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At this point the price of eggs is much ado about nothing.
As long as Musk's fascist statements please Trump.
Same here; doubt if I finish off a dozen in two weeks. And at 66 cents for a two egg meal who gives a shit?
I spent $3,97 for a dozen eggs. Since I don't buy eggs that often I don't know if that is too high.
I wonder how long Trump will put up with Musk.
Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) Moves Like Santa Edition
Pornhub has revealed its top searches for 2024 and there were some especially unusual searches......
But, but, the cost of eggs!
U.S. economic growth revised up to 3.1% in third quarter
Source: axios
The revision suggests 2024 was yet another shocker year in which the U.S. economy surprised to the upside, as other major nations grappled with sluggish growth.
It largely reflects stronger exports and better consumer spending, offsetting a bigger-than-estimated drag from inventory investment
The bottom line: President-elect Trump will inherit a strong economy. Still unclear is how his proposed policies on immigration, taxes and tariffs will shape growth in the months to come.
Read more:
Since WWII, the economy has performed better under Democratic presidents. So why do people think Republicans are better
**Want A Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat**
1. Personal disposable income has grown nearly 6 times more under Democratic presidents
2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown 7 times more under Democratic presidents
3. Corporate profits have grown over 16% more per year under Democratic presidents (they actually declined under Republicans by an average of 4.53%/year)
Average annual compound return on the stock market has been 18 times greater under Democratic presidents (If you invested $100k for 40 years of Republican administrations you had $126k at the end, if if you invested $100k for 40 years of Democrat administrations you had $3.9M at the end)
4. Republican presidents added 2.5 times more to the national debt than Democratic presidents
5. The two times the economy steered into the ditch (Great Depression and Great Recession) were during Republican, laissez faire administrations
**Why Are Republican Presidents So Bad for the Economy?**
G.D.P., jobs and other indicators have all risen faster under Democrats for nearly the past century.
**U.S. Jobs, Income, GDP Growth 'Startlingly' Higher Under Democratic Presidents**
**Over the last 6 decades--60 years or so, history has tended to favor Democratic presidents in terms of economic performance**
**During the final 3 years of Barack Obama's presidency 2014. 2015 . 2016 , the number of jobs added was 1.5 million greater than the number added during Trump's first 3 years in office 2017 2018 2019**
**Trump inherited a booming economy — and handed Biden a nation 'in shambles'**
**Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover**
Trump will be first president since WWII to lose jobs during tenure. The U.S. lost 140,000 jobs in December 2020 in the final jobs report of Trump’s presidency. This means the nation has about 3 million fewer jobs than it did 4 years ago UNDER THE BLACK GUY --OBAMA, meaning Trump will be the first president to lose jobs over his term since employment data was collected in this way. NBC News Now correspondent Simone Boyce explains how it all unfolded.
Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years The “King of Debt” promised to reduce the national debt — then his tax cuts made it surge. Add in the pandemic, and he oversaw the third-biggest deficit increase of any president.
The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office
Republican tax cuts are the driving force behind the country’s worsening fiscal outlook.If not for the Bush tax cuts and their extensions — as well as the Trump tax cuts — revenues would be on track to keep pace with spending indefinitely, Instead, these tax cuts have added $10 trillion to the debt since their enactment and are responsible for 57 percent of the increase in the debt ratio since 2001
Trump spent $32 billion in 2018 to help ease the burdern his own trade war
The Trump tax cuts will pay for themselves he said...LOL
Trump Tax Cuts Cost $7.8 Trillion, Aid Top Earners, Study Finds Top 1 percent found to receive about 40% of proposals’ benefit Plan’s revenue raisers seen leaving deficit of $3.5 trillion
"Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion."
Trump's reelection, his cabinet appointments and the GOP House continuous shit shows prevent such memory lapses on my part.
Too often, we tend to forget that half of everyone is subnormal.
Yep, too big a maybe for me too.
Maybe, just maybe, we can stop this lie before it fucks things up as badly as the last lie.
Personally, I'm not counting on that. Way too many people were stupid enough to vote for Trump. And are proud of doing so.
The Immigrant "Invasion" Is Just WMDs All Over Again
There is no immigrant invasion at the southern border of the United States. That needs to be said at the outset any time you wanna talk about What's Wrong With Our Country. No matter how many times people say it, no matter how much it's covered, no matter even if elected Democrats agree, it's simply not true. The immigration system in this country is broken but that's because Republicans have refused to fund the courts needed to quickly process asylum claims and other cases.
The idea of an immigrant "invasion," as Donald Trump (who we really elected president for a second time - I know, it's fucked up, right?) puts it constantly, has one purpose, and that's to scare the public with a lie so that a cabal of power-mad assholes can remake the nation to suit their warped, contorted viewpoints. That should sound incredibly familiar for those of us with brains that actively remember shit more than a tweet-cycle old.
It's weapons of mass destruction all over again.
Oh, sweet children of America, you need to know that in the scary months after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (that's the "9/11" you hear about every year, in case you weren't born yet or are fucking dumb), the administration of President George W. Bush decided that the nation of Iraq needed to be attacked and remade as a "democracy," free of its dictator Saddam Hussein.
The fact that Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks and the fact that the dictator of the country that did have a great deal to do with them, Saudi Arabia, was apparently off-limits was not something you were allowed to say openly lest you be labeled anti-American. Besides, we were assured, endlessly, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, big missiles, perhaps nukes, shit that could fuck up, say, Israel or even our allies in Europe or maybe even the USA itself.
