trade the RSI 14 crossover the .5. Keeping it simple :)
big chart
Foot, if you follow his trades on Twitter you will be surprised. There is full transparency. I don't know for how long he will give it for free, but in the mean time enjoy his analysis
re site
Is pretty unstable. Not sure what is going on with that. Today is one of those bull/bear day that will tell all and all is exposed. Banks rallied big time yesterday as well as semi's, so they need to have a follow through day to break rez.
Looks like cup and handle deals
all over the place, so the markets should explode to the upside. Guess they think the Republicans and conservatives will cave. 12876 Dow break will tell all, since they are the strongest index and are leading.... of course, a dollar rally has them with the greatest down fall..
GE.... I want to run my business and not have to pay taxes... Guess if you are Rangle, Timmy, Jeffery or the guy who hides his boat in another state and fought in Vietnam and other famous Dems, taxes is just rhetoric...LOL I will never buy another GE product or US car.... my private moratorium against corruption.
Hi Rab
Yep, we try to hide, but you guys always find us LOL..
I know you and Footster love the MACD - but here are two of my latest love connections. Let's see how long I can keep them optimized LOL.
Other than a couple of sucker plays - after reviewing my set-ups - I don't really see any downside to speak of yet. We'll know in about eight hours.$CPCE&p=D&yr=0&mn=6&dy=0&id=p63036889113&a=239483170$SPX&p=60&yr=0&mn=2&dy=0&id=p04433526883&a=239611650
Good trading everyone.
Jake, I know guys who swear by this Moon stuff. Maybe there is something to it. Thanks for sharing this chart.
The old MACD doesn't look too lagging to me on the 60 min.
Look at the fastline cross, right in line with your dashed lines, in most cases.$SPX&p=60&yr=0&mn=4&dy=0&id=p90980644165&a=239917141&listNum=1