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Gold And Silver Explode Higher! Is it Finally Time to Buy?
Jason Hamlin -
June 20, 2014
God Bless
( Sorry for the late reply )
I have been buying what you recommend as funds permit.
My account is tied up in lots of things -- unrelated things -- which have locked most of my working capital
Mostly though, these other things are devouring my time.
PNPFF, and its underlying mines ( many of which I own, including ) are lumbering beasts, plodding along in a solid way. But not moving too fast yet.
I am here today because I noticed the very nice bump this a.m.
Good times ahead. This year ! And especially by 2017 and 2020, when I see this financial house of cards going down. COMPLETELY !
Thanks for your posts. I always read them, but do not always have time for a thoughtful response these days !
THanks again, very much
Industry: General Mining
5,368,500 common shares ( as of Q3-2013, CAL^F holdings are up substantially since then )
Gold Market Update -
Clive Maund: June 8, 2014
Caledonia Mining Corporation (CALVF) Estimate Average Target Price -
Price target for CAL?
CALEDONIA fair market price $100//sh +++++++->GO CAL ++FLY CAL -->>>
Rock & Roll King Little Richard
@ 4yrs old singing and playing
God Bless
Ever since the bull market in the HUI began every time the momentum indicator black line moved above the declining red trend line a huge move up began. The trend is definitely our friend when it gets busted on the way up. If anyone wants to join the parade now’s the time.
((( What is the HUI ? The NYSE Arca Gold BUGS Index (also known as the HUI Index) is a modified equal dollar weighted index of companies involved in gold mining. BUGS stands for Basket of Unhedged Gold Stocks. The Gold BUGS Index is listed on the NYSE Amex under the symbol "HUI". The HUI Index and Philadelphia Gold and Silver Index (PHLX: XAU) are the two most watched gold indices on the market. The main difference between them is that the HUI Index takes into account only gold mining stocks whereas the XAU Index includes both gold and silver producers. From Wiki )))
ANOTHER QUOTE FROM THE LINK AT TOP : "It appears that the yearly chart of silver is showing us something fascinating. Loud and clear, it is telling us that there are 4 years between bottoms and tops. The next top might even reach $207.00 an ounce."
Well-presented charts. Nice predictions of gold and Silver prices.
Worth a careful read, IMO. Or not.
Thank you much !
Got some reading to do .
Pinetree Capital Ltd. PNP Presentation -
God Bless
GOOD POST ! Everything you say is correct. I am not an investor in gold - silver. I am a stacker and don't care if it goes up or down. But PNPFF issues a daily value based on a "market price" , whatever that means. ( In $$$ symbols )
I DON'T WANT THIS CORRECTION TO CONTINUE. I do not want to be correct, really. It's not a case of a stopped clock being right twice a day. I was not prepared for the current correction to be this brutal ! Not this long - - - or this deep.
I see what the evil ba5tard banker elites in NY & London and Zurich and Belgium can do, to manipulate the price of PMs down, and ro discourage stackers and investors both . . .
HERE IS WHAT I COMPLETELY BELIEVE - - - no, I don't believe it, I KNOW IT : ( What you said ) the world is ending SOON !!! ( And I will add this to what you said ) THE NYC BANKSTER THIEVES want to have as much gold as they can, and as cheaply as possible. They want all of the gold, and will discourage stackers into selling theirs to them cheap. The people need to have a necktie party for these thieves.
THEY CAN KNOCK THE PRICE DOWN TO $1000, or even below there, and they can do so long enough to discourage some of the most ardent stackers to quit in disgust. Thus harming themselves and their families.
The American gov't and banking authorities (i) DO NOT WANT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO SAVE THEMSELVES WITH GOLD and (ii) will do anything they can to prevent such actions.
Contrast that with Red China which has gold-gram issuing ATM-like machines, for the Chinese people to use, and to save themselves from what is surely coming : THE DEATH OF PAPER MONEY !
OUR GOV'T IS EVIL, and un-Constitutional. And in the pockets of the Banksters. GOLD & SILVER are Constitutional money, but no one in gov't respects the Constitution any more. Least of all that self-proclaimed "Constitutional scholar", B.H.O.
I can't find the reference right away, but, as is known, G & S are Constitutional money. And the Federalist papers in support of writing the Constitution, call for death for anyone taking the Gold out of money. FDR should have read that in 1933, and the Supreme Court should have prevented him from stealing the Peoples' gold. Hopeless dreams I have occasionally . . .