So we had to invade Iraq, take it over, and prevent the mad leader of the country from unleashing hell on the earth. In 2002, the president was given blanket authorization to use military force against Iraq by a bipartisan vote in both houses of Congress. Again and again, we were told that we needed to bomb the fuck of the country to prevent a mushroom cloud over DC. Anyone who disputed that idea was treated as a traitor, even if you were a veteran.
Ads were run declaring your support of terrorists if you dared say that WMDs (as the shorthand went) were a lie. The foreign policy and economic policy of the United States was remade around the goals of eliminating WMDs and turning Iraq into a shining example of freedom in that region of the world. If that sounds weird and hyperbolic, if anything, I'm understating how this shit went.
And, of course, it was all a lie. There weren't WMDs. The whole thing was bullshit, but two-thirds of Americans believed Iraq had something to do with 9/11. Two-thirds believed the WMD lie. All of them were wrong (I could say, "All of you were wrong" since I was right, but I don't wanna be smug about it), but Democrats and Republicans leaned into the lie because of the fear of opposing such a huge part of the population.
Nearly three-quarters of the country supported the war, which eventually changed to over half coming around to saying it was mistake. But the damage was done to Iraq and to the US, even if the defeat of the GOP in 2008 was one of the outcomes of the entire fucktastrophe.
Of course, since we're Americans, we're damned to repeat every goddamned mistake in an endless cycle, and while we're not being lied into war this time (although there's weird talk about sending troops into Mexico), we are once again watching policy decisions being made that will wreck millions of lives because of hysteria over a lie that has caught fire.
So not only did Donald Trump run and arguably win on his unending declarations of "the greatest invasion in history" happening at the US-Mexico border, but it's become a standard line for every Republican in office at all levels. And Democrats have joined in, going from accusing Republicans of stoking fears with their rhetoric to campaigning on the very restrictions that the anti-immigration right wants. Hell, even some supposedly left-leaning pundits have used Trump's language. And, again, it's all a lie. I don't want to go into all the ways it's a lie (like the fact that the majority of undocumented people came into the country legally and just stayed).
Like the WMD lies, this lie serves a policy purpose and it's not just to get the rubes all heated up to vote for fascists, although that worked pretty fuckin' well. The very word "invasion" is important because a declaration of an invasion could be a pretext for Trump using the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to get the military involved in rounding up and deporting anyone who is undocumented. Beyond that nightmare, making everyone believe that the hottentots are rampaging through the border in order to pillage our villages and rape our dogs and murder our women or whatever the fuck puts a violent justification on policies that are simply ignorance and racism, stopping the Great Replacement and White Genocide and that kind of bullshit that gets Trump, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, and Elon Musk all hard and throbbing.
And, like invading Iraq (and that was really an invasion), billions of dollars will be spent to act on this lie. It will enrich a few loyal companies who get the contracts to build the detainment camps. It will cause wanton violence as every armed fucknut jonesing to go nutzoid on their immigrant neighbors tries to "help." And, eventually, it will fail as people realize what a horrific clusterfuck of family separation, caged children, and decimated workforces is doing to the country.
What can be done now is for Democrats to stop giving in to the Trump language on immigration. Leave that shit to Fox "news" and it's devolved descendants. Let shitheel podcasters scream into the void about migrant caravans or whatever. We've already ceded so much ground by allowing the GOP to exploit every story of a migrant committing a crime. How about instead talking about how migrants are mistreated and killed. How about showing some goddamn strength instead of going along with the raging pitchfork-waving mob? Put out some torches instead of helping to light them.
Maybe, just maybe, we can stop this lie before it fucks things up as badly as the last lie.
Posted by Rude One at 10:35 AM
Battle of the Bulge Law
25 December 1944
In the frigid winter of 1944, when the outcome of WWII was still far from certain, the Allied forces were in the battle of their lives. They were making their way toward Berlin to end the devastating WWII in the European Theatre.
The German Army surprised the Allied forces in mid-December 1944 in the densely forested Ardennes region between Belgium and Luxembourg. The Allied forces, comprised of soldiers from all parts of our country and elsewhere, were bogged down in the worst winter storm of a generation, completely neutralizing the superior Allied air forces in the last major German offensive on the Western front.
General George Patton, the Allied general in command and a deeply religious man, ordered the chaplain to deliver a prayer for clearer skies. The skies did clear, dramatically, in fact. The superior Allied air power enabled the Allied forces to break the stalemate. Eventually the Allied forces marched to Berlin by late summer, 1945 and victory in the European Theatre.
It remains one of the most remarkable turns in battle in recorded history.
The press back home gave credit to “Patton’s Prayer,” as it became known. So much so the Allied forces ordered that a reprint of the prayer be given to every soldier who fought in the Battle of the Bulge.
One of those soldiers was Private C C “Buddy “Graham of Floyd, Virginia, my father-in-law. He and his three brothers enlisted in what came to be known by many at the time as The Great War. They served in the European and Pacific-Asian Theatres of WW II. One was shot down over France, and he was a POW in a German prison camp until the end of WW II. But they all survived the war.
Toward the end of the war, the United States Congress passed the first phase of the G I Bill. Over the next five years nine million veterans received financial aid to go to college and to buy a home. Most of them were the first of their generation to go to college or to buy a home. Provided to them by a grateful nation to give a chance to those who gave our nation and democracy a chance.
Like most all the soldiers who fought in that defining battle, Buddy Graham carried his copy of Patton’s Prayer in his wallet for the rest of his life.
