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TFLN is thought to be the only other real contender as a next-gen solution BUT is has many issues which I'll summarize for you here,
a) TFLN is MUCH larger in size than LWG Polymers, and real estate in those tiny little Transceiver boxes is at a PREMIUM)
b) TFLN uses MUCH more power than LWG Polymers, in fact LWLG at sub 1 volt runs directly from CMOS which eliminates the power hungry and expensive Driver chip from the Transceiver (note: The Driver chip can actually cost MORE than the Modulator chip!!)
c) TFLN has MUCH HIGHER Optical losses than LWLG Polymers
d) TFLN needs to be "shoehorned" into an SiPh Foundry, LWLG has "Ease of Integration" into an SiPh Foundry
e) TFLN to-date has NOT been able to scale to volume production at 200gbs in a Foundry, and the #1 TFLN Development company Hyperlight recently told the Industry that it may take 3 more years for TFLN to be scaled to volume in a Foundry
f) TFLN likely cannot be extended for generations beyond 800/1600 while LWLG Polymers have headroom for next generations for at least the next DECADE
g) TFLN has SAFETY ISSUES in a SiPh Foundry would be risking contamination to the Foundry
h) TFLN has SUPPLY ISSUES as it is almost 100% sourced from China, and it is in LIMITED SUPPY
TFLN isn’t ready. Unless HyperLight drastically expanded their production line and figured out their stability issues, they aren’t able to supply the market.
Liobate. No. Luxtelligence and it’s customers. No. Lightium is the new guy. No, years away. Rapid Photonics. Who? Ori-Chip. Maybe if anyone. NanoLN…monopoly on TFLN wafers hence why Luxtelligence and Lightium exist. Eoptolink uses HyperLight’s PICs because their own Chinese suppliers can’t supply…and Eopolink isn’t selling. And why is that…go to the paragraph above.
“The volume will act as a barrier.” LOL for TFLN you mean Markie?
here's a sample meeting of a Google/Amazon/Nvidia etc CEO with their Chief Engineer of Photonics
CEO, so what do you think we should use for our true next-gen internet transmissions solution?
ENG, well we've been working hard to help you decide the BEST solution and here's what we've got, Mark L says TFLN is going to be the winner of all the materials out there
CEO, ok, so then TFLN must have all those things we spoke about right? Is TFLN incredibly small so as to free up space in the Transceiver box so we don't have to implement Co-Packaged Optics any time within the next several generations?
ENG, well no, actually LWLG Polymers fit 120 devices in the same space TFLN fits only 8, but Mark L says TFLN is going to be the winner of all the materials out there
CEO, ok, well then TFLN must be using the least power right?
ENG, well no, actually LWLG Polymers is the ONLY solution operating at sub-1Volt that ELIMINATE the power hungry and expensive Driver Chip, but Mark L says TFLN is going to be the winner of all the materials out there
CEO, ok, well then TFLN must have the lowest Optical Losses and will save us money on requiring less DSP usage right?
ENG, well no, actually LWLG Polymers has MUCH LOWER Optical Losses, but Mark L says TFLN is going to be the winner of all the materials out there
CEO, ok well TFLN must be SUPER COMPATIBLE with Standard Silicon Foundries right?
ENG, well no, actually LWLG Polymers are SUPER COMPATIBLE with Standard Silicon Foundries and we are not sure whether TFLN can be "shoehorned in" to a Silicon Foundry PDK yet but there are quite a few companies trying to do that right now, but Mark L says TFLN is going to be the winner of all the materials out there
CEO, ok, well I've heard that TFLN does not yet have a 200Gbs device capable of being mass produced at a large SiPh Foundry on 200mm Wafers?
ENG, sorry sir, NO they don't yet, but they are working really hard on that right now!! And Hyperlight the #1 TFLN Development company said in about 3 MORE YEARS they could possibly get this done!!!
CEO, what about LWLG Polymers, can they mass produce a 200Gbs device on 200mm Wafers at a large Foundry?
ENG, well YES sir, they just got done demonstrating perfect Open Eyes of that very device at OFC to MANY Tier1's along with Research Analysts, etc, it was VERY IMPRESSIVE indeed, I was there!!! BUT may I remind you, Mark L says TFLN is going to be the winner of all the materials out there
CEO, well I actually know Michael Lebby and I know of all his credentials in leadership of the Photonics Industry, but I really hadn't considered what you are telling me about Mark L telling everyone that TFLN is the way to go, interesting, well I've come to my decision
ENG, well did I convince you? Are you going with TFLN as Mark L says is going to be the winner?
CEO, no actually I'm going with Lebby/LWLG and YOU'RE FIRED!!!
Oh and one more thing, LWLG's technology has HEADROOM for at least a decade of future generations!!
TFLN does NOT!!!
