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Unfortunately all the common shareholders have incurred 100% Maximal Losses after FINRA canceled this stock!
How to recover those Giant Losses from IDOI? Here is a easy example:
IDOI was traded between 0.0011 and 0.0001 since April of 2017 with 400M shares float and OS. In order to recover any loss here, one should buy its OTC peer (such as FONU which has the Same Bottom and Similar float count) at the Same cost base price with the Same or Different amount of shares. For instance, if someone ever owned 50M shares of IDOI at the cost 0.0002 a share then he only needs to buy 50M shares of FONU at the Same price 0.0002, then he would hold and wait for 0.0004 (i.e. 100% gain) to sell out all the 50M shares of FONU in order to recover 100% loss caused by owning IDOI; if anyone now owns 1M shares of IDOI at 0.0011 then he needs to buy 5.5M shares of FONU at 0.0002; if anyone now owns 2M shares of IDOI at 0.0006 then he needs to buy 3M shares of FONU at 0.0002; if someone owns 100M shares of IDOI at 0.0001 then he needs to buy 50M shares of FONU at 0.0002 and so on.
April 5,2019 IDOI registration revoked:
Dried out 0.0001s? We should see 0.0002 as soon as the next week! The SS is the FIXED and Tiny which means it is easy to hit its most recent high 0.0004 again...
Time to bounce back to its 52-week high 0.0004 again? IDOI is Hyper Oversold!
Total 12,481,250 shares dumped at 0.0001 since 10/05/2018! I'm wondering why my huge buying order (20M shares) at 0.0001 has no any single share fill at all? Will the current bid be raised to 0.0002 very soon? Will IDOI act like its peer (EFLN) to surge 9-Bagger from the Same Bottom 0.0001 to 0.0009? Anyway EFLN has Positive Huge Book Value --- +$0.0064 per share v.s. IDOI has Very Negative Book Value --- -$0.0756 per share!
Now EFLN is trading at $0.0002 with 2,460,982,109 shares OS v.s. IDOI is trading at $0.0001 with 399,658,514 shares OS.
0.0006 is the current 52-week high for IDOI v.s. 0.0035 is the current 52-week high for EFLN.
0.0011 was the recent high for IDOI v.s. 0.0069 was the recent high for EFLN.
Well, I ever warned everyone here more than three months ago --- see my previous post June 9, 2018! If anyone here ever listened to my advice then he/she should have already avoided such huge capital losses... IDOI is a nightmare for all the investors and shareholders who ever put in millions dollars!
The lesson from IDOI is, sell such type of very risky stocks ASAP before it is too late! Even selling at 0.0001 is much much better than ZERO!
What took the SEC so long,this 'company' has no employees, no office, no business as far as I know. Funny, I tried to sell this AM to write it off and found that it is suspended. So, maybe I won't have to pay a commission to sell.
It's only taken these clowns 4 years to do what they should have done after the first time not reporting.
Admin Proceeding:
I just noticed, IDOI is on very dangerous "Delinquent SEC Reporting" status (see the first link below)! Why the FINRA has not Suspended it and downgraded it to the OTC Grey Sheet market yet while its Same "Delinquent SEC Reporting" OTC Non-Reporting Pink Sheet peer (URBF) was already suspended on May 22 and now URBF is already downgraded and traded on the OTC Grey Sheet market now?
In fact, IDOI has not filed any financial reports to SEC near Four years v.s. its peer (URBF) only did over Two years! Why the SEC/FINRA suspended the Two years "Delinquent SEC Reporting" stock (URBF) but the Four years "Delinquent SEC Reporting" stock (IDOI)?
It seems the SEC/FINRA does not treat every OTC Non-Reporting "Delinquent SEC Reporting" stock in the Same and Fair way! Why?
LOL....this shouldn't be called InvestorsHub, it should be called player'sHub.
$IDOI: Maybe I should buyout 2Million at $0.0003
This party could be about to get started again.
Liking the volume recently.
It all comes down to TIMING after all.
Why IDOI could hit 0.0011 just over a year ago but it stuck at 0.0002 for so long? Where are those aggressive buyers (who bought tens of millions of shares at 0.0011 ~ 0.0009) now? Why didn't they buy existing dirt cheap shares at 0.0003 ~ 0.0006 (the current 52-week high) now? Will IDOI bounce back to 0.0011 again in 2018?
