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Hotstockace trades his pudding for bj's now, right?
I bet his bar of soap is the slipperyest in the yard.
Mark me and I'll mark you back.
I mark people who make me laugh on here....
thx..... just got a mark and I hope that upsets someone........
lmfaooooo....I made her list before she departed to the ihub paradise board in the sky....
.....and fvk all you crybabies...I'm here for fun not take advise on how to trade from some alias pushing their dump loads.....moranzzzzz ... Matt or HotStockAce come to mind...lolzzzz...I can trade on my own just fine
thought this place was shut down....lolzzzzzzzzzz...
Have a nice weekend all!
I know, really hits the spot huh.
Some here will never get it right,
believe what ever they want and
actually think Personmarks mean something. lolol
Youve earned a Personmark from me, yeah, earned.
Just curious if you think it's okay to inflate one's ego without any reason?
What a bunch of nonsense.
I can't even begin to comment on what you posted.
I like this one...
Just a request... Please, do not mark me because I came to this board and asked for one. If you have already have, do yourself a favor and remove me. I posted here just to see what would happen. I received about 40-50 person marks that I don't deserve. Not to mention the useless PMs I received.
iHub users don't deserve a person mark just by asking for one, imo. Is there any thought process in that?
Please stop PMing me things like... "I got ya, hit me back.", "Marked! Don't forget to do me!" YUK!!!
Do me a favor, please browse your Favorites and then remove me from your Favorites unless you have a genuine interest in what I have to offer. 'Rich' shouldn't be too hard to find.
Seriously, enough is enough.
Next time I get a 'spam' PM from somebody asking for a person mark, I'm tellin'.
you really take that shit way too seriously
Thx MGP..... Had you marked already too. :)
That right there, is the best post I have seen on this board, or any other, as it relates to Personmarks..
Thank you surfstocks.
Already have you marked btw.
Good post, man it's a ghost town here.... the other board has 179 marks and this one has 16 marks (mostly marks from posters on the other board lol) so I think the ihub community has spoken. The only ones that get angry are the ones that hold their personmarks sacred, and usually those people take themselves too seriously anyway. It's just like generational differences, the older generations think things should stay the way they were, the younger ones always want change. The only difference is that the old way of gaining a ton of personmarks was to be a P&D'er (I know there's lot's of exceptions). They would go to a board that they are pumping and tell everyone on the board what they want to here (the true longs) and then they would dump shares on them, or the people that hired them would dump and then they would move on. While they're on the board everyone loves them because they are saying what they want to hear and they shower him/her with personmarks. They would constantly go from board to board and grab tons of personmarks along the way. That's how LOT"S of posters grabbed their personmarks, so let's keep it REAL. If I wanted to do that I could just go to boards that have lot's of Boardmarks and collect Personmarks by telling everyone what they want to hear. Also, lot's of posters on these boards that became familiar with eachother would personmark eachother because they were friends. Personmark Exchange just made a clubhouse for these people that now have friends they didn't have before. I now exchange posts, stock ideas etc.. with people I wouldn't have if the board wasn't there. A lot of this negativity towards the exchange is the attitude of people getting on the boat and pulling up the ladder before anyone else gets on, people want to feel special and I think some peoples' ego was fueled by these ihub personmarks...... it's silly and I guess we are all the same in that regard, it's just to what degree! If you are looking at how many personmarks someone has and not to the content of their posts backed with your own DD, then maybe you should just find another hobby anyway, this isn't for you.
Ihub's Personmark System works just fine, as intended.
No need to make more out of it than it was intended to be.
Seems to me quite a few misunderstood or never read what
its true purpose was exactly. Lots of rants over fantasy not facts
is what ive been reading in these discussions here, lol.
I guess some have more time to waste worrying about others and
how big a slice of pie someone else gets than understanding what
the personmark system was intended to be used for, and that simple
use is to "track users", same as marking a board.
Just because a board has alot of marks doesnt mean those are the
boards you want to follow does it?? Same goes for the Personmark.
Just curious if you enjoy free speech on other boards ...... Why don't you practice it yourself?
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Created: 3/21/2004 1:32:16 PM
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Traders or people investing look for people who have been around the block!
We need to come up with a rule for this Top People thing.
re-read this over and over and over
It seems to only really affect the OTC players here. They are the only ones bent on manipulating it. And that isn't cool.
So, let's play ball.
I'm proposing that if I catch you begging for people marks (publicly or privately) or doing anything to artificially mess with your rating, you are going to get whacked by about 20+ spots on the list. And have to rebuild it the right way from there.
And I'll bookmark anybody who catches somebody doing it.
