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NEXS registration revoked:
What does this mean to a bag holder with 20k shares.
NEXS SEC Suspension for severely delinquent Financials:
Admin. Proceeding:
Decent volume .. I'm looking for 1.3M
just watching.
Mic check.
2450 Holcombe Blvd Ste J
Houston, TX 77021-2041
Phone: (832) 758-7488
Fax: (973) 524-6069
NEXS~~Share Information
NEXS is in a share class of common stockFloat40.9MShares Outstanding64.3M
Anyne know whats going on with it?
Did the dump part of the pump and dump happen today? Sure looks like it
I bought in, I can't remember what they did last year but I made a few $ on it. Always fun gambling with pumps. I got the phone call on this one. As long as it keeps getting around 1million shares a day I'll hold. I'm expecting a short squeeze past .50 this week. Then I'll get out.
When they were pumping it it kept going down they moved on to sprn
I haven't gotten any correspondence about this stock from traders source for months....back when they first started.
Why is this going up?
Traders choice use to pump it when it went down they moved on to sprn
Yup Trader's choice pumping this. May be a genuine pump, don't know. Wanted me to buy 100000 shares.
Recently? I've already lost so much $$ on this, I figure I might as well stay in. What they are doing is potentially block buster but may be a stock scam
I have recieved tons of pump style phone calls and garbage news on this. Pure pump and dump
Please re-read the Press Release! IT IS NOT JOHNSON & JOHNSON!
Seems Johnson & Johnson are showing interest...
Interesting developments...
Seems Johnson & Johnson are showing interest...
Probably from traders choice calling again! they called me tried to convince me into buying back in...
Haha right....
Me and my friends buying more
Lol based on what?
LOL up/down its just sad that these scammers continually perform pump and dumps which end up costing naive investors 10's of thousands of dollars. On Traders Choice my feeling is that they dropped the pump of this company because they are being investigated by both the FBI and Interpol. What comes of that investigation is anyone's guess but at least they won't be sucking in any more unsuspecting victims into this scam NEXS. I'm still enjoying the warmth and beauty of Hong Kong instead of the cold and snow back in Moscow.
Hello, Wiz dude!! In passing, you sure picked the eventual outcome of XLIT! Where, just today, I posted the FINAL POST for that piece-of-you-know-what 'company'! (I.e., I couldn't let Rawman get-in the last post there. Even he is now trashing it big time.)
Regarding NEXS, yesterday, it dropped-down to circa $0.27 --- well on its way to precisely where you say it's headed. And, yes indeed, it was surprising how quickly TC pulled-the-plug on it. Hey! Olde TC could have ridden with that old line:
"This may be the last time you can buy NEXS
below $0.30 --- excuse us, below $0.20 ---
excuse us, below $0.10!" (And so on.)
I think you get the point! Still, though, Wizzy, toss a grand at it at circa $0.10 --- and then HOPE for circa 10-years! Myself?? Well, I need a pill to GAIN weight!
Up/down its going to a penny like I forecasted previously. Magic weight loss pill, I hardly think so. I'm just wondering why traders choice pulled the plug so fast on their pumping operation for this scam company.
This will be a great buy at circa $0.10 --- right where I said it was heading, weeks ago. And then hold it until year 2022 --- the year NEXS company itself estimates they MIGHT have a fat-loss pill for the (human) market. So, just KICK-BACK, dudes!! In the meantime, are ya ready for some FOOTBALL (U.S. style, that is --- not that boring E.U. stuff, with all that relentless running up-&-down the field, and then the score ends at "Zero-to-Zero" to boot! THAT kind of "football" --- here in the U.S. --- is rightfully reserved for elementary school girls & boys.
If the U.S. TV program "60-Minutes", for example, ever did an exposé on the penny markets, such would rock-the-World! The U.S. authorities could even toss the "RICO Act" at it! Will such ever transpire? You make the call! The penny markets make the likes of Vegas & Monte Carlo look like Girl-Scout-Cookies organizations!
Good move! To stay away from the pennies. At best, these days, just one out of thirty such plays will take off. Bad gambling. Might as well play the 'World Mega Lottery', for $10-$20 bucks a pop over here. The pennies were O.K. several years ago on the Net but, these days, the World is hip to the routine --- too hip.
And about Russians in Hong Kong? Well, lots of Russians coming to the States right here over the past few years. Every week, I hear them chatting (in Russian) --- behind me --- in a Walmart, Target, HomeDepot, or whatever big department store. Fret not, though! Donald Trump has said absolutely nothing about building a, 'Great Wall of Russia'. Let alone make the RUSSIANS pay for it to boot!
Anyway, dude. Over-&-out behind this particular board. NEXS is still a decent penny play, but not at its current price. If it hits $0.10, toss a grand at it, and then kick-back for 5-years to see if they ever market a fat-loss pill!
these people are amazing god bless all promoters.
