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You'll never guess which state just ruled gun confiscation 'red flag' laws unconstitutional
By D. Parker
The hideous laws designed to violate almost all parts of the Bill of Rights are finally being struck down as unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court of the State of New York, the state's second highest court, recently ruled the state's so-called "red flag" law unconstitutional. These unconstitutional gun confiscation schemes go by different designations, but they are colloquially known as red flag laws. The gun-grabbing ghouls of the far left are creative in describing their operation.
Anyone supportive of individual liberty and our commonsense civil rights has been horrified at how these authoritarian abominations violate almost all aspects of the Bill of Rights. Even worse, they signal a new era in gun control and selective enforcement of the law.
Anti-liberty authoritarians started with a direct violation of everyone's commonsense civil right of self-defense by crafting gun confiscation laws without due process. But don't ever expect them to utter the C-word; they've worn out their dictionaries and thesauruses, looking for soft-sounding alternatives to the word "confiscation," even though that is exactly what is taking place. This was coupled with the evisceration of the people's right to due process, so right off the bat, they violated the 2nd and 5th Amendments without breaking a sweat.
Then just to sweeten the deal, they've executed these unconstitutional atrocities with ex parte ("from one party") proceedings, as the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School states:
Typically, a court will be hesitant to make an ex parte motion. This is because the Fifth Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment guarantee a right to due process, and ex parte motions — due to their exclusion of one party — risk violating the excluded party's right to due process.
So the great news is that the first time you'll find out that the guns you own (or allegedly own) are to be confiscated will be at 4:30 A.M., when a SWAT team smashes in your front door. If you and your pets survive that ordeal, there is also the violation of the equal protection of the law (another aspect against the 14th Amendment).
Never being satisfied with just destroying a couple of commonsense civil rights, these laws were cobbled together with assaults on 4th Amendment rights against illegal search and seizure with that 4:30 A.M. raid. So this is "cruel and unusual punishment" (8th Amendment) against completely innocent people. Then, of course, the ex parte aspect of these laws violates the 6th Amendment "right to confront witnesses."
Then there is the lovely prospect of the process being the punishment, even if you don't own any guns. That situation would probably be far worse, since the authorities will feel obligated to tear your house apart to find what doesn't exist. Good luck getting them to pay for all the damage and putting it back together. And since one of these unconstitutional punishments can be set upon you for something you said, we'll add the 1st Amendment as well.
So there you have it: one set of laws that essentially violate most of the Bill of Rights, used against people who haven't violated the law. But that's not even the worst aspect of all of this. Unconstitutional red flag gun confiscation orders along with unconstitutional enhanced background checks and safe storage requirements signal a new era in gun control. With these new types of restrictions on freedom, selective enforcement can be the standard, with just one side being deprived of its commonsense civil rights.
Blanket bans and prohibitions used to be the norm, whereby the gaslighting ghouls would try to take all of one type of gun out of circulation. Now, while they still pay lip service to "assault weapon" bans, the mantra always seems to be the trifecta of tyranny: unconstitutional red flag gun confiscation orders, unconstitutional enhanced background checks, and unconstitutional safe storage requirements (note the common theme in all of that).
Unconstitutional controls on private property with enhanced background checks will see a push for unconstitutional gun registration. Unconstitutional safe storage requirements will require you to keep your guns in one inconvenient place, ready for quick confiscation when needed. Then, with all of that in place, all they have to do is go down the list looking for the people they dislike and confiscate their guns. They will which people are "safe," because they are loyal leftists, and whom to raid. Isn't that nice?
But now all of that is falling apart. Several rulings have finally and logically determined that red flag gun confiscation schemes are unconstitutional — in New York State, no less.
Let's hope the freedom trend continues and these laws are struck down everywhere, and we are finally rid of this threat to individual liberty.
Here's How To Push Back Against The Billionaire-Funded Anti-Gun Lobby
by Tyler Durden
Thursday, Apr 06, 2023 - 10:00 PM
Submitted by Gun Owners of America,
It is fascinating to see how manipulation tactics are used by the anti-gun lobby to trick the average American into thinking that there is some large grassroots movement to push gun control.
If you spoke to someone with anti-gun views, you'd probably hear stories about the boogeyman of the firearms industry and how that industry funnels millions upon millions of dollars from firearms corporations into politicians' pockets to push for less restrictions on firearms.