Their copy of that prayer kept them close to the challenge of those times. A regular reminder that they made it through. And it kept that sense of gratitude close, that Dame Chance and more gave her sweet smile to their cause in those times of uncertainty.
“Gratitude is the memory of the heart,” says an old proverb which remains fresh when it is applied. It is this profound and humble sense of gratitude which is the indelible marking of the Greatest Generation.
Nearly all those brave soldiers are gone now, eighty years later. Those in the know, and we know, the days of those who still survive are narrowing. The news of the passing of the last one will soon come to us, and their bravery and courage will be forever cast to the silent shore of memory.
Historians, those of science, and the families of most people we know tell us that struggles, hardships, and other challenges often carry with them the markings of character, too. A through line to a life of the heart, spirit, faith, and substance as well. And we are wise to be on the lookout for their residual but lasting value. As a memory of those who gave us a chance, and as an example of character to give ourselves a chance, too.
An insight, too, maybe, which helps us see more clearly what matters, and what matters most. Those values and experiences which, in time, make us all free, as that enduring song of another great war instructs.
How grateful we all should be.
R. Michael Wells
After Buddy Graham passed away, Janet made a copy of her dad’s “Patton’s Prayer.” She gave our children a copy of the Prayer that Christmas, their grandfather’s last gift to them.
Interesting. And if they find out who was responsible for the letter, will that person be prosecuted?
Doubtful that this disclaimer will catch up with the wider distribution of the 'letter'.
Lincoln County deputies respond to ‘harmful’ letter targeting undocumented people
by: Aimee Plante
Updated: Dec 19, 2024 / 11:34 AM PST
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – A letter circulating through Lincoln County has encouraged residents to track and report information about possibly undocumented people in the community, prompting a response from the county sheriff’s office.
The letter, titled “The Brown Round-Up Part 1,” said Jan. 21, 2025 will mark the beginning of the “largest round-up of brown illegals in our history.” It encouraged readers to write down license plates of people who may be undocumented for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, presumably after President-elect Donald Trump enters office.
It is not clear where the letter came from or who was behind its circulation. However, deputies said the letter was “harmful, divisive, and inconsistent with the values we uphold as public servants and community members” as it was meant to target people of color.
“Targeting individuals in this manner erodes trust and undermines the sense of safety and inclusion that we strive to maintain in Lincoln County,” officials said.
The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office also noted that Oregon law does not allow the inquiry of collection of a person’s immigration or citizenship status, explaining that is why deputies do not document or share that kind of information with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
“One of the things we tell each person when they join our team is to ‘do the right thing,’” officials said. “We are encouraging our community members to do the right thing and use compassion as we encounter these types of messages.”
That was hilarious! But this is just disgusting:
🚨This is the full letter being distributed around Lincoln County Oregon👇
— Rachel Bitecofer ( 2024-12-20T00:33:42.104Z
Even Speaker Moses Underestimated Donald Trump's Ignorance and Elon Musk's Contempt for Institutions
Why he should be surprised at this point that he presides over a festival of fools, being one himself, remains a mystery.
By Charles P. Pierce Published: Dec 19, 2024 12:35 PM EST
Speaker Moses has the Tesla of Damocles hanging over his head now. From the Washington Post:
Republicans on Wednesday rejected a plan by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) for a three-month stopgap funding extension, called a continuing resolution or CR, with more than $100 billion in aid for natural disaster survivors, bipartisan health-care policy changes and other unrelated provisions. House Republican leaders made no significant process overnight to fund the government and avoid a government shutdown this weekend, two people familiar with the negotiations said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to share private deliberations...Musk, sometimes boosting false claims on X, the social media site he owns, trashed the bill in an hours-long tirade, calling it “terrible,” “criminal,” “outrageous,” “horrible,” “unconscionable,” “crazy” and, ultimately, “an insane crime.”
Somebody needs to put his head down on his desk for a little quiet time.
Nonetheless, Musk got his way. The continuing resolution crafted by Speaker Moses—and perhaps, his Speakership itself—evaporated under the white-hot stupidity of a coalition made up of the Angry Children's Caucus, Donald Trump's ignorance, and Elon Musk's utter contempt for every human institution he cannot buy and ruin.
Trump's not president yet, and nobody voted for Musk, and yet there isn't a Republican in Congress who is willing to act on these self-evident facts on his own. Combine that with the antics of the Angry Children's Caucus, and we are confronted with another four years in which the Republicans are laughably incapable of governing the country.
Not that Speaker Moses doesn't carry some weight for this fiasco. He mismanaged the CR from hell to breakfast; if he'd put it to a floor vote earlier this week, it might have passed, even with all the add-ons to which Johnson himself opened it up. And he plainly misread the temper of his own conference, and not for the first time, either. Why he should be surprised at this point that he presides over a festival of fools, being one himself, remains a mystery.
Another interesting question is what will the Democrats do. (If you answered, reflexively, screw it up, shame on you.) For the moment, it seems, minority leader Hakeem Jeffries is eagerly anticipating the tiny majority that will be handed to whoever the next Speaker may be. From The Hill:
In a brief statement, Jeffries invoked the growing conservative outcry over the negotiated continuing resolution (CR)—including opposition from President-elect Trump—and warned Republicans that they will “own” the economic and political fallout if a shutdown occurs.
“House Republicans have been ordered to shut down the government. And hurt the working class Americans they claim to support,” Jeffries posted on social platform X. “You break the bipartisan agreement, you own the consequences that follow.”
