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Alias Born 06/15/2011

Re: jakemem post# 1718

Thursday, 07/21/2011 10:35:09 PM

Thursday, July 21, 2011 10:35:09 PM

Post# of 1822

The old MACD doesn't look too lagging to me on the 60 min.

Look at the fastline cross, right in line with your dashed lines, in most cases. smile

$SPX&p=60&yr=0&mn=4&dy=0&id=p90980644165&a=239917141&listNum=1" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer ugc" target="_blank">$SPX&p=60&yr=0&mn=4&dy=0&id=p90980644165&a=239917141&listNum=1
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