This simpleminded explanation couldn't be further from the truth. Major anti-gun organizations are funded by a small group of billionaire donors. Just take the group "March for Our Lives," for example.
Founded during the aftermath of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, March for Our Lives bills itself as a grassroots movement of young people working to restrict the average citizen's Second Amendment Rights. In reality, they're funded by about 36 wealthy donors.
According to March for Our Lives' tax documents, the group is funded almost entirely by large donations in excess of $100,000. According to that same report, only 0.5% of donations came from people giving less than $5,000.
Meanwhile, groups like Gun Owners of America rely entirely on small donations from regular individuals to operate. But until recently, those donations came directly from those interested in becoming members of GOA.
Earlier this month, GOA announced a partnership with Gearfire. For those not in the know, Gearfire is one of the largest point-of-sale system providers for gun ranges, gun shops, and firearms training facilities around the country.
The partnership allows patrons of firearms businesses to round up their purchases and donate the funds to GOA's Second Amendment Preservation Fund.
Kailey Nieman, GOA's Director of Development, issued the following statement:
"Gun stores and ranges are the lifeblood of the Second Amendment. We are thrilled to be working with Gearfire and retailers across the country. We have never compromised on the Second Amendment, and it is partnerships like these that not only help fuel that mission but strengthen our efforts."
CA Judge Grants Injunction Against ‘Unsafe Handgun Act’
but that's NOT the democrat way...........
cuz they're criminals as well
Perhaps I am lacking in some mental faculty, but it seems to me that the logical approach to reducing violent crime would be to punish those who pertetrate it, not those who obey the law.
Federal Judge Just Said No to Minnesota Gun Law
The Supreme Court's recent Bruen decision bears more fruit.
By: Leesa K. Donner April 02, 2023 - 7:29 am
Federal Judge Katherine Menendez handed a big, fat, juicy win to supporters of the Second Amendment this week, and the U.S. Supreme Court should be given credit for the success. In the landmark 2022 decision New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, the Supremes struck down New York’s gun law on the carrying and transporting of a firearm. Judge Menendez used that 6-3 decision to put the hammer down on a Minnesota statute that cuts in on the right to bear arms.
Minnesota law “requires a person to obtain a permit to lawfully carry a handgun in public, but does not issue permits to anyone under the age of twenty-one,” wrote the judge. Then she asserted that Bruen “compels the conclusion that Minnesota’s permitting age restriction is unconstitutional….”
Gun Law Goes Down
The state legislature passed the Minnesota Citizens’ Personal Protection Act in 2003. In many ways, it’s similar to gun restrictions in other states, but they went wrong by applying the condition that an applicant had to be “at least 21 years old.” The measure also required petitioners to complete a gun safety training course.
Three people, along with the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus, the Second Amendment Foundation, and the Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., cried foul. Plaintiffs Kristin Worth, Axel Anderson, and Austin Dye said they would be willing to take the training course, but that still left them lacking because of the age requirement.
In making her decision, Judge Menendez declared, in part, the “requirement that a person must be at least 21 years of age to receive a permit to publicly carry a handgun in Minnesota violates the rights of individuals 18–20 years old to keep and bear arms protected by the Second and Fourteenth Amendments ….”
Bruen Blossoms
This most recent ruling reveals the power of the Bruen decision, which is now being used to cut a swath through numerous state laws that have been chipping away at Second Amendment rights. For example, Liberty Nation’s Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza, Esq., recently penned an article citing an “academic analysis of lawsuits challenging gun control” and found:
“Jake Charles, an associate professor at Pepperdine University’s Caruso School of Law, shows that courts have already applied the 2022 Bruen case to strike down more laws than the landmark 2008 case, District of Columbia v. Heller. Charles writes that numerous suits filed against various gun control laws relying on Bruen have already succeeded in federal court.”
With each new tragedy involving firearms, legislators in many states rush to write and implement new gun laws. These restrictions have become onerous, and those who support the Second Amendment have maintained their constitutional right to bear arms has been infringed. Bruen provides ammunition – if you’ll pardon the pun – for those who hope to roll back these restrictions and gives judges like the Honorable Katherine Menendez a legal, safe space to build the foundation for their decisions.