This fiasco also has handed the Democrats a comic opera plutocrat for a villain whom they should exploit at every turn. If Thomas Nast were alive, he'd have Elon Musk on a spit, rotating, for the next decade, making him represent both conservative economics and conservative ignorance. One way I know this is that Musk's ascent into political influence has prompted Senator Rand Paul to say something stupid about him. Senator Aqua Buddha has proposed making Musk the Speaker of the House.
Oh, yeah, these guys are ready to govern.
AKA Dr. Orange Fuckenstein's Monster in action
Elon Musk just killed Donald Trump's honeymoon
We are seeing is an emerging crack in the GOP coalition
By Heather Digby Parton
Published December 20, 2024 9:09AM (EST)
(Salon) Back in 2016, the whole country was left in shock when celebrity businessman Donald Trump managed to take over the Republican Party and win the presidential election. At the time there was quite a bit of resistance within the GOP establishment due to the fact that Trump had not run as an ordinary conservative but rather as a populist demagogue.
They had no idea that their voters were so hungry for his message. Gone were all the usual paeans to small government and family values and even his strong advocacy for expanding the military was coupled with a discordant isolationist stance that harkened back to the pre-WWII America First movement. (Trump had no idea about that history — he thought he came up with it himself.)
That's never been clearer than this week when Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., presented the bipartisan continuing resolution to fund the government until March and all hell broke loose in the House. Those rascally, back bench Tea Party/Freedom Caucus ideologues finally got the leader they've been waiting for and his name is Elon Musk, the richest man in the world.
That didn't work out the way they planned it. Trump thought he had cleverly boxed Elon Musk out of real power by creating a powerless "commission" for him and his sidekick Vivek Ramaswamy to come up with enormous spending cuts to reduce the federal government by as much as a third, which he knows won't happen.
However, Trump has essentially empowered Musk to speak for him by having him by his side every minute for the last three months. And seeing as he's the richest man in the world who owns a major social media platform, he has plenty of power all on his own.
Trump then came up with what he thought was a clever idea to take control by demanding that they only pass a bill if it also delayed or eliminated the debt ceiling, which just showed how out of touch he is with the dynamic in the House. (As I said, Trump has a lot of spending to do and he doesn't want the debt ceiling hanging over his head.) But if President Elon's accomplices in the Freedom Caucus are on a crusade against more government spending, why in the world would they agree to eliminate the debt ceiling? ..............(more)
GOP wasting NO time. Not so sneak a preview of the shit show soon to be visited on the country, including most of his mouth breathing, knuckle scraping, supporters. Where's our FEMA money, how come my son in the Army isn't getting paid, Polio, cavities, the cost of eggs, WTF?!
Johnson on shaky ground with Trump after spending fiasco
(Politico) The collapse of Speaker Mike Johnson’s spending plan illustrates a painful lesson that other politicians have already learned: Absolute loyalty to Donald Trump is a one-way street. As the U.S. teeters on the edge of a government shutdown, bitterly divided Republicans are struggling to find a way forward and Johnson’s hold on his job is in Trump’s mercurial hands. Multiple House conservatives, as well as Trump advisers and other people close to the incoming president, indicate Johnson’s hold on the speakership is far from stable just as Republicans are about to take control of the House, Senate and White House.
House Republicans regrouping after government funding bill fails
(ABC News) Speaker Mike Johnson said Thursday night that Republicans will "regroup" and "come up with another solution" after the government funding bill they negotiated with President-elect Donald Trump that would avert a government shutdown failed to pass. The bill failed by a 174-235-1 vote with 38 Republicans voting against it.
Republicans Cut Child Cancer Research From Funding Bill After Musk's Meddling
(Rolling Stone) The new stripped-down funding bill proposed on Thursday is literally throwing out the baby with the bathwater: It will exclude $190 million for the bipartisan “Give Kids a Chance” program for child cancer research. Sam Stein of The Bulwark points out that the new bill also excludes funding for research on premature labor, sickle cell disease treatment, early detection of breast and cervical cancer, the Rural Broadband Protection Act, an anti-deepfake porn bill, and more.
Troops Won't Get Paid Over Holidays if There's a Shutdown
(Political Wire) “Republicans’ decision to abandon a congressional spending plan will cost troops their paychecks over the holidays unless some agreement is reached before Friday’s deadline to prevent a government shutdown,” the AP reports.
Jeffries: GOP led by wealthy 'puppeteers'
(The Hill) House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) slammed GOP leaders Thursday evening after the Republicans’ Trump-backed plan to fund the federal government and raise the debt ceiling was trounced on the House floor. Jeffries accused Republicans of caving to the demands of Elon Musk, the billionaire Trump loyalist, whose opposition to a bipartisan spending agreement helped tank that deal and left Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) scrambling for an alternative on Thursday.
Welcome to Trump 47.
Tiny children may be getting lumps of coal in their stockings this year, and if they do, their parents will blame Elon Musk. As they should.
A teachable moment.
This internal discontent has gained momentum after the shock resignation of Chrystia Freeland, Trudeau’s finance minister and a key ally.
You're aware, are you not, that Freeland is no fan of Trumpty?
How does he do anything when the government is shut down, and in default?
Note to Trump: Don't mess with Biden. He will bury you. Again.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is facing a mounting political crisis within his own Liberal Party, with an increasing number of party members voicing their desire for his resignation ahead of the scheduled 2025 election. This internal discontent has gained momentum after the shock resignation of Chrystia Freeland, Trudeau’s finance minister and a key ally.
