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News; $MOBL MobileIron to Be Acquired by Ivanti to Secure Every Endpoint and Power the Everywhere Enterprise
Transaction Creates World-Class Market Leader in Unified Endpoint Management, Zero Trust Security and Enterprise Service Management with Most Comprehensive Set of Solutions MobileIron (NASDAQ:MOBL), the mobile-centric security platform for the Everywhere Enterprise, toda...
In case you are interested MOBL - MobileIron to Be Acquired by Ivanti to Secure Every Endpoint and Power the Everywhere Enterprise
News; $MOBL Why MobileIron Stock Just Popped 13%
Shares of MobileIron (NASDAQ: MOBL) are hot as a frying pan this morning, rising 13.5% through 10:45 a.m. EDT, after Bloomberg reported that the company may be seeking a sale. MobileIron, which provides cybersecurity for mobile devices, has not yet confirmed the news, and even Bloomb...
In case you are interested MOBL - Why MobileIron Stock Just Popped 13%
I posted this on zip changers. Going throught old memories this entry in MOBL is pretty painfull. I remenber the acquisition of Kite Broadband gave me the highest boost of confidence. Jerry Sullivan, the billionair came on board. All down the toilet. damn! What happened to that guy?
I'm cleaning through my investments papers over the years (from 2004 to 2017) and all I can say "lucky LWLG never did a merger or acquisition"
MobilePro did lots of acquisitions, but the one that kept me was Kite Networks with CEO Sullivan (MOBL gone)
TXP Corp. Merger Agreement With Cambridge Industry Group (txp gone, cig still exists) together 20m in revenue.
Novint merger with Forcetek (NVNT gone)
Implant Science IMGX merger with Zapata Industries. IMGX gone/legal issues
All revenue producing companies.
imo, Jay cashed out before letting shareholders know anything.
I did not hear anything from my SEC complaint of Nov. 2014. It looked to me that the assets of MOBL went to another company. Now that company is bankrupt. We can not win for losing. Many things were said to keep us invested, just so others could cash out,IMO.
Did you ever got a response for your query? Do you know what happened to the stock?
What is taking so long for the SEC to investigate this security? Complaints have been filed over two years ago.
NASDAQ: MOBL MobileIron Inc. $8.90
Jay finally came thru, LOL.
goldie - i just came across your reply. have you followed the NUTT board? looks like a crony of Jay's. kind of ridiculous replies/posts about the past doesnt matter, they have turned over an new leaf, yada yada.
did you ever file a complaint with the SEC? if not - i would urge you to do so. i can not prove it is criminal but it is certainly suspect and without getting access to the financials (of course by now they have probably scrubbed them) - it cant be proven.
that being said - somehow they went from being non shareholders to controlling the company while it was in a dark period. that is not allowed and they are able to be sued for doing so.
2. Stockholders may bring litigation against the board of directors for, among other things, (a) breach of fiduciary duty caused by decreased liquidity and trading price resulting from “going dark,” if that in fact occurs, (b) insider trading by officers and directors on the basis of material non-public information (because no periodic reports have been filed or adequate information released), or (c) repurchases by the corporation on the basis of material non-public information.
i encourage you to file a formal complaint with the SEC and encourage any others you know that were caught up in this. i highlighted the share differential when NUTT provided limited disclosure to
I wish I had all the old emails (2004-2007) from Jay-boy, many of his responses turned out to be flat-out lies, as far as the MLOG situation, I had no idea. Most of these ex-CEO's were lawyers
who milked the OTC to their financial gains, imo. I do know Jay was a very busy man w/Bayberry and such and being a part-time CEO for MOBL that needed a full time CEO...
look at filing for NUTT on
MOBL originally owned 3.7MM shares of MLOG and on the reporting for NUTT (which MLOG did a reverse spin off to create) it shows that MOBL owns 1.7MM shares (i think). However, both Wright and Meccarelli are majority owners of NUTT even though neither ever had a reported position in MLOG despite being COB and CEO of MLOG. further, MLOG has had numerous IP suits that they appear to have been successful on since they keep suing and using the same venue and past rulings as reason to fast track the cases and keep the venue the same.
MLOG never reported financials after 2004 and never reported any reorg or restructuring. so - how did Wright and Meccarelli become 5%/majority shareholders of MLOG without reporting and/or where did the votes come from for the reverse merger/spin off into NUTT? since several shareholders were pressuring the two for financials and reporting on these results - the timing is VERY suspect and the continued refusal/ignoring of shareholders to get MLOG financials (now a private company) is a MAJOR RED FLAG. further, for MOBL shareholders - what was Wright's part in this whole deal when he was CEO of MOBL and COB for MLOG?!
this reeks. do your homework/DD and if you feel the same, file a complaint with the SEC.
I sold back in 2006 and 2007 before the demise occurred.
I was here when MOBL touched .41.
I remember the days of making thousands here...
Looks as if Mobilepro isn't trading anymore.
you should have some mlog coming to you
I own worthless pieces of paper stock certificates
with the name MobilePro Corp. (fka MOBL).
just because your dog was deregistered doesn"t meen you don"t own it
For what reason, and we aren't shareholders of MOBL
anymore, are we?
Stock was deregistered.
ARE MLOG shares to be distributed to mobl shareholders ???
Jay Wright said $100M revenue by this time.
Instead, our shares are worthless.
Good Bye MOBL. I have been here since 2001, like a lot of you. We had hoped for a better outcome. I learned: if the Directors jump ship, the ship is sinking. IMO, it looks like someone got away with what was left of MOBL. We will likely never find out...
thanx Renee, had a feeling this was coming
but didn't sell 1 share. Oh well.