I did sell most of my shares at break even. I may have lost a few bucks with the up charge but.... I'll see if it goes back up to sell the rest but if not, I won't be in the bread line b/c of it. I am out of the pennyland. I'll watch what I have left and hope for a miracle but won't bank my retirement on it. I hope it is correct that this sham will be stopped. How do ppl live with themselves?
Nonon resist the temptation, I already told you what is going to happen with this stock. Hopefully you sold most of your shares above .60 as I advised.
Up/down the secret to not getting burned with Chinese junk is as follows. When they approach you on the street or when shop owners yell at you to come inside and take a look, respond in Russian or some other Eastern European language. They will have no idea what you just said and will think that you have no English knowledge. For me this works every time. I did buy my wife some beautiful jade figurines but that time I spoke Chinese to them which in fact shocked the store owner because he never met a Russian who spoke fluent Chinese. Good luck with that other penny stock, my days of buying penny junk are over.
Hey, Wiz dude! Interesting points. Myself, I think penny promoters like TC all invariably back-off a promotion when the PRICE drops continuously for several days. Why do they back-off? Well, simply because to continue pumping a falling star would make the promoters themselves look BAD. Indeed, I told TC in emails that they must come up with a whole NEW theory of penny promotions if they desire to continue. Bottom line, as I have noted, the penny promotions era is OVER. Planet Earth is not stupid anymore, thanks to the Net.
In passing, did you get InvestorsHub's OWN (paid ad) promotion of "SIGMATA ELECTRONICS, INC." looming penny stock IPO??!!! Just think, dude, the likes of you and me can now become INSIDERS ourselves!!!!! I got a little excited about it, so I shot an email to SIGMATA. In reply, they said yes, I could grab some of their pre-market stock at circa $0.005 (??, can't remember!), but I had to send them a (cashier's) CHECK in the mail, etc. In any event, I did NOT (yet) grab any, but I did toss their handle up on "Google Alerts". And, Sigmata does in fact have a well-established website, or so it appears.
Don't go there, dude!! No, I am NOT a "shill for Sigmata"!!! Hey, Wiz, the thing I like about you, is that at least you are worldly enough to UNDERSTAND my curious sense of 'humor'! Others here actually take me seriously! And Hong Kong? Well, I was there years ago. And yes, like all tourists who go there, I did take home a nice model of a classic Chinese Junk! Indeed, one cannot even leave Hong Kong without showing Customs such a model. And, just like the penny stock markets, one cannot leave without having bought many 'Junk' souvenirs.
They called me late last week. They haven't stopped their campaign. I don't answer but they leave messages
Yo Petey! When you get out of the slammer please post your thoughts on this ticker! Sure didn't like that dump fest on Fri! 8k and proxy news out. Not sure if/how much that'll play a part. Been buying all the way down from .50-.34ish. Looking for a turn around!! Let me know your thoughts please!!
Up/down, what's interesting is that traders choice ended their promotion of NEXS after just several months. This means that the owner of NEXS only paid for several months of pumping (unlikely) or that traders choice is feeling the heat from regulatory agencies and decided to shut it down themselves. As I have previously said, I've been sending the pump emails for NEXS to one of the investigative agents at the SEC as they had requested. At this point it is impossible to determine the exact reason why TC ended their pump early, but it's a bad omen for TC's future ability to fraudulently pump non- existent shell companies.
As for Hong Kong, there are many avenues for elicit behavior, in my opinion this only takes away from the beauty and splendor of this magnificent city.
Mr. Blade, dude! What "crystal ball" do I have? Well, it's what the US Navy used to call --- and still does --- to wit, the standard issue:
"Mark-1, Model-1, Human Eyeball"
And, you have one too. Take that eyeball --- crystal ball not necessary --- and look at the NEXS chart for the past year. It looks identical the RIGHT slope of Mount Kilimanjaro when standing a few miles away from it on the plains of Africa. I.e., NEXS has been in a downward spiral for many months. And, it will bottom-out circa next Friday at --- like I said --- about $0.10-$0.15 per share.
As it is written, so it shall be done.
Absolutely, Non2! Firstly, though, I would ask the SEC to officially characterize the OTC & Pink Sheets --- AND Chicago Commodities Markets --- as virtual GAMBLING CASINOS. And, as such, moving forward, at least we GAMBLERS would be afforded the same 'safeguards' gamblers get at Monte Carlo, Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Reno, etc. And, instead of "purchasing penny stocks", we "investors" would then be buying PENNY STOCK GAMBLING CHIPS.
It's coming, dude. No question about it. As sure as the NEXS price by next Friday will be circa $0.15 a share. As the NEXS Insiders cash-out their Options for pennies-on-the-penny --- desperate to get whatever they can get.
But again, if one does not toss more than $2K-$10K bucks at this crap, it's still, 'good family fun'!
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