Executive Orders (Day 1 in office):
Restore the “remain in Mexico” program so immigrants will have to wait in Mexico while any U.S. asylum applications are pending.
Build the wall.
End the policy of making children of illegal immigrants automatic U.S. citizens if born in America. End so-called “birthright citizenship.”
Mass deportation of illegal immigrants starting with terrorists, and criminals.
Energy & Climate Change
Open Federal lands to oil and natural gas exploration. Same for offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, offshore Atlantic and Pacific coasts and Alaska.
Roll back emissions standards on internal combustion engines (ICE) on U.S. automobiles.
Roll back tougher rules on emissions from U.S. power plants.
End incentives on electric vehicle (EV) production.
Halt windmill projects.
Withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.
End the transition of military vehicles to “clean or alternative” energy.
Military and Defense
Demand the resignation of all Generals who were involved in the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Demand the resignation of all Generals who supported Mark Milley’s DEI and woke policies.
End transgender surgery and treatments and paid abortions for military service members.
Reinstate rank and seniority for military members forced out because they refused COVID shots.
Social Policy and Wokeness
Ban biological men from women’s sports to preserve Title IX.
Abolish “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI) initiatives and offices.
Fire special counsels investigating Trump and end all federal prosecutions of Trump and close associates.
Pardon J6 defendants awaiting trial and those already convicted if they did not engage in violence on January 6, 2021.
Launch investigations of progressive DAs around the country for violating the civil rights of Americans.
Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Trump can be expected to sign many more EOs and launch numerous legislative initiatives over the subsequent days and weeks.
"So, the American public understandably no longer believes much of anything the waning Biden administration says—not after its other chronic lies about denying the role of the Wuhan lab in the COVID-19 pandemic, only “moderate” inflation, and assurances that Hunter Biden would never be pardoned by his father.
This administration knows that anytime there is a scandal or embarrassment on team Biden’s watch, it wheels out megaphones that ignore inquiries, gaslight critics by claiming they are hallucinatory, defame them as conspiratorial, or simply flat-out lie and stonewall.
No one yet knows what, if anything, these drones are, what they are doing in our skies—and much less whether they pose any threat at all.
But almost everyone assumes the Biden administration knows and yet expects that it will likely deceive us that it doesn’t."
Trudeau heckled as a traitor. Accused of Treason. Search "Freeland's Resignation".
Kamala Lands $20 Million Book Deal. I encourage all here to buy it because I won't and anybody I know on a personal level won't. Her campaign is $20 in debt. It all makes dollars and sense now.
White Privilege. If an ordinary African American were caught with any amount of crack cocaine not even close to the amount Hunter possessed, they're in jail. They don't get to pass "go" (receive a pardon). They don't get paid (unlike Hunter).
Court Rules Fulton DA Disqualified. Fani is done! Must suck being her, imho!
Trump Takes His Canada Trolling Up a Level in Bizarre Early Morning Post
Dan Ladden-Hall
Breaking News Editor
Updated 12.18.24 8:30AM EST /
Published 12.18.24 6:40AM EST
space aliens are eating Republican brains
it’s the only explanation for their panic over drones
Jeff Tiedrich
Dec 18, 2024
it takes a special kind of stupid to see lights in the night sky and conclude that America is being invaded by space aliens from the planet China — but MAGA is just that kind of stupid.
it’s been a couple of weeks now since the sighting of what may or may not have been drones over New Jersey caused the dumbest fucking imbeciles on the planet to freak out. these panicky pantloads have now decided that every object in the sky — airplanes, constellations — is a clear sign that our country is under attack, and their overheated clownshittery shows no sign of abating.
let’s sample some of the fever-swamp theories being passed around the MAGAverse as to who’s behind all this treachery from above.
Nancy Mace knows who’s behind the drones: space aliens from beyond the universe.
Does Trump want Putin to get Ukraine’s $26 trillion in gas and minerals?
Kyiv controls vast gas and mineral deposits. Does Trump want those flowing west, or to Russia and China?
Today at 6:30 a.m. EST
Miners ride on a conveyor in the tunnel at the coal mine in Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine on April 7, 2023. (Evgeniy Maloletka/AP)
Donald Trump often says that liberating Iraq without getting its oil resources was one of America’s biggest foreign policy blunders. He has a chance to avoid a similar mistake in Ukraine.
Ukraine is not only the breadbasket of Europe; it is also a mineral superpower with some of the largest reserves of 117 of the 120 the most widely used minerals in the world. Of the 50 strategic minerals identified by the United States as critical to its economy and national security, many of which are quite rare yet key to certain high-value applications, Ukraine supplies 22.
Ukraine possesses the largest reserves of uranium in Europe; the second-largest reserves of iron ore, titanium and manganese; and the third largest reserves of shale gas — as well as large deposits of lithium, graphite and rare earth metals, according to a 2022 report by the Canadian geopolitical risk-analysis firm SecDev. These minerals are essential to the production of vital goods ranging from airplanes, cellphones and electric vehicles to steel and nuclear power.
The question for the president-elect is: Does he want Russia and China to get that treasure trove of natural resources? Or does he want to develop them with Ukraine to the benefit of the American people?
One of the main reasons Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine (aside from his delusional historical fantasies about how Ukrainians and Russians are “one people”) was to seize these natural resources, which are valued at an estimated $26 trillion, according to SecDev.