Here from the 2023 ASM Lebby quoted a Foundry as saying the following "At our Foundry we are worried about an investment into TFLN, it may only be for one generation, but with (LWLG) Polymers our investment would be worthwhile and a better ROI"
LWLG beats ALL Next-Gen Competitors hands down!!! Let's compare,
Understanding Figure of Merit (FOM) the BEST place to be on the chart shown on Slide 47 is the TOP and RIGHT of the chart, and notice this is EXACTLY where LWLG is shown as compared to the competing Next-Gen challengers!!!
LWLG tops ALL competition in FOM scores by far!!!!
Let's discuss the Competition >> from the ASM video starting at about 21:06 investors learn that amazingly there is no REAL competition to LWLG's technology for transmitting data!!! The first slide on competition shown is #25 and it has columns for each of the competitive products and then down the page a list of attributes along with the comparable Ratings for each of them, LWLG's Polymers are by far and away TONS THE BEST versus ALL the competitors!!
Let's review each of the attributes and see why LWLG's technology is SO SUPERIOR to any/all of them
1) SPEED >> LWLG is TONS THE BEST with speeds over 100GHz with HEADROOM to go MUCH FASTER!!!!! The rest of the competitors MAX OUT in the 30GHz - 70GHz range!!!
2) SIZE >> LWLG's slot modulator is the smallest, InP comes closest, but LNb, TFLN, and BTO are all MUCH BIGGER, in fact in another slide Lebby compares LWLG's slot modulator array to TFLN and in the space where 8 TFLN modulators sit, there could be 15 times as many LWLG slot modulators (120 modualtors!!)
3) POWER (Voltage) >> Only LWLG's technology is at sub 1 volt, SiP up to 5 volts, InP up to 7 volts, LNb up to 40 volts, TFLN up to 5 volts, BTO up to 3 volts
4) OPTICAL LOSS >> again LWLG slot is BEST with 3-8Db, SiP up to 20Db, InP up to 10Db, LNb up to 12Db, TFLN up to 15Db, BTO up to 12Db
5) ENERGY CONSUMPTION >> LWLG is BEST again with just 5pj/bit!!! SiP up to 20pj/bit, InP up to 40pj/bit, LNb up to 100pj/bit, TFLN up to 20pj/bit, BTO up to 20pj/bit
6) STABILITY >> again LWLG is the BEST, while SiP and InP are also very Stabile, the newcomers BTO and TFLN are NOT stabile enough for commercial acceptance!!
7) FOUNDRY COMPATABILITY >> Only LWLG and SiP use "Standard SiP PDK Fabrication", InP, LNb, TFLN and BTO are NOT able to use "Standard SiP PDK Fabrication" they all require their own Foundries
8) REQUIRES DRIVER (Expensive & Power Hungry!!!!) >> Only LWLG at sub 1 volt can ELIMINATE THE DRIVER!!!!! This is HUGE HUGE HUGE!!!!
Lebby also illustrates all of this at 25:18 marker with Slide #29 where the BEST technology would be found as HIGH UP and as FAR TO THE RIGHT as can be, notice ONLY one technology is placed there and it is of course LWLG in the light green shaded rectangle!!!
Another interesting post from Xena re: this kind of tech.
I remember at one time (couple years ago) it being reported that Lightwave Logic showed up on a list of “suppliers” to Tesla…
Lebby said: “Watch the news”!
Nrdc92...If I felt this way about anything...anything at all, except maybe a lazy dog, (a stock, a lawnmower, a girlfriend....), I would have removed it from my life a long time ago.
Soooooo, why are you on this board?
Are you so disgruntled that you feel the need to post every day? Multiple times a day?
There are a few of you here that act like that. Really perplexing to many of us.
Can you provide an explanation as to what you hope to accomplish here?
My only guess is you are PO'd and resentful for not cashing out along the way, so posting here provides you with some measure of stress relief.
Fear of missing out weighs heavily on you also, I'd say. That's why you can't completely let go.
Best for you to STFU, and retreat to the shadows. We'll let you know when you can come back out.
20 years of progress, patents and growing industry recognition.
There’s no shortcut to amassing the hours of required reliability data.
We are obviously moving in the right direction, at the right time, with the best solution.
Stop it, AB. 20 plus years and ZERO material revenue. Failure.
What kind of deal would you like to see closed?
How would we structure the deal, value our technology for maximum long term growth, capture all the potential verticals etc.
This “closing deals” myopia seems to run counter to the logic of the process.
I’m becoming more inclined to believe X’s prediction that we will be bought out by a behemoth who wants cradle to grave control of the process. The recent hires helping to structure that deal.
Wow, could LWLG secretly be a part of this???????????????
Almost certainly yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the Q&A at 1:19:30 "What kind of company would be interested in acquiring Lightwave Logic?" Lebby's reply "I'll give you an answer in two words, a WEALTHY ONE!!!"