Anyway one of its two non-reporting peers ever hit 0.0014 with 701M shares OS while another just hit 0.0007 on 02/13/2018 with 500M shares OS.
Dried out dirt cheap 0.0002s? It seems 0.0002 could hold the bottom support for IDOI because usually only some fractional shares were sold at 0.0002 since its recent high 0.0011! I wish IDOI could run 11-Bagger Quick rally again to hit last year's high 0.0011!
No more 0.0001s since the most recent high 0.0006 (beginning of 2018) from the chart below!
I bet those very lucky 0.0002 buyers will start to slap the cheap asks (0.0003 ~ 0.0011) very soon...
No more slapping action at the asking price 0.0003 ~ 0.0004! So very soon IDOI will crash to 0.0001 x 0.0002 again...
The past trading volumes tell us that the current OS is at least 1.5B shares since totally around 1B shares were dumped at 0.0001!
Anyway the current AS is already 10B shares based on the filing on 12/05/2014.
Did you ever call the TA to get the current SS? It seems the AS was already 10B shares after the company filed that document and the past huge trading volumes also confirms that the current OS is at least 1.5B shares because about 1B shares dumped at 0.0001 totally since IDOI first hit 0.0001...
True. IDOI will decline to 0 x 0.0001 again as soon as the month since no more slapping actions at 0.0002 or above! 10B/1.5~1.6B shares Giant AS/OS plus Giant Debts and Giant Liabilities...
Don't own this SCAM never have. You have a right to your opinion I disagree as I said years ago I was in the game and learned a lot about MM's and what they do. No one is there to do BK. They gone on to the next con game.
they don't even have a business!!!!
Over 1B shares dumped at 0.0001 or below! How could this pos scam bounce to 0.0011 from below 0.0001? The CH7 will be filed very soon...
No. All the past trades here are Real due to 10B shares Giant AS and 1.5B ~ 1.6B shares Huge OS! The company is heading onto the CH7 Bankruptcy and IDOI shares will be worthless very soon... Sell the biggest Pos Scam at the bids ASAP before the CH7 filing!
Math test for IDOI investors......
How many IDOI shares would one have to sell to buy a postage stamp?
Plus or minus percent, how would that compare to yesterday's total
volume of 289 shares?
If you can correctly answer the above questions, you will be promoted out of special education.
Which means Huge Risks to buy this Biggest Pos Scam at any price! I bet we'll see IDOI decline to 0 ("No Bid") x 0.0001 very soon...
Sell at the 100%-Higher price 0.0002 ASAP before IDOI hits 0.0001 or below again!
You do know MM's can fake trades all day long to try to get action right? In the past I've read articles about it.
Over one Billion shares dumped at 0.0001 which means the insiders were diluting the Giant amount of Free shares like no tomorrow! So IDOI must have a company controller who owns this ticket symbol and he/she is responsible to file the CH7 Bankruptcy to warn all the investors and shareholders of Giant risks (CH7 Bankruptcy and Endless Giant Dilutions) here... Otherwise people might treat this Biggest Pos Scam like a regular OTC empty shell (without bankruptcy risk) which is not true!
Anyway Hundreds of Millions of shares dumped at 0.0002 so far and let's see when the bid (only 17M shares left) will decline to 0.0001 again...
No more slapping action at 0.0003s and 0.0004s! So only 0.0002s now!
still the same answer: there-was NO Def filed! only the Pre you just showed
the 7.6B shares were for a Merge is what that says n with NO DEF filed the increase or Merge appear to have NOT Happened.
IDOI Could still have an A/S of 400M
according to NV SOS the A/S is 400M
there was NO Def filed! only the Pre you just showed
the 7.6B shares were for a Merge is what that says n with NO DEF filed the increase or Merge appear to have NOT Happened.
IDOI Could still have an A/S of 400M
according to NV SOS the A/S is 400M
anything to show A/S was raised?
If that were the case then who raised the AS to 10B shares and who diluted the OS to 1.5B shares? Why those 1B+ shares of 0.0001s buyers did not sell their shares at the current bid 0.0002 to make 100% easy gains --- over $100,000 Huge profit?
Well those 1B+ shares of 0.0001s buyers will soon have to sell at the same price 0.0001 again since IDOI has 10B shares Giant AS for Giant Dilutions...