I do not want or expect Gold to have another leg down in the current correction. I fear the power of the Bankster-owned gov't to do it one more time.
And people whom I greatly respect are issuing warnings, well reasoned warnings. It may be prudent to hear the warnings, even if I choose not to believe them, or heed them.
Stackers stack, and don't sell ! It's the number of ounces one owns, and not the price of them in green gov't issued toilet paper.
Again, I agree with you, but I also fear the banksters !
And the feverous pitch for gold keeps marching on. I've been listening to this hype since the mid-eighties. One day you will be correct. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. That day may come. But, don't underestimate the creativity of our government to be sure it doesn't. The very existence of our Republic may depend on it.
News flash!! The world is ending SOON.
Trade gold. Keep an emergency stash. Don't invest in it.
PNPFF is the best mining fund that I own !
ALL OF THE GOLD AND SILVER AND MINING SITES THAT I GO TO are strong G & S & mining supporters - and also anti-gov't money printing sites.
The authors that post at these sites see the future with stunning clarity : THE COLLAPSE OF THE DOLLAR IS DEFINITELY COMING ! 100%. Only when is an open question ?
Personally, I think gold begins it's final blow-off rise in 2015, and will climb steadily through 2020. Gov'ts are already bankrupt, and are borrowing money to pay the interest on debt - - - and the crushing demographic of the ongoing retirement tidal-wave is going kill the endless borrowing. MASSIVE PRINTING AHEAD.
About half of the best authors on these sites thinks a gold rally is already ongoing, and others ( good people ) think there is another, and very painful leg down, in the correction that started almost three years ago.
It does not matter what I know is (eventually) coming, I need to know the truth, which prepares me better. And it certainly does not matter what my most fervent desire is ( $3000 to $5000 gold, which is great for PNPFF & the miners ! ) - - the market will do what it will do.
THE FUTURE IS CLEAR : In the next 3 years, and certainly in the next 5 years, gold is going to amaze and electrify all of the disbelievers. THEY WILL ALL BE CONVERTED.
The only open question is what happens in the next year or so, before G-7 ( is it G-6 now ? ) begins its final blow-off phase of MASSIVE MONEY PRINTING !!! Again, the dollar is toast ! It is already dead, but the damned FED does not know it yet.
HERE'S WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN: The correction could reassert itself, as the elite NY-LONDON-BELGIUM banking axis tries to crush gold for once and for all. THEY WILL FAIL, but they will do some horrible damage to the pro-gold-mining crowd. Which is you and me.
We can pretend a correction cannot happen again, because we think this one is over. To me, being prepared is part of being a wise investor.
The next arrticle I post will be a PRO-PRO-PRO GOLD one. One sayig the correction is completely over. But since I already believe that, reading what I already know and believe, does not prepare me for the worst.
THE FUTURE IS BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN ! Only what happens between today, and the future, might be an open question.
PNPFF: Still suffering.
The recent knockdown in gold, minor as it was, hit PNPFF harder than I think it should have. And when the DOW & SP500 tank big time ( in the very near future ) PNPFF will be collateral damage — briefly, only for a short time .
This suffering, which will end, is becoming tiresome, IMO.
GOOD TIMES AHEAD !! Gotta stay focused on the prize.
The recent smashdown -- from about $1380, to somewhere below $1300, shows that nefarious powers can smash gold — whenever they want ! And they do, and they will.
PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS tells the truth :
So -- for me -- there is the near-term, the mid-term and the long-term.
One year, perhaps three years, and five years. The last 2½ years have been brutal . They have demonstrated their power. So here is my prognosis, completely in agreement with what you said in your last post :
ONE YEAR — unsteady rise, with periodic takedowns by the elite banksters . . .
1 - 3 YEARS — after a while, the rise becomes steady, as the USA economic and financial situation deteriorates, due to unbelievable and unsustainable debt . $2500 to $3500 or so .
3 - 5 YEARS — meteoric rise commences. To $5000 or perhaps even $10,000 !!!
The purpose of the gold smashdowns is to discourage people from trading in their green toilet paper for HEAVY HARD REAL GOLD. Outflows from the GOLD etf during 2013, hundreds of tons, proved that the bankster smashdown worked.
People abandoned GOLD, and the price collapsed to $1100 or so.