In the Q&A at 1:16:00 forward Lebby said that Andy Bechtolsheim, Arista, Chairman and Chief Development Officer said that the impact of adding high speed, low power modulators could reduce overall System Power consumption by 20%, and LWLG has the lowest power Modulators of ANY/ALL possible competition and that is HUGE!!! Also please note that LWLG's Polymer Modulators are the ONLY high speed, low power modulators that operate at such a low voltage that they can run directly from CMOS and thereby eliminate the Power Hungry and Expensive Driver chip!!! And that Driver chip can actually cost more than LWLG's modulators themselves cost!!!
LWLG 2024 ASM replay here
Interesting announcement from Mobileye, re. Moving on from Lidar.
“The approach appeared to have been prompted partly by prior silicon photonics research at Intel aimed at fabricating lidar chips featuring both active and passive optical elements”.
Anyone with a dispassionate, clear-headed, objective analytical approach to this company can see the magnitude of its failures. The BOD, chaired by Lebby (minor conflict) is impotent. And why not? They’ve all padded their bank accounts at shareholders’ expense. What do they care if they don’t exercise their legally mandated fiduciary duty? The company can’t close a deal. Instead, they grift along, dreaming of a buyout, unable to deliver any shareholder value.
LWLG is objectively a colossal failure. Lebby is a failed CEO. The BOD is a joke. They can’t close a deal. What else is there to say? No revenue. No pending deals. No analysts. No revenue projections. No JVs. No partnerships. No government grants. No third party investments.
Lebby from ASM Q&A, I will agree with you, this technology has taken some time. But then when I think back to other technologies that I worked on where there is incumbent technology, there is a laser ray in this phone called a VCSEL. I’ve worked on this in 1990/1991 with Motorola, never before face ID applications. We worked on it then, or optical interconnects for data centres or central office switches, as we called them at the time. But it took about a decade or more for that technology to take off. Now there’s a hundred billion of these lasers. If you look at OLEDs and the first OLEDs were being worked on in the early 90s. It took a long time. But it gets to a point where it just becomes ubiquitous. I’ve worked on some technologies and I’ve seen the timelines. If you’re asking the question, would I like this to go faster? Yes, I would. Are we achieving an industry average with this brand new technology to displace incumbents? I think we are. We’re not behind. As investors you may look at this and go, well, it’s taking a long time to get to revenue. But are we really behind the curve? I don’t think we are. That’s why I’m excited. I don’t feel that we’re behind. I feel we’re on a threshold of something huge!! Tier ones are looking at our technology. I can’t answer the question about their decision process because they’re big companies, but we’re engaged from the engineers all the way up to the executive office. We’re engaged at the right levels. We’re working that issue as hard as we can.
Spekkie said, When I asked whether the products were ready and if any issues were outstanding, he clearly said that everything was ready (stability, scaling etc) and the time line was fully intact and there were no changes to that. Tier 1’s are very interested and the number of them significantly increased after OFC demo’s.
Exactly!! meanwhile Longs are being throttled here, I can't post much while Shorts and FAKE Longs mudsling at me and other Longs here NONSTOP!!!
Fact is LWLG has multiple products already, they have multiple versions of it's Perk Polymer, the latest being Perk 6, now available for Licensing, in addition they have a 200Gb modulator that is now capable of being produced at several Foundries and on large 200mm Wafers including the Poling being performed at Wafer scale something Shorts said was impossible, Lebby has told investors that Customers could use these modulators in quantities of 4 per Transceiver device to produce an 800Gbs Transceiver currently, but the preference of the large Transceiver companies (Cisco etc) would be to use the single chip modulator array (4x200) which is still under construction but Lebby announced publicly at PECC that it would be ready sometime in 2024, but the individual modulators would be used in Sampling now while the single chip modulator array (4x200) would be used in mass commercialization, Lebby is still on track with his long-standing Timeline of Customer Acceptance and Ramp in 2024 (see Slide 38 from 2022 ASM) and has not backed down on his SAM/SOM guidance, Shorts are the LYING SCAMMERS period!!
Remember that it is because of the following two main reasons that Tier 1 interest has skyrocketed in recent months
1) the early 2024 "Big Milestone" achieved of success in Mass Production of LWLG modulators on Foundries large 200mm Wafers
2) the INCREDIBLE reliability/stability data collected/presented at ECOC 2023 and then even more so at OFC in March 2024
Investors have learned INCREDIBLE Developments in 2024 so far!!! here is a summary of things investors have learned form OFC in March 2024, and Lebby's LD Micro Interview in April, as well as Lebby's Belgium visit/presentations in April
1) Lebby has LWLG modulators being implemented at SEVERAL Foundries on large 200mm Wafers now beginning in early 2024!! Lebby declared it a "BIG MILESTONE"!!!
2) Lebby has achieved Volume Scale Poling on 200mm Wafers!!! (successfully able to Pole Thousands of Devices at a time!!)