I don't see the 1B volume@.0001 2015 2016 early 2017 when the price was .0001
the highest volume days, only 2 days that had 50M volume 1 in 2015 n 1 in 2017
plus all of that volume also includes .0002-3 even afew @4-5
also that's I 2015 thru early 2017 so at least 2 years time.
and SOS NV still show A/S 400M
I just don't see where you get 1B shares from.
Probably due to having paid $16 per share years ago and are still hoping for it to recover to that point. All the while they totally ignored the fact that prisoners still had to be subjected to a total strip search to look for drugs, etc. So what good did a prisoner accomplish by having an AK 47 jammed between his toes???
can you show the volume of those shares on any chart?
Totally over 1,000,000,000 shares dumped at 0.0001 before! Why those 0.0001 buyers are not selling their shares at 0.0002 to make 100% easy gain now? If I were of those 0.0001 buyers and owned 1B shares at 0.0001 then I would sell out all those 1B shares at 0.0002 to make $100,000 easy profit!
LOL, there is no current CEO and there hasn't been one for years.
There is no BOD. There is no phone number. There is no current
business address. There are no fingerprints left behind. No
paper trail. No "slam , bam, thank you maam" message. Only black tire rubber tread marks from the cadillacs peeling rubber to leave the scene of the crime. Wailing, gnashing of teeth and
PT Barnum complaining "how did I miss out on the shoe metal detector thing." is sll that is left at the scene.
The current CEO should file the CH7 Bankruptcy! Why those Hunbdreds of Millions shares of 0.0001 buyers didn't sell their shares at 0.0002 to make 100% easy gain since the CH7 is inevitable with this Pos Scam?
Who is left to file bankrupsy??? Everyone walked away saying, "Well, we suckered them on that metal detector gig, what
shall we try now? Snake oil?"
I find it amazing that anyone does (or ever even did) regard this as a real stock or a real company with a real product. Didn't anyone ever notice that those Kinny Shoe metal detectors were "placed" at airports and jails and not "sold" to them?
Scam following is my hobby but can't recall any scam that was so
visible as this one. I hate to say it, but anyone losing money here almost deserves it and needs a trustee to handle their investments.
When will this Pos Scam file the CH7 Bankruptcy since IDOI has Hyper Deep Negative Equity Value -$30.2M and Giant Debts $20.82M? When that happens we'll see "No Bid" at all and the ask will stuck at 0.0001 with over 1B shares forever...
Total 1,923,890 shares sold at 0.0002 last Thursday v.s. only 10,000 shares bought at 0.0004, LOL! So we should see huge sales at 0.0002 again as soon as tomorrow...
IDOI has -$0.0756 per share Giant Negative Book Value!
Wow, IDOI has -$0.0756 per share Hyper Deep Negative Book Value v.s. it is trading at as high as +$0.0004 per share price today! Why? Anyway its similar-OS peer is trading at $0.0002 today with only -$0.0006 per share Negative Book Value.
It seems on Monday we should see the price decline back to 0.0002 again since today no real slapping actions at the Thick 0.0004s asking Wall --- over 10M shares!
Why IDOI with Hyper Deep Negative Equity Value -$30.2M and Giant Debts $20.82M has not filed the CH7 Bankruptcy yet! Usually any stock with such Giant Debts and Hyper Deep Negative Equity Value must have already been forced to file the CH7 Liquidation because there is no any way for a company to survive based on such disaster financial balance sheet! IDOI has the worst financial condition I've even seen in the OTC world!
IDOI has 10B or 10,000,000,000 shares Giant AS and 1.5B ~ 1.6B shares Huge OS and float! At the 52-week high $0.0011 it has $1.65M ~ $1.76M ridiculous high market value v.s. its peer (VGTL) only hit the 52-week high $0.0007 with much much lower debts (-$1,028,408) and much much much lower negative equity value (-$1,133,905)!
Note, about totally 1B or 1,000,000,000 shares were dumped at 0.0001 so far!
What I don't understand is, [color=red]this type of stock should be stuck at 0 x 0.0001 forever[/color] but IDOI is now trading at ridiculous high 0.0002 x 0.0004 comparing to the similar OS counts OTC peers!
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IDO Security Inc.
))))))))))))))))) Real Potential for Parabolic Upward Move !!! (((((((((((((((((((((
Share Structure
A/S 400M
IDOI Something VERY VERY Big **** Coming Soon ****
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