GOLD IS DEFINITELY GOING TO $5000.00 once the collapse commences. But the smashdowns will be demoralizing and designed to get people to stay out of gold.
Imagine what would happen if the banksters take down gold — ONE LAST TIME — to $1000 or even $800 !! .... Would you have the stamina to hold fast your position in PNPFF even if you are down 30% ? That is their goal, to scare people out of their positions.
The reason P.C.R. writes what he writes - - - is so people will be prepared for the takedowns that are coming, and see them as buying opportunities, and not a time to sell low.
Complicated, ain't it ?
Hold your PNPFF, and your other gold and silver-related positions until 2020 for sure.
You'll be glad you did — and then you will be rich, too. ( So will I . )
Everyone seems to think the metal will be on the rise for some time to come
REGARDING PNPFF — Michael Noonan on Gold
Michael Noonan, who often posts on, is one of the best Gold commentators that I follow. In many important respects, as Gold goes, so goes PNPFF.
Remember that PNPFF, like Gold, helps protect us all from the predations of the NY / LONDON Axis of Bankster thieves. This article discusses a lot of things, including how we lost our rights to the NY elite Bankster thieves :
This is long. This is a perfect read, IMO. I have printed this to share with the few of my friends, who also believe that the end of our debt-fueled party is near.
Another view of what is coming for gold, and hence, PNPFF . . .
This is a good guy, I have read him for years, and he is a good Technical Analyst. It can be hard to get used to his English / Scottish take on conversational English, as opposed to American English -- but not really that hard to read.
Just takes some getting used to :
HE SAYS WHAT I KNOW TO BE TRUE ( final paragraph ): We will get where we want to go -- eventually -- but just not without some pain along the way. And the point of the article in my previous post ? That pain might be quite substantial ! Even so, the writer of the previous post sees $3000.00 gold soon enough.
PNPFF is a lock. Are you able to endure the pain that the elite bankster thieves might inflict on you along the way ?
Sorry about the delay responding. I typed you a really pithy response first thing yesterday morning, and my computer locked up just as I was about to "submit post"
My computer is junk, and I am transferring over to a much newer one this week.
YOUR POST 132: Do you think we are in for the bounce now? We should be good to go, I think.
Well, I was not up to trying to retype my post from memory, blah blah blah blah blah, and basically what I said was that the elite bankster oligarch thieves could not allow us to protect ourselves with gold as a savings mechanism, and they would crush gold as often as they had power too ( with the gov't's blessing ) and the money to do so, because shorting gold is expensive and risky.
I read this last night and this article says what I typed, better, and with charts :
If gold gets whacked again by the NY / London / Zurich / Belgium elite bankster thieves, to $1100, or even to $1000, then PNPFF is toast, at least until gold recovers.
Ouch. I ain't selling, because I need the insurance of owning PNPFF. And bullion as well (like with C^F).
The article above is a great, well-written article. Many people that I respect, and follow, are predicting another gold takedown. Imagine how a takedown to $1000, or worse, $800, would crush the spirits of people who want to protect their wealth -- with gold -- from (inflation) theft by the NY / London / Zurich / Belgium elite bankster thieves.
Truly, we have no hope but gold, and funds like PNPFF !
Or, alternatively, you can trust the NY / London / Zurich / Belgium elite bankster thieves -- GOOD LUCK WITH THAT !
More later, I am not quite done setting up my Windows 8 PC. It is hard for me to customize, given my background.
Do you think we are in for the bounce now? We should be good to go, I think.
5,368,500 common shares ( as of Q3-2013, CAL^F holdings are up substantially since then )
It's clear that with the upside potential, going overweight in CAL^F is a good way to ride this, beyond holding PNPFF. I get it.
Price target for CAL?
CALEDONIA fair market price $100//sh +++++++->GO CAL ++FLY CAL -->>>
Rock & Roll King Little Richard
@ 4yrs old singing and playing
Industry: General Mining
Top Shareholders
by goldeagle @ another BBboard
thanks great info -
God Bless
I own Pinetree as a proxy for Canadian mining and Canadian O&G. I don't have the time to research these smaller, niche, higher risk companies. But, Pinetree does. It is their expertise. All through the depths of the US financial crises PNP kept buying shares and investing in these business when prices were cheap. So, I kept buying PNP shares. It appears, from the substantial losses PNP has booked, that some of these investments didn't pan out.