3) Lebby's LWLG team of seven completed demonstrations at OFC to over 20 potential Customers!! NDA's now estimated at 40 companies
4) the response to the OFC demos has been so overwhelming that Lebby claims the Tier 1's "being PULLED along" has become more like "being dragged along" (a good problem to have!!!)
Spekkie posted this
, Important take away we are working with multiple tier ones, tripled since a few weeks after OFC , wow we are golden
5) The Customer Funnel slide is updated and now showing greater than 20 Prospects and greater than 10 Leads, where in the ASM presentation it was only greater than 12 Prospects and 5 Leads, so about DOUBLED since the ASM!!!!
6) at OFC Google had a shout out to (LWLG) EOP on their slide for hetero integration.
7) KCC reported "the transceiver partner is a giant company that is dedicating a lot of their own resources to LWLG’s development."
8) Lebby also showcased that LWLG's Perk 6 is NOW ready and available for Licensing !!!
9) Lebby reported that 3rd party ETH Zurich set world record performance with LWLG Polymers running at 400Gbs per lane enabling 4 lane 1600gbs!!! This ensures LWLG ALREADY capable to meet the future Roadmap
10) The response from the Tier 1's is so overwhelming such that Lebby is 100% focused on SEVERAL Tier 1's who are battling it out for Lebby/LWLG's time and attention to bring 4x200 powered Transceivers to market ASAP!!
Folks this is a Cinderella story 40 years in the making!!!
For OVER 40 YEARS the Industry has tried UNSUCCESSFULLY!!
IBM, Intel, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, DuPont, AT&T Bell Labs, Honeywell, Motorola, GE, HP, 3M, and others in addition to numerous Universities and U.S. Government Agencies, DARPA, DOD, etc have all attempted to produce high-performance, high-stability electro-optic polymers
The Industry combined has spent literally in the Billions R&D $$ UNSUCCESSFULLY trying to do what LWLG has done!
LWLG's technology has been successfully developed in much less time than what the Industry spent, and at a cost less than 5% of what the Industry spent screwing around with unstable fragile molecules for 40 years!
Yes that was my point, it’s like a Biden / Trump board, all have dementia. 72 and out of the game is the issue.
I don't know, but this a Vertical play thing, new horizons via industry contacts, email lists and the good ol rolodex. This board could request a sit down with virtually any senior management and get it.
I'd look for a private room at the next conference with bird dogs in the audience.
Oh it is getting exciting. The shorts can F with the price, though, and for most that is all they look at.
mucho bucks to acquire LWLG
never been more excited in my life
wink and flash the grotesque hands to wandering Lebbites at the AGM
Walk down the halls with a home inspector dressed in a wife beater discussing how to change the tech world.
This thing is going to rock&roll.
Significant revenue in 2011.
Rewards himself with a 2.6 million dollar bonus by diluting shares to pay for his salary.
Has to bring security to an AGM in Delaware because of a dispute with a stockbroker.
Buys a large home in Florida while the share price of the stock collapses.
These are the two nitwits that run the company.
If he was at dd that long, didn't he have to know Frederick J. Goetz?
I’m dying here x!! We need news !!
Vein, I have you on iggy but saw your reply. On days, there is news the shorts sell into a low trading stock like this to turn it red. I kind of like it with periods of no news. Those of us that are accumulating grab it 2% to 3% under the prior close during the day.
Nice to see another 1%er.
X, I find the multiple vertical routes intriguing.
ECOC 9/23/24 Lebby "Commercial silicon foundry 200mm wafers where EO polymers HAVE BEEN easily integrated using standard PDKs."
Our polymers are EASILY FABRICATED in silicon fabs 🡪 ideal for heterogenous integration!! (Slide 19)
ECOC Market Focus Topics!! Polymers RULE!! Check it out!!!
September 23-25, 2024
1. Classic component performance (discrete and
integrated photonics), ROADMs
2. High speed, low power modulators (polymer, TFLN,
plasmonic, Silicon, InP etc.)
3. Tunable and fixed wavelength devices
4. Future PIC trends, roadmaps, complexity with InP,
silicon photonics, polymers
5. VCSELs: high speed, arrays, smart pixels
6. Electronics (and associated modulation techniques
– PAM, QPSK, QAM etc.) for lightwave (DSPs, ASICs,
computational processing)
7. Advanced packaging trends (low cost, high speed,
volume driven, CoB, FC, interposers) and associated
testing techniques
LWLG Most Innovative Product Award Finalist
ECOC 2024 Hybrid PIC / Optical Integration Platform
ECOC - World class performance for 200Gbps PAM4 and 400Gbps PAM4 lanes from electro-optic polymer modulators
Michael Lebby, Lightwave Logic Inc
Electro-optic (EO) polymer modulators are a hot topic in the industry today as the industry strives to increase modulation speed while reducing optical network equipment power consumption, driven by G-AI needs to upgrade hypescaler datacenters. Polymer modulators are now showing world class performance for 200Gbps PAM4 lanes, with initial results at 400Gbps PAM4 lanes and headroom for 800Gbps lanes as polymers have significant bandwidth capability. This enables not only 4 channel by 200Gbps PAM4 lanes for 800Gbps pluggable transceivers today, but also 4 channel by 400Gbps PAM4 lanes for 1.6Tbps pluggable transceivers soon. Further, polymer modulators have the capability for 4 channel by 800Gbps PAM4 lanes for 3.2Tbps pluggable transceivers using 800G lanes as part of a technology roadmap plan. Recent world class EO polymers results include:
1) Clean PAM4 eye diagrams at 200Gbps with less than 1V drive voltage.
