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It hurts me deeply to see so many here loss everything. I come back to this board yearly hoping for a glimmer of hope and sign from Stacey and management they are righting wrongs to no avail. Inca was a real business with real products and a lot of potential, but clearly management did not want to deal with shareholders or effort and cost of filing to remain a publicly traded company. IMO, they went private because they stood to make more money with less hassle and oversight.
I left the penny market after selling my Inca and Sarissa position in 2009-2010 and never looked back. The two companies I was so convince were true investments turned out to be the opposite. So many folks on both stocks lost so much, even got family and friends into the stock. I remember the comradery here, how longs would stick together and supported each other, how we were so convinced this stock was going back over $1 with Stacey's talent and her celebrity connections. Alas, things turned out much different and should be a lesson to us all to not marry a penny stock, to take profits regularly, to not be too greedy or blindly trust management. After years of holding, seeing IDGI go over two pennies 2-3 times without taking profits, I made the decision to slowly exit with a very modest gain. Sometimes, I feel guilty I got out unscathed while others lost everything. I was very lucky and hope you all have been able to recoup some or all your losses elsewhere, that while painful, this has been a valuable lesson.
I miss my old IDGI friends, you guys were the best group of investors a public company could have, loyal, fierce defenders of your investment. I hope the new year bring you all much peace and prosperity and that our path will cross again in another promising investment.
Attention #IDGC shareholders. The company will never Reverse Split $IDGC. We are going to be first to market with partners NVIDIA and Energypro and estimate first year's revenues to exceed in excess of 1 billion dollars. With an uncoverable short position imo the attempt to cellarbox the company will likely break the Broker Dealer as shareholders hold and accumulate more and we are confident we will show the investment community we're in a market capable of delivering are shareholders an intrinsic value of .10 as the shorts buy everything to cover their capital calls. A run from .0001 to .10 is literally turning one dollar into a thousand creating generational wealth for our loyal shareholders beyond their wildest dreams imo. the cellarbox attempt is our biggest asset now. Shortsqueeze coming fast folks. Please retweet this and share the opportunity with new shareholders. Congrats.
11:45 AM · Feb 1, 2024
It is still weird to think this growing company went under. It had so much going for itself
Come on IDGI come back to life, lets get this going :)
Looks like you got away with really hurt a lot of people.
Still here, waiting for
Getting what you give~if you're mean, you get bad karma~bad things ... If you're kindly & nice, you'll get good karma~good things will happen. ... Top definition.
Hi Stacy, Getting ready to file income taxes for last year? How did we do?
Inca Designs, Inc.
2317 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel: (305) 673-9170
Stacy, anything to report to your fellow owners?
Stacy, I hope you were one of the lucky ones who got back some money from Madoff in the latest settlement. Maybe now you can do the right thing and give back to those who trusted you! Sorry you were swindled, doesn't feel too good does it? What recourse do we have?
Stacy, Well it looks like you got away with it. I hope you are proud
Stacy, are we going to have a good swimsuite season? How are sales going?
Almost swimsuit season! How is our company doing?
Karma,Karma,Karma, it will show up someday.
Stacy, God bless you and your family. You must need the money more than the people who supported you and your company.
looks to me like they are getting away with it........
Not sure about SI, but Field and Stream featured a turkey vulture with an INCA band on its talon!
Here's a laugh for you all.........."did we make Sports Illustrated Swim suit this year?" Just saw it is happening. What do you say Stacy?
Last I checked though, the domain name of was foe sale. I don't think they ever owned that one.
there is no stock symbol to sell. When the stock was delisted the symbol ceased to exist. With out the delisting, the stock/symbol could be traded even if there is no company. I own one like that. My understanding is that theoretically we still own the company in the amount of our shares each,, but that is useless unless Stacy is willing to share out of the goodness of her heart. Problem with that is.........she doesn't have one.
Can they sell the stock symbol and we own a different company or not?
Man, I have to quit drinking and posting... It hurts to write off more than 100k and give up though. the hate I have for these people is poison to me.
owners, you are POS
looks like stacy is starting over..............again. Her new project is called Inside Studio. Can't figure out what it is though. Any help? 10 employees, I wonder if they are being paid? If I remember right, some of her old employees weren't too happy with her.
Ex-hubby Donny D seems to be doing well, maybe she can hit him up for some cash to get the stock back.
Stacy, how was our summer? Did we make a profit? How are you?
I doubt that they care. Does anyone know the statute of limitations on corporate misconduct? In my opinion they are guilty of at least that. Wish the IRS would take an interest in them.....
I still check in from time to time. But really, do you think they even check this board anymore, or care?
my reason for continuing to post here is to keep Stacy aware of the pain she has caused. Has everyone one else moved on? Maybe someday i will............but not yet.
1 - How Miami Power Women Are Relaxing This Summer
"I love to take day trips to Islamorada in the summer. It's nice to take a short vacation out of the city and enjoy the beauty of the Keys." –Stacy Josloff, owner of Pure Therapy
Sure wish I could afford a vacation. I can't............ you caused me to lose a small fortune.Due to your laziness and lack of business skills.
Stacy,,,, any comment?
Or 20/20 investigative reports with Geraldo Rivera or some other high profile investigative journalist or CSI or maybe Law and Order Criminal
Stacy and her shithead husband Evan Kaye, will have a special place in hell waiting on them...and no Inca bikinis or mankini banana hammocks allowed. Make them wear fur coats.
From the looks of them, they need to lay off the heroin or prescription drugs. I guess those steroids are taking a toll on Evan or HIV etc...
Both POS.....
I would love to have the TV show American Greed look into this company...............
Any news Stacy?
any news for the owners and their families to whom you owe so much?, and care so little. Any plans to do something right for a change? Or is it all OUR fault? I am not going away......
any news for the owners and their families to whom you owe so much?, and care so little. Any plans to do something right for a change? Or is it all OUR fault? I am not going away......
any news for the owners and their families to whom you owe so much?, and care so little. Any plans to do something right for a change? Or is it all OUR fault? I am not going away......
any news for the owners and their families to whom you owe so much?, and care so little. Any plans to do something right for a change? Or is it all OUR fault?
any news for the owners and their families to whom you owe so much?
any news for the owners to whom you owe so much?
Hoping our store had a good holiday weekend. The warm weather is finally here. Any chance of news soon Stacy? Are you going to catch up on those filings?
still thinking about the 100k plus you cost me and my family.