I read an article the other day that said a large number of these junior Canadian companies have less than 13 months cash on hand. Many of these companies have not been able to produce because of low commodity pricing. Still, many will not make it, or will need to sell equity to people like PNP in the coming months just to stay in business. And, these "rescuers" are like vultures circling a dead animal. They only by cheap. Real cheap. That process could continue for another year depending on PNP's cash.
However, I think PNP NEEDS TO WORK HARDER to get their own share price on par with NAV. I'm getting tired OS waiting for someday.
Thanks for posting the information. I also just like looking at the trades. So many more buys than sells every day. Go PNPFF
Hi NYBob, and also 7kidsmom
I read Jeff Clark a lot, in the P.M., and P.M. stocks space. In the article below -- he discusses the potential for stocks of the kind that PineTree holds. He supports his "ten-bagger" call with the historical record, going back decades.
This is 13 or 14 pages printed, depending on your printer setup. The list of historical junior and explorer share prices he gives is fantastic, if you are a fan of historical analysis, as I am.
History shows that precious metals stocks move in cycles. We've now completed a major bust cycle and, we believe, are on the cusp of a tremendous boom. The only way to make the kind of money outlined above is to buy before the boom is in full swing. That's now. For most readers, this is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
As you can see above, there can be great variation among the returns of the companies. That's why, even if you believe we're destined for an "all-boats-rise" scenario, you still want to own the better companies.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
PineTree already owns the better companies, IMO. Nice start today, as you say !
Another nice start
Looks like most of PNP's sectorial investments are hitting
the sweet spot.
Precious metals, technology, uranium and lithium.
Will be good to not only get an update on the asset value but
the current holdings.
There will be a significnt increase in asset value Feb 15 -
for sure north of a dollar.
Once the portfolio starts
growing consistantly and they start booking profits again
we should trade at premium, not discount to net asset value.
As at December 31, 2013, the fair value of the Company's total investments was $134 million, as compared to $270 million as at December 31, 2012. The composition of Pinetree's investment portfolio by sector as at December 31, 2013 and 2012 is outlined in the following table:
----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- December 31, 2013 December 31, 2012 ------------------------------------- % of % of Sector ($'000) Total ($'000) Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resources: Precious metals 52,802 39.5 145,169 53.7 Oil and gas 16,647 12.4 30,433 11.2 Base metals 14,103 10.5 31,075 11.5 Uranium 11,909 8.9 18,875 7.0 Potash, lithium and rare earths 12,299 9.2 27,739 10.3 Coal 595 0.4 2,140 0.8 ------------------------------------- Total resources 108,355 80.9 255,431 94.5 ------------------------------------- Technology and other 25,610 19.1 14,749 5.5 ------------------------------------- Total investments 133,965 100.0 270,180 100.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net asset value per share ("NAV") was $0.65 as at December 31, 2013
God Bless
With the price of metals on the rise, I am sure the value per share is higher now.
Pinetree Capital Ltd. Announces Financial Results for the Year Ended
December 31, 2013 and Updated December 2013 NAV
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - March 6, 2014) -
Pinetree Capital Ltd.
("Pinetree") (TSX:PNP) today announces its audited consolidated
financial results for the year ended
December 31, 2013.
God Bless
The list list pretty long, but I like the graph. Investors can follow the link, I hope.
I am hoping that this is really the start of a nice long upward trend!
I was confused about whether you were referring to a post I made about the price being "boxed" a few posts ago -- or the "board box" as it were.
I did read the box, completely, and what you added is very good. Personally, I would like to see the list of holdings ( always 2 quarters behind ) in the box also, but that's just me.
I like to drown in details. Most people find my attention to tiny details to be obsessive at times.
What a fine freakin' day we had today !
Onward and upward !
Good luck here. I am just now getting into miners. It looks like a great place to be for 2014. I hope we can find some more posters. I did put information in the box--I could not tell from your comments if you read it.
You are correct about the sub-pennies.
Unbelievably, I have had a few of them go down 90% ( while the miners were being hammered ) and that is really hard to believe.
Still, some of them have recovered nicely, along with PNPFF.
Together, all of my miners and PNPFF may have a very good year, the way things are looking so far.
AFTER FIVE VERY BAD LOSING YEARS. I can be a glutton for punishment many times. I figure I am due a break.