Maybe we could also include number of posts deleted negatively affecting a rating. Makes sense to me.
Why would you want to artificially increase your score, anyways?
If it's not real, then what good does it do for you?
and for every pm i get from your groupies i report them and refer to this post
and this is a fav of mine re manipulated MM's
>>Serious Question: Why can't we beg/negotiate for people marks, and how would you catch us?<<
Because it's manipulation, man.
How would I catch you? Well, some people post this stuff publicly.
Others send me copies of PMs they get from others (regarding the beggars). I take a lot of folks here at their word that the PM is real. Until they give me a reason to not trust them.
Why would you want to artificially increase your score, anyways?
If it's not real, then what good does it do for you?
you really take that shit way too seriously
and as i told u ihub is never gonna let u see who has u MM'd
I guess you have missed all the action on that board as of late?
Personmarks seem to be the No.1 discussion.
I have tried my best to send that discussion to this board. But to no avail.
then i suggest u ask that question on ihubs ques/answer bd asap and see how quick the admins laff u off the bd
i tell u it aint ever gonna happen
only nosey egotists seem to think they deserve to see has them MM'd
iHub should allow members to approve or deny a person mark. There are several things that conflict with person marks. You don't know who is following you, and that could put your investment in jeopardy. Someone could swap person marks and then remove it immediately.
Solution to person marks, put a or
thumbs up button next to posts & boards.
How about a button on the mobile apps next to posts
I think it would solve a lot of problems.
It would also reveal a lot of two faced individuals.
ihub is never going to let the MM egotists see who has them marked
that would be just another way to retaliate IF u un-marked an alias
I have deleted as many posts as I could that were not on Topic.
Please stay on topic.
Thank you.
Posted this a couple months ago.
All posts are just opinions, not investment advice. Read the disclaimer.... Buy it or Don't. Don't care!
By all means then, feel free to explain your stance with a clearer picture.
Seriously, Your trying to put words in my mouth. If you want to discuss I will be more than happy to.
But keep it with in the realm of reality.
If the person is addressing something TOWARDS you, and then it turns out to be a scam, yes I would say they share responsibility.
Again, are you saying criminals will be criminals and it's a persons lot in life to dodge them? This sounds like the belief system of a criminal.
Again we misunderstand each other. That comment was for you this time not for the whole world of investors. And 7Billion people in the world and of course everyone should be held accountable for everyone else's choices, RIGHT? NOT!
Aren't we supposed to be talking about personmarks?...LOL
I'm sorry, but I'm just not buying it.
OK, so you are responsible for being so stupid as to get yourself involved with any penny stocks you choose. Granted.
However, there are newbies in the world, and some don't yet know what they have gotten themselves into. As has been for all of us, it's a time progression. We are not born with wisdom.
I do agree that if you continue to throw away your money after being burnt numerous times, with the belief that "this time is different"; or you think the SEC is involved with protecting naked shorters and yet you STILL throw your money into these stocks, then yes, you have probably gotten what you deserved.
However, stating that it's your fault for getting taken would be akin to your government blowing your social security and it's your fault for allowing it.
You don't feel the criminals have any responsibility at all? You think all the world should be "buyer beware"? Pretty cynical world you live in.
Hi fd, First let me say that I just used your post not a direct statement to you. Second, my point was the TOS and TOU are King here on IH and that is what members should go by. And if there is nothing about PersonMarks and how they can and should be obtained. Then let anyone give them for whatever reason they want, or not.
Thirdly, your money is your own and Only YOU can decide to Put it in Play or Not. Don't try and Play the Blame Game for Something that is Ultimately Under Your Complete Control
amusing..That could be your agenda. The term covers a wide spectrum!
I have no agenda here. I am offended by your inference. OK, I do have the agenda of amusing myself. Does that count?
BTW, I disagree on your point that no one should be held accountable for anything. Have you not noticed how the owner of this site was held accountable? The only thing that should matter here is your alias reputation. There is nothing more to judge an alias by. If you are a paid tout to push some scam penny stocks, I say, by all means lets label you as you are and hold you accountable. You are getting paid money to try and steal from me. I would hold you just as accountable as if you reached in my pocket and snatched my wallet.
This is a stock message board. Everyone here has an agenda. Take it all with a grain of salt. No one here should be held accountable for anything, except Following the TOS and TOU. And neither of those say that you can not Solicit PersonMarks. PersonMark anyone you want for whatever reason you want.
One Mans Opinion...
Only when my wife will allow it.
Which is not often.
But hey, every once in awhile is good enough for me!
Can you pick up chicks like you got in your siggy? I wan't to learn?
I don't go around looking for others who know how to trade and pick stocks.
I already know how.