That effort nearly succeeded. In early 2022, Russian forces reached the outskirts of Kyiv and came close to taking the capital and installing a puppet regime. But with U.S. assistance — including the Javelin missiles that Trump supplied (reversing Barack Obama’s lethal weapons ban) — Ukraine forced Russia back. In so doing, it not only liberated its citizens from brutal Russian occupation; it also successfully defended roughly 80 percent of Ukraine’s known mineral deposits, according to the SecDev report — including 73 percent of its iron ore, 75 percent of its lithium and graphite, 90 percent of its titanium, and 92 percent of its uranium and other radioactive elements.
Early on, Russia seized control of an estimated 80 percent of Ukraine’s massive offshore hydrocarbon deposits. But over the past three years, Ukraine has wiped out roughly half of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet using explosive unmanned sea drones to drive the Russian navy from its territorial waters. With that successful offensive, Ukraine has reopened its shipping lanes and recaptured many of its Black Sea oil and gas deposits.
Today, Ukraine maintains control of 96.5 percent of its proven oil reserves and 96 percent of its proven natural gas reserves — as well as all of its aluminum, cobalt, copper, nickel, tin and beryllium deposits.
Natural gas
About 96 percent of Ukraine’s natural gas reserves remain under Ukrainian control.
Russia did succeed in seizing about 57 percent of the country’s known coal reserves (worth about $11.9 trillion) and about half of its deposits of certain rare earths (though many of those were captured in 2014 when Russia first invaded and seized Crimea). But those losses notwithstanding, Ukraine has prevented Russia from seizing $13.6 trillion in mineral and hydrocarbon wealth.
That has been a massive defeat for Putin — and a huge opportunity for the United States.
The American people have already invested about $183 billion to help Ukraine defend its mineral-rich land from Russian aggression. Though the vast majority of the military portion of that aid has been spent here in the United States — strengthening our defense production capacity and creating good manufacturing jobs for American workers — that amount remains a staggeringly large investment in helping Ukraine defend itself from unjust aggression.
Shouldn’t U.S. taxpayers get a return on that investment? Do we want Ukrainian titanium going into American planes, or into Russian and Chinese fighter jets that will threaten the United States and its allies? Do we want Ukraine’s lithium and rare earths powering American-made electronics and electric vehicles, or Chinese ones?
Trump has pledged to “bring Americans the lowest-cost energy and electricity on Earth” as well as expand artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency mining, which require data centers that consume vast amounts of electricity. The only proven way to lower electricity costs while simultaneously increasing electricity demand is to dramatically boost our supply of clean nuclear power. And Trump has pledged to approve the construction of nuclear plants powered by small innovative reactors.
That would dramatically increase U.S. demand for uranium. The United States is already the largest purchaser of Russian-enriched uranium, dependent on Moscow for nearly one-quarter of its supply. It is not in our strategic interest to allow Putin to seize control of the largest uranium reserves in Europe. The United States needs that Ukrainian uranium to lower energy costs for Americans and fuel AI and crypto innovation.
Trump has also set a priority of reducing America’s economic dependence on Communist China. Beijing is the largest source for more than half of the critical minerals the United States imports, including 72 percent of rare earth imports. China is trying to corner the global market on lithium, actively buying mines across the world, as well as mines for other critical minerals such as cobalt and nickel. And demonstrating its growing power over the U.S. economy, Beijing recently tightened export controls on critical minerals such as aluminum and titanium, banned the export of gallium and severely restricted the export of graphite to the United States. Ukraine has all of these minerals in abundance.
Were Ukraine’s mineral wealth to fall into Russian hands, it would be a strategic and economic boon to China, which has entered into a “no limits” partnership with Russia. Meanwhile, the United States needs friendly reliable sources of these critical minerals. If we help Ukraine secure and develop its natural resources, we can also deal a strategic blow to Beijing and Moscow, while bringing enormous financial benefit back to the American people.
But to do so, Ukraine needs Trump’s help to secure a just and lasting peace.
After Russia’s full-scale invasion, metallurgical production in Ukraine fell by an estimated 80 percent — from 20 million tons in 2021 to just 2.5 million by the middle of 2023. It is hard to mine for minerals while missiles are being fired at your critical infrastructure. It is impossible to develop offshore oil and natural gas in the waters Ukraine controls in the North Crimean Basin under the shadow of Russian forces who are within firing range.
Ukraine’s mineral reserves
Ukraine has some of the world’s largest reserves of minerals, such as lithium, titanium and uranium, that are considered strategic for growing technologies.
American businesses can develop those resources for the benefit of the American and Ukrainian peoples — but only if the fighting ends on terms that give investors confidence the Russian assault won’t resume.
The reality is Putin won’t willingly give up on his quest to conquer Ukraine and its mineral wealth. He will violate any international agreement Russia signs to achieve his objective. The only way to stop him is to make his objective impossible to achieve. Putin no doubt hopes to use any cessation of hostilities to pause, reconstitute his forces and resume his invasion in a few years’ time — just like he did after his 2014 invasion and annexation of Crimea.
So, Trump needs to do more than simply stop today’s war in Ukraine; he must create conditions that make a resumption of war impossible.
That will require creating defensible borders. During this year’s CNN presidential debate, Dana Bash asked Trump if Putin’s demands that Russia “keeps the Ukrainian territory it has already claimed and Ukraine abandons its bid to join NATO” were acceptable to him. Trump responded “No, they’re not acceptable.” He’s right. A good deal that truly secures Ukraine and its resources requires that Kyiv get back critical areas in Kherson and Zaporizhzhia. It will also need security guarantees backed up with Western military might — either through NATO membership for Ukraine, serious bilateral security commitments or a demilitarized zone enforced by an international peacekeeping force made up of European, not American, troops. (Poland will soon have the third-largest military in NATO and could lead a European peacekeeping operation.)