GL to you.
Hi, Harr. Yes, it does seem to be S.O.P. by the SEC to quickly revoke stocks that do not immediately comply to an SEC Admin Proceeding.
MobilePro and the 530 other stocks that have been revoked in the last 2 years should know that the SEC doesn't fool around when they give formal notice to each company.
We go back a long way, Harr, so I wish the best to you!!
can anyone tell me how this revoke on mobl will effect the mlog and how we get our shares as mobl owners.
MOBL ...revoke the registration of each class of registered securities of Respondents.
Before the
Release No. 66693/ March 30, 2012
File No. 3-14767
In the Matter of :
MDI, INC., and :
The Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission) instituted this proceeding with an Order Instituting Administrative Proceedings (OIP) on February 23, 2012, pursuant to Section 12(j) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act). The OIP alleges that Lions
Petroleum, Inc. (n/k/a China Hongxing Agritech, Inc.) (Lions Petroleum), MDI, Inc. (MDI), and MobilePro Corp. (MobilePro) (collectively, Respondents) have repeatedly failed to file timely periodic reports with the Commission, in violation of Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act and Rules 13a-1 and 13a-13 thereunder.1
The Office of the Secretary and the Division of Enforcement have provided evidence that Respondents were served with the OIP by February 27, 2012. See 17 C.F.R. §§ 201.141(a)(2)(ii), (iv). To date, Respondents have not filed Answers, which were due by March
12, 2012. OIP at 3; 17 C.F.R. §§ 201.160, .220(b). On March 13, 2012, Respondents were
ordered to show cause, by March 22, 2012, why the registrations of their securities should not be revoked by default. A telephonic prehearing conference was held on March 22, 2012, at which Respondents did not appear.
Respondents are in default for failing to file Answers, appear at the prehearing
conference, or otherwise defend the proceeding. 17 C.F.R. §§ 201.155(a), .220(f), .221(f).
Accordingly, as authorized by Rule 155(a) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice, I find the
following allegations in the OIP to be true.
1 Jetronic Industries, Inc. (n/k/a New Bastion Development, Inc.), filed its Answer on March 19,
2012, and remains in the proceeding.
Lions Petroleum (CIK No. 1048407) is a void Delaware corporation located in Harbin,
Heilongjiang Province, China, with a class of securities registered with the Commission pursuant
to Exchange Act Section 12(g). Lions Petroleum is delinquent in its periodic filings with the
Commission, having not filed any periodic reports since it filed a Form 10-Q for the period
ended December 31, 2007, which reported a net loss of $119,137 for the prior three months. As
of February 14, 2012, the company’s stock (symbol “LPET”) was quoted on OTC Link, had
eight market makers, and was eligible for the “piggyback” exception of Exchange Act Rule
MDI (CIK No. 318259) is a void Delaware corporation located in San Antonio, Texas,
with a class of securities registered with the Commission pursuant to Exchange Act Section
12(g). MDI is delinquent in its periodic filings with the Commission, having not filed any
periodic reports since it filed a Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2009. As of
February 14, 2012, the company’s stock (symbol “MDIZQ”) was quoted on OTC Link, had eight
market makers, and was eligible for the “piggyback” exception of Exchange Act Rule 15c2-
MobilePro (CIK No. 769592) is a Delaware corporation located in Gaithersburg,
Maryland, with a class of securities registered with the Commission pursuant to Exchange Act
Section 12(g). MobilePro is delinquent in its periodic filings with the Commission, having not
filed any periodic reports since it filed a Form 10-K for the period ended March 31, 2009, which
reported an operating loss of over $10.6 million for the prior twelve months. As of February 14,
2012, the company’s stock (symbol “MOBL”) was quoted on OTC Link, had ten market makers,
and was eligible for the “piggyback” exception of Exchange Act Rule 15c2-11(f)(3).
In addition to repeated failures to file timely periodic reports, Respondents have failed to
heed delinquency letters sent to them by the Division of Corporation Finance requesting
compliance with their periodic filing obligations or, through their failure to maintain a valid
address on file with the Commission as required by Commission rules, did not receive such
Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act and Rules 13a-1 and 13a-13 thereunder require issuers
of securities registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act to file with the Commission
current and accurate information in periodic reports, even if the registration is voluntary under
Section 12(g). Specifically, Rule 13a-1 requires issuers to file annual reports, and Rule 13a-13
requires domestic issuers to file quarterly reports. 17 C.F.R. §§ 240.13a-1, -13.
As a result of the foregoing, Respondents have failed to comply with Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act and Rules 13a-1 and 13a-13 thereunder. Considering these delinquencies, it is necessary and appropriate for the protection of investors to revoke the registration of each class
of registered securities of Respondents.
Knew revocation of shares was coming.
Seems SOP with SEC lately.
Justice the mlog seems to be lost, it is not in our accounts so please explain how it effects us or what are we to do to get our share.
mobl owned 35 Percent of mlog, is there not anybody out there that can tell me where our stock went to. I have my letters prepared for sec 4:oclock today is the end for me. I plan to rain letters every where till i get info.
MOBL volume 100K, .0002.
mlog starting to pop
What's the reason to buy?
Trading on grey market, no business operations, no transparency regarding recent court case vs. AT&T.
if trading was suspended thru march 7th=is it now after the 14th unsuspended
it is now march 14th=the seventh has come and gone
Trading is suspended through 11:59 p.m. EST on March 7, 2012.
do we start trading tomorrow as planned??