2) Super high bandwidth polymer based plasmonic devices that exceed 250GHz (EO S21 3dB) for 400Gbps PAM4 lane applications for4 channel by 400Gbps PAM4 (1.6Tbps) pluggable transceivers.
3) Very low voltage drive of ~0.5V (which allows direct drive from ICs, DSPs etc., and potentially can eliminate driver chips)
4) Very small footprint and size, which allows simple integration with PICs to turbo-boost silicon photonics. Tiny optical engines are ideal for pluggable and onboard-optic transceiver form-factors.
5) Commercial silicon foundry 200mm wafers where EO polymers have been easily integrated using standard PDKs.
The talk will discuss the latest world class results with commercial grade electro-optic polymer materials that are being licensed for device applications for datacom at 1310 and 1550nm. These devices are fabricated onto 200mm silicon commercial foundry wafers and perform to 200G lane specifications at drive voltages less than 1V (which supports the drive to lower power consumption). Packaged polymer modulators will show the latest reliability and lifetime performance for datacenter applications. Reliability and stability results will be presented to show the robustness of the technology platform with respect to thermal stability and photostability in testing on materials, packages, and boards. Plans for CSP (Chip Scale Packaging) for polymer PICs will be shown based on dielectric sealants such as Atomic Layer Deposition at temperatures suitable for organic, polymer material. The talk will also show how the performance of EO polymer modulators can extend to not only 800Gbps and 1.6Tbps transceivers, but also 3.2Tbps, 6.4Tbps and beyond using the natural bandwidth characteristics of Perkinamine® chromophore organic material family. With EO bandwidths that exceed 250GHz that have been demonstrated with Polariton, single line or lane data rates that exceed 800Gbps PAM4 possible which opens a path for multi-Tbps data rate pluggable transceiver designs that include 3.2Tbps and 6.4Tbps for an exciting technology roadmap using polymer materials.
Vaporwave has become a retirement village where has-been grifters go out to pasture and graze off the backs of retail dupes.
No news Tuesday
They gotta do what they gotta do to stay out of debt and keep cash in the bank. Plenty of room, no worry. At this time is is better that the constant refi route.
Watch for a Vertical spin off of partnerships with dividends in each new entity to existing shareholders, hopefully private. With something like Medical Sensors. LWLG supply the Polymer, IP, Patents a company like GE medical or Johnson and Johnson fund and operate it.
There are many verticals, to date they have only focused on perfecting the polymers for modulators used in transcievers for data centers at a single distance. Looks like they have that now so widening the horizon is the next logical step.
Now that they have demonstrated production via a foundry using standard manufacturing techniques it will start to be accepted in more and more uses, like OLEDs plastic EO polymers is the future, sand and silicon is old school.
Super Exciting for sure.
Best, X
I can't count how many times they appointed a new board members and people try to connect the dots to the previous companies they worked for and nothing has ever developed. Military, Corning, Taser etc. and now Dupont. I expect the same outcome this time.
Regarding new board member Thomas M. Connelly....I don't think you stick around DuPont for 36 years, without doing a lot of things right.
Does anyone else get the feeling StevenDice = A Ping Pong ball ?
Dilution looks to be kicking in again thanks to Lebby's whores - trading near 52 week lows, this will fall under $2 you have been warned!
3 'Ds" to Lebbys strategy
...and you think no debt is good for a company LOL - not for share holders - diluting the company to pay off debt is the worst for shareholders... just look at the issuances over the years...
Sale/Purchase of Stock Quarterly
5,347 - Q1 2024
4,311 - Q4 2023
1,288 - Q3 2023
9,882 - Q2 2023
5,525 - Q1 2023
I am sure lots more dilution to come - how else they will cover their HUGE cash burn - funny how some criticizes other management when their own house is in disorder - LOL
Looks like Lebby got the green light to issue more shares to liquidate via Lebby's Buddies - What a scam - $LWLG just a printing press with no value - shame.
No sales big losses zero fundamentals
All facts from the latest Q report you can find on - I cant make this disaster up LOL
LWLG wont last - HUGE Cash Burn and no income - Just look at their LOSSES and increasing exponentially - outstanding!