But another key to a lasting peace is a well-armed Ukraine, so that Kyiv possesses a military powerful enough to deter Russia. The United States will need to arm Ukraine regardless of what happens at the negotiating table — either to stop Russia from resuming the war once Trump has left office or to force Putin to the negotiating table if he refuses to agree to peace. So we must find mechanisms to increase the flow of U.S. weapons to Kyiv that do not require U.S. taxpayers to bear the cost. One way to do so? Loans backed by Ukraine’s mineral and fossil fuel resources as collateral.
By creating confidence that attracts private investment, a Trump-brokered peace accord will help the United States and Ukraine jointly develop Ukraine’s mineral and hydrocarbon resources, allowing it to provide for its own defense, just as Poland and the Baltic States do today.
A stable, sovereign and prosperous Ukraine will be an essential partner for America in extracting this natural resource wealth. An unstable Ukraine, under constant threat from Russia, will lead to a resumption of war when Trump leaves office, and ultimately allow Putin to seize that wealth for Russia and China’s benefit.
Who will benefit from Ukraine’s oil, gas and mineral wealth? The choice belongs to Trump.
Oh, Never Mind
You didn’t really think he was going to lower prices, did you?
So it looks like all those people who voted for him, despite all the reasons not to, will be abandoned on aisle 6, in the hoodwink section.
Dan Rather
and Team Steady
Do you remember when candidate Donald Trump said, “Grocery prices have skyrocketed. How can a family afford that? So, when I win, I will immediately bring prices down.” That was at a rally in August.
Or how about this: “We will end inflation and make America affordable again, and we’re going to get the prices down, we have to get them down.” He made that pledge in September.
The day before the election, he promised that “a vote for Trump means your groceries will be cheaper.” He said that while standing at a podium emblazoned with the words, TRUMP WILL FIX IT.
Are you sensing a trend?
Trump clearly knows how to appeal to the electorate. He understood that high inflation and the promise to bring prices down were the most important issues facing Americans. He exploited the fear of economic uncertainty to win. Of the 70% of voters who said they were “very concerned” about prices, 6 in 10 cast their ballot for Trump.
On December 8, Trump crowed about it on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “I won on groceries. A very simple word, ‘groceries.’”
Four days later, he backpedaled.
“Look, they got them up. I’d like to bring them down,” he told Time magazine. “It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard.”
So let’s get this straight. The president-elect is reneging on promises six weeks before he takes office.
Former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger brought some levity to an otherwise hard-to-swallow reality.
Trump isn’t wrong about it being “hard.” Curbing inflation, slowing the rate of price increases, is difficult enough. But Trump is talking about deflation, actual price drops. Those usually happen only during an economic downturn like a recession or a depression. Trust me, we don’t want either.
So it looks like all those people who voted for him, despite all the reasons not to, will be abandoned on aisle 6, in the hoodwink section. Because not only will Trump be unable to bring prices down from the day he “takes the oath of office,” most economists say his proposed policies, like imposing tariffs and deporting undocumented workers, would actually drive prices up — way up.
Trump, an Ivy League-educated, trust-fund billionaire, is an unlikely populist. A member of the 0.1% who has likely never been grocery shopping figured out how to appeal to Americans at the bottom of the economic ladder, with, it turns out, empty promises.
That bottom rung is getting larger. The wealth inequality in our country is astounding and worsening. In 1970, 61% of the U.S. population was considered middle class. It’s now down to 50% and shrinking. Today, the top 1% of Americans hold 31% of the wealth; the bottom half holds just 2.6%. We all might want to pause to fully consider those percentages.
Then there is this: According to the U.S. census the median household income in the United States was just over $80,000 a year in 2023. Half of all Americans earn less than that. No wonder the price of eggs, which has soared 37.5% in part because of an avian flu outbreak, is a big problem. Grocery prices have risen 28% in five years, according to the USDA. That is a stunning increase. Besides bird flu, supply-chain disruption and pent-up demand from the pandemic are among the problems. So is the war in Ukraine. Ukraine is normally a major grain supplier to the U.S.
Another factor is “greedflation.” Corporate profits have increased by 29% since the start of the pandemic; grocery prices have risen by almost the same percentage. According to the Groundwork Collaborative, this increase accounts for a large portion of the higher prices we are all paying. By their assessment, as much as 53 cents of every dollar spent can be attributed to corporate profit-taking.
Corporations are entitled to make profits, of course. Indeed, in our economic system we need them to be profitable. But how much is too much — especially considering the astronomical salaries of many corporate executives? According to the Economic Policy Institute, over the past 45 years, top CEO compensation increased by 1,085% (not a typo) while their typical worker’s salary inched up by just 24%.
Bending the truth and overpromising on the campaign trail are as American as cherry pie. Basing a campaign on something you know you can’t make happen is a low reserved only for Trump. It will be worth watching what happens during the 2026 midterm elections if prices continue to rise on the most basic of necessities. Control of Congress could again hinge upon the price of eggs.
Trump files suit against Iowa pollster Ann Selzer and Des Moines Register newspaper
Published Tue, Dec 17 20249:42 AM EST
Never a dull moment on Ihub. I have a stalker following me around and he complained about a post directed to Janice.
Of course my post was deleted as off topic yet his wasn't.
A classic Weekend update on SNL last Saturday.
