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Fingers crossed bud! Merry Christmas to you and all INNIers:)
Good. Now bring a merger in January that has substance! Merry xmas $b
Filings/disclosures out:
Yes, I think it makes it more appealing especially with a low outstanding. They restricted the majority of the A/S on the last round so I would assume it would be the same on the next merger? glty as well:)
$85 per 10,000 authorized in DE, but $200k max. So they were already paying $200k to DE before the AS increase.
Also leaves open the door to a huge a/s reduction potentially by a new owner.
Agreed b! That’s a really interesting supplemental. Lots to chew on there. Leaving the A/S at 2b jumps out at me because I think that costs a lot of money in DE… not certain but I think so. That could be an indicator this gets turned around to a better R/M quickly. Gltu
Agreed! Hopefully they'll find a better merger the next round.
Good stuff. I was worried Tailored Tickers had fumbled the ball on this one. Really glad to see that’s not the case!
It was 100 shares lol
I'm just sitting tight waiting on more filings.
Yes I noticed that. But the question remains whether Bland is still involved here. Everything he touches seems to turn to dust...
Looks like they had an RW filing(registration withdrawl) back on 8/30:
Headed to Expert Market and .000001 if it goes in the same direction of all the other companies Kenneth Bland has been associated with. Wondering why the custodian would even deal with this guy. Seems like a negligent DISSERVICE to shareholders to get that guy anywhere near this ticker. Maybe it will be different this time though? Lol or it looks like my 200,000 shares will be a tax write off.
Last trading week of August! Looking for a great September and going forward:)
I'm just waiting on more filings to what direction this one is headed.
You find any information out on theme
From the filing, Kenneth D. Bland, Chief Executive Officer:
Just needs some volume:) Super nice SS...low float:
Agreed wingtrade! Good merger plays are far and few between. Let's hope this one turns out well.
Definitely an interesting filing and some interesting DD out there from my initial search. I’ve been burned so many times on the OTC I just really hope this is one that finally values us as shareholders. Those of us who search these little plays out are truly valuable to have as a base but time and time again we just get burned. So I am hopeful but skeptical.
Yep. Interesting setup here
I noticed this was mentioned in the filing...A.I. International Corporate Holdings, Ltd.. Gonna go through it a bit more later.
Form 10-12G Registration Statement is automatically effective after 60 days
It would be awfully nice to know if parties are busy dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. Because they are way overdue for the quarterly report. Not sure if an extension could be in play just due to negotiations???
I've seen that happen on a few stocks here lately. I'm holding all and waiting for what's next!
Who dumps 300k shares on a 16M float with a 30% spread SMH
Ya I'm hoping for big company taking over ya seen the 6 dollor sale the bring it down to 0.016 I can't see retail doing that
I definitely haven’t. Can’t imagine the purpose for that many restricted?? What I find real amusing though, is the daily effort in selling minuscule amounts of shares to try and keep it in the red. It’s comical. I’m very interested to see what company takes over!
Have you ever seen large increase in os like this before in shell with no notes
Have you ever seen large increase in os like this before in shell with no notes
Hope it nice company like they did with mayx
I also received an email back a few weeks ago from Dave. This was before the share structure change. He obviously couldn’t mention details, but did admit much progress was being made. I threw some loose change in today and picked up some more shares. Just a hunch, but I’m sure there is going to be a “quiet” period to allow participants to position accordingly before any announcement is made. Can’t get much cheaper than this haha.
Good luck to all of us! We deserve it!
I don't have any at the moment. I'll wait and see what they bring to the table here.
What kind of price target you have in mind
That's what we're hoping for:)
It seem there merger coming could be big one they just did mayx
Nice! Thanks for letting us know.
I got email Hi Richard. There's nothing I can share at this time but that's what filings are for, so perhaps keep an eye out. And thanks for your support!
"Restricted shares" leaves INNI as a low floater with a possible merger to boot, imo:
Same here wingtrade! GLTY as well:)