2019 - Loss 6.7M
2020 - Loss 6.7M
2021 - Loss 18.6M
2022 - Loss 17.2M
2023 - Loss 21.0M
2024 Q1 - loss 5.7M almost 10% higher than 2023 avg
🤣 You really know everything!!!
The world is run by old men, ah another big detail you were not conscious of. So many missed details, so many things not understood. 🙈
If Shorts think that 108 million Retail Longs are going to capitulate their shares NOW just because they are manipulating the price lower with their low volume high frequency manipulation games, they have an even more serious mental issue than their knuckleheaded continuous stream of bullshit posts here would indicate!! No, instead the 108 million Retail Longs that have been PERFECTLY STEADY here for the LAST 3 YEARS will only GROW in numbers as the manipulation games continue up until the day Lebby drops the first Tier 1 bomb on them, then like all good little cockroaches they will all be scrambling for the EXIT at the same time trying to escape their own annihilation!!
If the Institutions & Shorts are supposed the smart money then you better be buying LWLG hand over fist because these are EXACTLY who has been funding the LWLG Operating Budget these past 3 years, Lewrock put the data together showing that in the last 3 years Retail Investors have remained perfectly steady at 108 million shares ownership, LWLG has been 100% financed on the backs of Institutions & Shorts!!
Lebby's TIMELINE remains the SAME since 2019 at least!!!! here is a link to the 2019 ASM presentation and Lebby at 27:27 shows the TIMELINE to Customer Acceptance and Ramp, albeit in 2019 Lebby had NOT put the DATES on his TIMELINE yet!!!
Really? “Growth?” A 72 yr old retiree, who is completely out of the game; no longer heads the ACS. That says “growth” to you? The delusions continue.
He’s retired! Out of the game. He’s doesn’t head the ACS anymore. This appointment is helping to pad his retirement.
Incompetent management; impotent BOD.
How many "last dips" have been called here? Hahaha, eom
What do you have to do to be banned from this board ?????
Everyday the same bullshit from this, I would say person, but thats a compliment !!!!
Get lost sucker !!!!!!!!!
Let the INSIDERS buy this next DIP. hahaha, GRIFTERS ASSOCIATION.
Insides buy NO, NO, NO SHARES!!!! GRIFTERS ASSOCIATION...proud and protective for their and their grifting families' sake.
A nice gig to go out with, eom
They all do, But they All took advantage of capitalism and we suckers...they will get theirs eventually.
I think that DuPont may well want Tom to have a look inside Lightwave to see what business opportunities are unfolding. Like DuPont no doubt wanted Tom to lead the US Chemical Engineering Association. I couldn’t be more thrilled to see such a well known leader in the chemical engineering industry lend his know how and reputation to Lightwave. It adds credibility and it helps to prepare Lightwave for complementary and new strategic initiatives for its active polymers.
Yes I am very confident. The company is closed like an oyster. Nobody is giving any clue. It means they are all very well instructed. Leaking info can lead to jail (1 employee made a small hint in a mail
I received…!)
As we can read Polymer’s are on their way to become ubiquitous. They will be used in the data telecom and the related tech industries. The addition of the new board member proves that Lebby is anticipating great demand of other industries/sectors and other applications.
The timelines are in tact and the waiting game is on its end. Personally I expect any moment announcements of massive progress in commercialisation. I am still buying and are aiming for 1%!! Almost reached my goal! Keep up the good work. (From a share technical point we reached a very interesting level: would not be surprised to get 1 big dip as a giant signal before a rocket lift off!) . Hold your horses.
I worked 50 years, I hope nobody would ever disregard my work and experience.
This board member has a fiduciary responsibility, any whos, most take that responsibility to those they represent as serious and do not see themselves as exempt from that responsibility.
Wow, just wow, you can lead a horse to water.
X Dang, don't blow the entire career, I've watched many do it., thinking that what they said didn't matter to that responsibility, Just saying.
either really stoopid, or a big fat liar would be my two best guesses!!
Lebby's TIMELINE remains the SAME since 2019 at least!!!! here is a link to the 2019 ASM presentation and Lebby at 27:27 shows the TIMELINE to Customer Acceptance and Ramp, albeit in 2019 Lebby had NOT put the DATES on his TIMELINE yet!!!
Yea it’s pretty smart to spend 80k on a stock and then in public bad mouth the management and their decisions. Interesting approach.
Just sayin
Do you understand his new role ?? He’s behind a desk planning conferences for dorks. But hey, you believe what you want to for a 72 old man who is basically checked out.
Would have been better if they put on the Damm board a real player.
I am, I told the board I bought 30,000 shares at 2.71, so going to comment on the clown new board member as I damm well please but thanks for the advice.
Hi Ruud,
Was wondering if you are still feeling confident that we will get some NEWS this year 2024 that involves a deal or partnership? You have not said much recently.
Thanks in advance
Smitty are you an investor here or not.
Or do you just like reading the things that you type.