McDonalds gets a bad Yelp review and Tiny Tim is back in vogue.
there always up to something,,, unless theyre not. ( how zen )
Very good.
Morning Joe like Rachel one day a week Maddow doesn't really give anyone else time to speak so why watch them.
I mainly get my news from our local station in the morning and Lester at night for national news.
Then the local paper and the NYT.
HA - delerious,, that was pretty good. reminds me of-->
a man with a hairy ass,,,,,, a hairy ass,, a hairy ass
toss away these thoughts. and watch our for stairs,, be careful around them,, there always up to something,,, unless theyre not. ( how zen )
That is an especially good one.
Sorry, CNN and MSNBC, But It's Not Us. It's You
I haven't watched CNN or MSNBC for a single second in the month since the 2024 presidential election. I've been a loyal viewer of CNN pretty much since it started, through the bullshit times of enforced patriotism, like the first Gulf War or after 9/11, and through the transition from being a news channel to being, in its current state, an extended talk show, one long episode of The View or the Sunday political chat fests, with occasional breaks for a news story.
With MSNBC, I've had a more tortured relationship, vacillating between appreciating the early weirdness of the channel as it featured shows hosted by liberals like Phil Donahue and crazed conservatives like Pat Buchanan, to being a semi-regular viewer of Keith Olbermann and an occasional guest on Ed Schultz's show. But as it descended into a kind of smug insider party with smirky outrage expressed in the most pin-headed way possible, it lost me. And not just because of Morning Joe. I've never been able to handle the most recent primetime lineup, probably since the failure of Mueller Report to do anything that it was hyped to do by the hosts on that lineup.
And these things are relationships. We build up trust with the hosts we choose or the network we watch. You see that in the fervent devotion of Fox "news" viewers who refuse to believe anything that's related to "reality" without getting the okay from the Fox fucknut brigade. One dear friend of mine had MSNBC on pretty much all day, every day, whenever she was home. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were her morning coffee klatch and she didn't go to bed until she heard the history lesson that Rachel Maddow was dishing out. But not anymore. She's also gone cold turkey.
We on the left that still watched the corporate media's news networks had a kind of deal in our heads: we'll put up with your bullshit as long as, at the end of the day, we're on the right side of history. In the last few years, that meant tolerating the deranged bothersiderism that pretended that anything Hunter Biden was remotely equal to a single hour of the criminality of Donald Trump.
That means watching CNN bring on guests and analysts who were objectively despicable human beings who regularly lied. Sorry, but a rational news organization wouldn't invite back anyone who said the 2020 election was stolen. That's fucking deranged and the people who believe it should be treated as such, up to and including Trump. And I'm not even talking about the regular awful conservative jizz spewers like Scott Jennings.
But we hung in there because we got our fix of appalling acts by Trump and his administration and then the MAGA freaks when Trump was out of office. And they were covered like the appalling acts they are. And it was good enough. For a while, that is.
In the 2024 election, on CNN, we watched as every outrageous thing that Trump said he would do if reelected and every crime that he was on trial for and every horrible fucking cretin in his circle and every consolidation of oligarchic power around him was simply another story and not anything abnormal or alarming.
To an extent, with Trump's vows about controlling the media, CNN was reporting on its own destruction with the objectivity of a crazy person recording his observations of the scenery after leaping off a tall building. And, I mean, just fuck you for the act of faux balance.
If someone is about to kill you and you've got access to a gun, you don't discuss the ethics of gun ownership in the United States and the propagation of violence because of it. No, you shoot the fucking gun and explain yourself later. Journalism had a responsibility to prevent Trump from getting reelected because it's a check on unchecked power, which Trump promises to wield. If you are part of a democratic system and exist because of that democratic system, then when something is going to tear down that system, you deal with it like a threat. Instead, we got more yahoo safaris where Trump voters were interviewed as if their fucking stupidity was down-home wisdom.
On MSNBC, it was arguably worse because they were attempting to fight the good fight but in the most annoying way possible: by assuming that everyone was terminally online. It said what we wanted to hear, just feeding an anti-Trump emotional algorithm that was satisfying as hell, but ultimately was worthless. (Again, I find MSNBC mostly unwatchable, but your mileage may vary.)
Since the election, ratings have plummeted for CNN and MSNBC, which is to be expected to an extent, but usually the falloff post-election is across the board as people pay attention to other shit. However, Fox "news" is gaining viewers, and, of course, the mad motherfuckers there are crowing about it.
But this isn't about ratings. It's about a very real feeling that we were abused and hoodwinked into a belief about the election that simply wasn't true. To an extent, that's on us. We wanted to cling to the hosts and guests who declared that they thought the polls were way off and Harris would win in a blow-out. But we have to live with ourselves. We don't have to live with the people who fostered that fantasy.
And with the frightened voices of Joe and Mika talking about how they flew to Mar-a-Lago to kiss Trump's voluminous ass echoing in our ears, with CNN reporting on family separation policy as if it's the same as a new tax on Corn Flakes, with the shift in the reporting on the economy to emphasize how great it is as opposed to the gloom and doom of the pre-election period, with the pretense of objectivity and the mask of fairness making the monstrous innocuous, with the billionaires who own the mass media desperate to kowtow to the incoming fascist regime, I can't figure out a single reason to go back to my decades-long addiction.
I've kicked you out, CNN and MSNBC. You fucked it all up and now I'm fucking done. Get your shit together or just disappear.
No. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
For the next 2 years there will be no checks and balances. Just rubber stamps.
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Journalists are not the enemy
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