In many ways, the right to bear arms has become ghettoized, with states like Minnesota at one end of the spectrum and places like Florida on the other. This week, a “constitutional carry” bill was passed by the state legislature in the Sunshine State and was sent to Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who is expected to sign it. The measure will give gun owners a right that most Second Amendment advocates argue was already theirs – the ability to carry a firearm without a permit.
Sponsored by Tampa Republican Sen. Jay Collins, the new law would end mandatory training, state fees, and background checks. This would make Florida the 26th state to allow constitutional carry.
North Carolina also rolled back its firearm permit system this week when the state legislature overturned the governor’s veto of legislation that eliminates the requirement to obtain a “pistol purchase permit” before buying a handgun. So it seems the sun is beginning to shine again on the Second Amendment and in no small part due to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, which appears to be helping restore gun rights to Americans one ruling at a time.
LOL....good one
The 2nd Amendment's Misconstrued 'Militia'
yeppers and welcome back....hadn't seen you for a while
the real assaults are on the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Assault is an action not an object.
There is no such thing as an assault rifle.
deals....guns and ammo . . . . .
Common sense depends on reality
Reality depends on perspective
Is a way of depicting one's reality
To be triggered
Or not to be triggered
That is the question
Veteran In Wheelchair Allegedly Shoots Would-Be Robber At Bus Stop
WATCH: SIXTEEN Out-of-State ATF Agents Visit and Intimidate Popular Gun Store in Smyrna, GA on Same Day as Nashville School Shooting, Get Scared Off by GOP Congressmembers!
by Jordan Conradson Mar. 28, 2023 7:45 am
a simple "yep" woulda in agreement....
like most adults here in this venue do
instead of restating what I normal speak.......
but just not interested in impressing others
while I realize some people talk just to hear themselves
I also realize some type just so they can see their own words......
mebbe seeing their own verbosity, vernacular makes 'em feel good.....
but then my guess is they've never looked down the barrel of a gun
from either direction.........and are just internet Wyatt Earps.........
like Magazine Mechanics we had back in the day when Hotrod
magazine was the thing.....of course some preferred Mad Magazine.....
I always figgered that was because of the Spy vs Spy cartoons in it.....
That's why it's modular
Homes the same way
Great business model
Places where it couldn't be before
Expense is relative
To it's intention
What's next
we built our own indoor range
complete with evacuation and believe we can handle at least 20 shooters
my guess....with financing options right on the site
that's a really expensive system
but hey....still nice it's available since there's so many now
can't even change the oil on their car
THAT is AWESOME.......!!!!!!!
next wokeism....Hey Comrade....
Well it didn't take long. Let's hope other dogs get in the fight!
Montana attorney general to sue Biden administration over gun executive order
President Biden's latest executive actions on gun control could spark a legal fight
Wow ..... Lot's of people learning about recoil the hard way. Thankful no innocent bystanders were injured!
On the other hand
~~~ It is what it is ~~~
Whistleblower: FBI’s D.C. Office Tried To Sic Local Agents On Innocents After Bank Of America Volunteered Gun Records
By: Margot Cleveland
March 06, 2023
that's how it is in CO....they'll grab 'em first
and you'll fight to get 'em back
just takes one batshit crazy neighbor complaining
and they're making it worse here now
out here the cops have sold/kept people's guns
and then you're screwed
The red flag laws are a cause for great concern. Get pissed at someone, use the red flag laws. Of course that's what the dimwitted asshole is counting on.
Hopefully this will get challenged like most of the executive orders Trump signed did by the libs!
Here comes the disarming and the 2nd Amendment going *poof*
BREAKING: Biden Releases New Executive Order on Gun Control – READ IN FULL
Read the president's order on gun control here in full.
By: Liberty Nation Staff March 14, 2023 - 2:06 pm
President Joe Biden has today, March 14, issued an Executive Order that he says will reduce gun violence by expanding existing gun control campaigns and issuing new rules for federal agencies.
Liberty Nation believes you should have all the facts without the spin. As such, we republish Biden’s Executive Order on “Reducing Gun Violence and Making Our Communities Safer” here in full.