Just sell and leave, dude. It’s easy.
in other words, he has everyone’s phone numbers.
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The need for Lightwave Logic’s proprietary electro-optic polymers is more evident than at any prior point in history, with internet infrastructure coming under increasing strain due to increased online activity. For example, during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, leading platforms such as YouTube prevented high-definition (HD) streaming in Europe due to data throughput issues in existing internet infrastructure.
The Company’s current focus is on the datacom and telecommunications hardware supply chain for the 100 Gbps and 400 Gbps fiber optics communications market, seeking to integrate its proprietary materials into the devices that comprise key components in today’s internet infrastructure. Lightwave Logic’s unique value proposition, including ease of manufacture relative to traditional solutions, has driven several tier-1 and tier-2 potential strategic partners in the data and telecommunications markets to enter into non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with Lightwave Logic to evaluate its technology for use in their devices, validating the demand for the Company’s solution in the marketplace. The Company expects to introduce its technology into the commercial marketplace in the near future.
Lightwave Logic is a wholly U.S.-based company with in-house materials synthesis, device/package design, wafer fabrication and testing capabilities at its Englewood, Colorado headquarters.
Having the modulator and integrated circuit development in-house has informed the materials development direction and vice versa. This vertically integrated business model enables a superior platform by aligning the design for manufacturability from materials to complex circuits with the following benefits:
Materials are called electro-optic when they enable interactions between applied electric fields and light passing through them. Notably, they change the refractive index seen by the light with minimum loss. The result is an instantaneous and accurate conversion of an electrical signal to an optical signal. Optical signals are better for transmission over distance: an increasingly useful feature as digital signal speeds are now reaching the GHz and THz ranges and the corresponding electrical transmission distances are shrinking to meters and centimeters.
EO polymers are intrinsically superior in speed and sensitivity to electric field to traditional electro-optic materials such as Lithium Niobate, Indium Phosphide and Silicon. They are engineered materials, made by embedding a variety of specially designed electro-optic chromophore molecules into a wide range of standard host polymers.
Chromophores are complex, large molecules, on a scale akin to drug molecules. They are hyperpolarizable, meaning their electron clouds are easily pulled into a different shape by the applied electric field, changing their optical properties such as index of refraction.
The material is poled to become electro-optic by applying a strong electric field along with heat. The hot material is relatively soft, allowing the chromophore molecules suspended in the host polymer to align in the same direction (poling). Cooling the poled material after the molecules are in place traps them in their active state even after the poling field is removed.
Although the electrons in the material respond to any applied electric field, they remain tightly bound to the molecule. The response to an applied signal is almost instantaneous response and recovery– like that of a tight spring– unlike materials that involve much slower macroscopic movement of free electrons.
Another key difference from traditional crystalline materials is the performance of EO polymers continues to improve as chemists explore the almost unlimited design space. Combinations of chromophores and host polymers can be tailored for specific applications.
In addition to innovating the EO polymer materials, Lightwave Logic takes its technology platform to the next level by developing ancillary materials and processes. These elements are brought together and demonstrated in advanced high-speed optical modulators.
The polymer is spun onto silicon wafers and standard microfabrication techniques are used to deposit and pattern metal electrodes and optical waveguides.
One well-known optical modulator device is the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The light output is changed by changing the relative phase between the two arms. One common trick to double the effect for the same available drive voltage is to drive the two arms in opposite directions (push-pull mode). Polymers have an interesting advantage over most other electro-optic materials which are crystalline. The direction of polymer’s electro-optic activity is entirely determined by the direction of the applied poling field. By poling the two arms of the Mach-Zehnder in opposite directions, the resulting device automatically has push-pull operation with a single applied signal.
Once the modulator chip is made, it is packaged for mechanical protection and also to ensure signal quality for electrical and optical connections.
Below is a polymer optical modulator with >60 GHz bandwidth packaged with high-speed electrical connectors and optical pigtails.
Inspired by the remarkable record of integrated microelectronics, the opto-electronics industry has great interest in developing photonic integrated circuits (PICS). Photonics refers to devices that manipulate photons—that is, light—rather than electrons.
Even the best individual devices can be made more functional by integrating many together. Integration has many benefits, the most notable being dramatic improvements in size and cost. Yet, photonic integration has only recently come into the spotlight. The primary applications for photonics used to require stand-alone, high performance components such as used for long-haul telecom.
Now, photonic integration has suddenly come into the spotlight as electronic interconnects struggle to keep up with speed increases of electronic chips. Photonics is being looked at to replace electronics in already highly integrated applications such as chip interconnect. Co-packaging of electronics integrated circuits (ICs) with photonic interconnect, considered unlikely a few years ago, is now viewed by many as inevitable. However, this requirement poses new challenges that are acknowledged as difficult and that new technologies will be required to meet them.
