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OXDG revoked:
OXDG SEC Suspension for delinquent Financials/Filings:
Admin Proceeding:
Looks like merger was completed.
Occidental Development Group, Inc. (“ODG”, the “Company”, “we”, “us”) was incorporated in the State of Nevada in 1998. The Company provides services and support to the legal marijuana industry through subsidiaries and joint ventures. Services span the industry sector and include: agricultural land and commercial space for lease to marijuana horticulturalists, staffing and payroll services for the MMJ industry - connecting employers with the right talent to grow their business, and technology App’s connecting B2B, MMJ to the end consumer. Historically, the Company operated in the green building sector offering control and automation technology for single and multi unit new construction and existing buildings.
OXDG merger
OXDG Security Details
Share Structure
Market Value1 $288,367 a/o May 05, 2015
Authorized Shares Not Available
Outstanding Shares 75,886,165 a/o Apr 17, 2014
Letter of Intent with 420 International Corp.
On April 27, 2015, our Board of Directors authorized and the Company entered into a Letter of Intent with 420 International Corp., which provides services and support to the legal marijuana industry through subsidiaries and joint ventures. Services span the industry sector and include: agricultural land and commercial space for lease to marijuana horticulturalists, staffing and payroll services for the MMJ industry - connecting employers with the right talent to grow their business, and technology app’s connecting MMJs B2B and to the end consumer.
The total purchase price for the assets of 420 International Corp. to be acquired under the Letter of Intent is 38,257,033 restricted common shares of the Company (these shares being 70% of the Company's equity held by the Company's principals), 40% to be issued to Jessica Hoang, or to corporate entities on the instructions of Jessica Hoang, and 30% to be reserved for issuance to an individual or to a corporate entity, mutually acceptable to the parties and on the instructions of Jessica Hoang, the issuances to take place at the earliest opportunity following the Company becoming current with its regulatory filings.
Under the Letter of Intent, the parties have agreed to use best efforts to complete and close the transaction on or before May 31, 2015 and to execute documents as necessary to achieve the acquisition of the Seller's assets and liabilities by the Company.
Hasn't helped the pps. That is the change I'm looking for.
After an RS, some brokers are faster than others about restarting trading. Etrade is not one of the best. As for it's prospects, this company does not make money for its shareholders, but you will only suffer a total loss if you hold to the next RS. IMO, wait and watch for an opportunity. No exit will be profitable, but some will be better than others.
I see the stock was traded today 8/22 yet Etrade will not take any orders for trading, what goes here ? What's the general feeling about this dog, is this going to be a total loss, I have 100,000 pre reverse split shares ?
So what now? Just going to be diluted to the trips again?
Not a surprise, another new name and another reverse split.
Intelligent Living Corp. changed to Occidental Development Group, Inc., and a one for 10 reverse split:
1 X 10 r/s ILVCD tomorrow
Be very very careful. This is a company that does not share the wealth.
ILVC 0.0012 - Swing-trade !
Could be our next Featured Play !
Good advice, but at this point is would cost me more to get out then to stay in and wait for another pump.
Looks like it, VERT is sitting on the offer hiding his shares for sale showing only 10k and no matter how many hit the ask it doesnt change. Run from this one.
Am I the only one still left in this turd?
Not so bad. Well done not sticking around.
Had 10k shares with the promo sold in the green but my sell order didnt get filled all the way got stuck with 1300 shares out about 100 bucks not the end of the world. About to sell mkt just to get it off my list
I'm afraid this is dead money for you now. I have a handful of shares from before the last reverse split so for me to break even, I need Google to buy them in a 1:1 stock exchange. Not gonna happen.
As TheSaint says, your best hope is to bail at the next pump, but only if it's before the next reverse split.
You will be stuck till the next pump, just hope they dont do another rs.
What a POS Been trapped here for awhile!! Is there anybody out there!!
Why the price bumped up today for no reason?
stick a fork in this one, this one has tanked.
Wanted to get in yesterday buy i backed out after seeing VFIN.
Its a "pump and dump", not a "dump and the hell with it"!
Am I right? Ha!
Its a "pump and dump", not a "dump and the hell with it"!
Am I right? Ha!
Yeah, that was a pretty weak pump! I got in/out yestrrday and am lucky I only dropped 10% on it!
The pump failed again today. Company dumping.
I received an email Warning about ILVC. I'm not a holder just sharing the email.
Members HOLD OFF on ILVC if you are not already LONG. Please use caution if you are in or trading ILVC. We do NOT like the pullback today right after the opening bell and wanted to email you immediately to tell you we have been watching Level II right on the open and don't like the Market makers in the stock. It seems there is PRESSURE in ILVC and we are canceling this trade and will be REWARDING all our Members with a New Super Secret Massive mover to replace ILVC.
Members, We have GREAT NEWS. We will be giving out a New Secret VIP pick to help Make up for this small headache today with ILVC. You will be very happy with our next pick sop make sure to open our next email.
If you're Getting this Message right now that means we have Placed you on our VIP List so you will actually get our New VIP Pick first and before the Rest of the Crowd. This new pick is in a super hot sector and we feel it will run high and has big potential. This one looks to be a great trader short term so act fast and don't sleep on this one.
-> Members Important: Please Confirm and Add Us now to your Safe Sender List:
1. Add Our Sender Name to your Email Inbox: ExclusiveStocks
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In order to get our New upcoming Vip Newsletter & Picks delivered directly to your Email Inbox fast in Real Time so you can Beat the Rest of the Crowd, Make sure to Add Us Now to your Email "Contact List, Address Book or Safe sender List".
Someone got played, glade it wasn't me
I don't think I will be playing. I would much rather have some Wings!
Let the games begin!
Hey Don, what are you doing over here? I just got a stock alert on this piece of work.
Looks like "Intelligent Living" off of bag holders...
Assets = $40,000 Liabilities = $1,890,000
Default registration status with Nevada SOS...
What more could one want???
Last pump a few months back got it over .15 I think. PRINT THE SHARES
I don't think thier paid pump worked on this piece o crap!
ILVC looks like people care what the YTs have to say
Why is this down ... ?
YT= seller ?