Executive Order on Reducing Gun Violence and Making Our Communities Safer
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby order as follows:
Section 1. Policy. Every few days in the United States, we mourn a new mass shooting. Daily acts of gun violence — including community violence, domestic violence, suicide, and accidental shootings — may not always make the evening news, but they too cut lives short and leave survivors and their communities with long-lasting physical and mental wounds. We cannot accept these facts as the enduring reality of life in America. Instead, we must together insist that we have had enough, and that we will no longer allow the interests of the gun manufacturers to win out over the safety of our children and Nation.
It is the policy of my Administration that executive departments and agencies (agencies) will pursue every legally available and appropriate action to reduce gun violence. Through this whole-of-government approach, my Administration has made historic progress to save lives. My Administration has taken action to keep guns out of dangerous hands and especially dangerous weapons off of our streets; hold gun traffickers and rogue gun dealers accountable; fund accountable, effective community policing; and invest in community violence interventions and prevention strategies.
Last year, I signed into law the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (the “Act”), the most significant bipartisan gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years. The Act provides communities with new tools to combat gun violence, including enhanced gun background checks for individuals under age 21, funding for extreme risk protection orders and other crisis interventions, and increased mental health resources to help children impacted by gun violence heal from the resulting grief and trauma.
I continue to call on the Congress to take additional action to reduce gun violence, including by banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, requiring background checks for all gun sales, requiring safe storage of firearms, funding my comprehensive Safer America Plan, and expanding community violence intervention and prevention strategies. In the meantime, my Administration will continue to do all that we can, within existing authority, to make our communities safer.
Sec. 2. Implementation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. The Attorney General, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Education, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall each submit a report to the President within 60 days of the date of this order describing what actions their respective agencies have taken to implement the Act, data and analysis regarding the use and early effects of the Act, and additional steps their respective agencies will take to maximize the benefits of the Act. These reports shall include a plan for increasing public awareness and use of resources made available by the Act.
Sec. 3. Additional Agency Actions to Reduce Gun Violence. (a) The Attorney General shall develop and implement a plan to:
(i) clarify the definition of who is engaged in the business of dealing in firearms, and thus required to become Federal firearms licensees (FFLs), in order to increase compliance with the Federal background check requirement for firearm sales, including by considering a rulemaking, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law;
(ii) prevent former FFLs whose licenses have been revoked or surrendered from continuing to engage in the business of dealing in firearms;
(iii) publicly release, to the fullest extent permissible by law, inspection reports of FFL dealers cited for violations of the law; and
(iv) support efforts to modernize and make permanent the Undetectable Firearms Act (18 U.S.C. 922(p)).
(b) The Secretary of Defense; the Attorney General; the Secretary of Homeland Security; the Secretary of Health and Human Services, including through the Surgeon General of the United States; the Secretary of Education; and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall expand existing Federal campaigns and other efforts to promote safe storage of firearms.
(c) The Secretary of Defense; the Attorney General; the Secretary of Homeland Security; the Secretary of Health and Human Services, including through the Surgeon General of the United States; and the Secretary of Education shall undertake efforts to encourage effective use of extreme risk protection orders (“red flag” laws), partnering with law enforcement, health care providers, educators, and other community leaders.
(d) The Attorney General; the Secretary of Health and Human Services, including through the Surgeon General of the United States; the Secretary of Education; the Secretary of Homeland Security; the Director of the Office of Management and Budget; and the heads of other agencies, as appropriate, shall develop a proposal for the President, and submit it no later than September 15, 2023, on how the Federal Government can better support the recovery, mental health, and other needs of survivors of gun violence, families of victims and survivors of gun violence, first responders to incidents of gun violence, and communities affected by gun violence. The proposal should draw on existing evidence, where available, and take into account how to address needs in both the immediate aftermath of mass shootings and in the years following such events. The proposal should recommend any additional executive branch coordination and additional resources or authorities from the Congress needed to implement the proposal, as well as how agencies will assess the outcomes for the activities implemented.
(e) The Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall develop and implement principles to further firearm and public safety practices through the Department of Defense’s acquisition of firearms, consistent with applicable law.
(f) The heads of Federal law enforcement agencies shall, as soon as practicable, but no later than 180 days from the date of this order, ensure that their respective law enforcement components issue National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) submission and utilization policies with requirements that are equivalent to, or exceed, the requirements of the policy issued by the Department of Justice on December 12, 2022, to ensure the prompt entry of ballistics data recovered in connection with criminal investigations into NIBIN. In consultation with the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense policies may be tailored to address specific operational considerations.