P2IC™ (Polymer Photonic Integrated Circuits) are ideally positioned to be one of these new technologies. Lightwave Logic’s devices are made using conventional wafer-scale processing such as used for microelectronics and therefore similarly capable of being integrated. In addition, the polymer microfabrication processes are compatible with other materials platforms such as Silicon Photonics and Indium Phosphide which are now starting to become more integrated. In particular, the Silicon Photonics ecosystem has recently accepted that its roadmap will include adding more and more materials, each for their specific benefits. EO polymers’ speed and voltage advantages are attractive additions to this ecosystem.
A fiber link sends data from a transmitter to a receiver through an optical fiber cable. Lightwave Logic’s technology can be used to make a data modulator, a central function of the transmitter.
Datacenters and high-performance computing (HPC) are two market segments that demand the very highest speed optical fiber communications. The datacenter fiber communications segment includes applications ranging from connections inside hyperscale datacenters to fiber links between datacenter campuses.
Optical fiber communication is the infrastructure that supports internet content through its entire lifecycle, between businesses, consumers and datacenters. Behind the scenes, massive amounts of data move between computer processors inside datacenters (or inside supercomputers) as content is generated. In addition to these intra-datacenter links, there are also significant datacenter interconnection links between big datacenters to provide flexible capacity and resilience – all of these represent significant addressable market segments for Lightwave Logic’s technology.
Modulator performance limits the speed of the transmitter, which in turn limits the data-carrying capacity of the entire fiber link. EO polymers have superior speed and sharply reduce the electrical power needed to operate the modulators.
Lightwave Logic estimates that in 2019, the total market for opto-electronic components used in the fiber optics market reached a value of ~$26 billion and is forecasted to grow to approximately $80 billion by 2030.
Above: Market forecasts for photonic (electro-optic) components and transceivers used in optical fiber communications. (Source: Oculi LLC)
The growth in the optical fiber communications market is driven by many factors, primarily:
The historic trend has been a migration from text to graphics, followed by still graphics to increasingly high-definition video. On the accessibility front, the introduction of 5G will enable low-cost mobile internet connections at the same, or higher speeds, as today’s home broadband. This trend continues today as users demand more data at all times.
Recently, particularly since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a sharp increase in reliance on video-conferencing services, often replacing in-person meetings. As video conferencing becomes more commonly used, users will continue to demand faster response times to enable no-lag, real-time communications in full HD.
The benefits of EO polymers, such as low power usage, high speed, increased throughput and lower cost make them ideally suited for markets outside of communications as well, including in consumer, media, augmented reality/virtual reality, medical and industrial applications.
Developing, protecting and commercializing intellectual property is central to Lightwave Logic’s identity as a technology company. Lightwave Logic has over 50 U.S. and international patents and applications that are issued or pending.
These patents provide freedom of manufacture for the company’s electro-optic (EO) polymer materials systems and its optical device technology.
Lightwave Logic’s patent portfolio covers the following areas:
The company continuously seeks to innovate new electro-optic chromophores, designing molecular architectures to meet application needs such as high electro-optic activity and stability. We also design ancillary materials that are useful in conjunction with the EO polymers themselves. Example patents within the materials category include:
Publication Number | Title |
US Patent 7,902,322 | Nonlinear optical chromophores with stabilizing substituent and electro-optic devices |
US Patent 9,535,215 | Fluorinated Sol-Gel Low Refractive Index Hybrid Optical Cladding and Electro-Optic Devices Made Therefrom |
As the company demonstrates its materials in devices, such as modulators, it has engineered ways to enhance device performance by means of device design and optimized control. Example patents within the optical device category include:
Publication Number | Title |
US Patent 10,520,673 | Protection layers for polymer modulators/waveguides |
US Patent 7,738,745 | Method of Biasing and Operating Electr-Optic Polymer Optical Modulators |
Materials innovations are followed by methods in which the Company or its partners can best work with the materials in the fabrication process. Example patents within the fabrication category include:
Publication Number | Title |
US Patent Application 20190353843 | Fabrication process of polymer based photonic apparatus and the apparatus |
US Patent 10,591,755 | Direct-drive polymer modulator methods of fabricating and materials therefor |
Polymers can be used to add functionality to existing semiconductor devices, inclusive of making photonic integrated circuits (ICs). Areas of active innovation include how to get light from one material system into another with minimal losses. Example patents within the semiconductor integration category include:
Publication Number | Title |
US Patent 10,527,786 | Polymer modulator and laser integrated on a common platform and method |
US Patent 10,511,146 | Guide transition device with digital grating deflectors and method |
Challenges for high-speed optical packaging includes maintaining the quality of radio-frequency electrical signals and hermetic/environmental sealing of devices for durability (while still allowing light to go through). Example patents within the packaging category include:
Publication Number | Title |
US Patent 10,574,025 | Hermetic capsule and method for a monolithic photonic integrated circuit |
US Patent 10,162,111 | Multi-fiber/port hermetic capsule sealed by metallization and method |
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