(g) The Secretary of Transportation, in consultation with the Department of Justice, shall work to reduce the loss or theft of firearms during shipment between FFLs and to improve reporting of such losses or thefts, including by engaging with carriers and shippers.
(h) The Federal Trade Commission is encouraged to issue a public report analyzing how gun manufacturers market firearms to minors and how such manufacturers market firearms to civilians, including through the use of military imagery.
Sec. 4. Definitions. For purposes of this order, the term “Federal law enforcement agency” means an organizational unit or subunit of the executive branch that employs officers who are authorized to make arrests and carry firearms, and that is responsible for the prevention, detection, and investigation of crime or the apprehension of alleged offenders. The term “heads of Federal law enforcement agencies” means the heads of those units or subunits.
Sec. 5. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
March 14, 2023.
read a bit ago, they're just flat gonna stop.......
think posted it elsewhere......
but think they're still gonna track it anyways........
It will all be made void
It isn't real
As it is portrayed
Biden’s Budget Proposes Massive Funding Increase For Federal Crackdown On Guns
Desperate Democrats Get Creative in Implementing Gun Control
How much longer will the anti-gun lobby be able to keep people from bearing arms?
By: Jeff Charles March 09, 2023 - 9:30 am
After the Supreme Court’s decision in New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, which essentially blew up one of the left’s favorite methods of limiting the right to keep and bear arms, blue states are trotting out new ways to enforce onerous gun control laws. While the court’s ruling has effectively eliminated “may issue” states in which officials could be more stingy with issuing concealed carry licenses, Democrats are trying other avenues to limit the number of law-abiding Americans who can arm themselves.
Blue States Continue Gun Control Agenda
After the Bruen decision was handed down, states like California, New York, and New Jersey passed a slew of measures designed to curtail the carrying of firearms in their states. They enacted legislation limiting the places one could legally have a firearm. In essence, they responded to the Supreme Court’s ruling by saying “Okay, you can get a license, but we won’t let you carry your gun anywhere.”
These laws are already facing legal challenges from pro-gun rights groups, who argue they violate the Second Amendment. But another method the anti-gun crowd is employing involves making it more cost-prohibitive and time-consuming for people to get a license to carry.
In California, state law “establishes a floor of $44 to be delivered to the state by the local licensing authority” and imposes a limit of $120 to obtain the permit, according to The Reload. It also allows local governments to require a psychological evaluation and imposes a 16-hour training requirement for which the applicant must also pay.
The city of La Verne revamped its application process to make it more expensive for residents to obtain licenses. It is charging over $1,000 for all first-time applicants. The Reload noted:
“The breakdown of fees is listed on the local police department’s website as $398 for ‘processing,’ a $150 administrative fee, a $93 licensing fee, $20 for fingerprint scanning, $150 for a department-approved psychological review, a $250 estimated cost for an approved safety and training course, and a $20 fee for the physical CCW card. All in, the city’s residents would have to fork over $1,081 just to carry a firearm in public for self-defense.”
New York allows licensing agencies a wide berth when determining how much they can charge for concealed carry permits. This means that the amount a New Yorker might spend to exercise their Second Amendment rights vary depending on the area in which they reside.
The New York Police Department requires applicants to cough up $340 for the initial application fee and for renewals, which are required every three years. It also levies $88.25 for fingerprinting and background checks. Residents are required to pay for an 18-hour training course, which can also cost hundreds of dollars.
Finally, we have New Jersey. The Garden State has a $200 application fee, along with another $20 to perform a criminal background check. One must pay $50 to receive the permit and also cover the costs of the training required by local police. Each department can impose its own fee for the training.
Increasing the burden even more, those who carry concealed will be required by law to “maintain liability insurance coverage insuring against loss resulting from liability imposed by law for bodily injury, death, and property damage sustained by any person arising out of the ownership, maintenance, operation, or use of a firearm carried in public.” The Reload notes that “ecause such a policy does not yet exist, and may never exist, the additional costs to comply are still to be determined.”
Discrimination and Constitutional Violations
By raising the amount of money required to exercise one’s right to bear arms, these states are engaging in a brazen attempt to prevent Americans from possessing the means by which they could defend themselves if the situation arises.
These new fees will be especially difficult for low-income black Americans, who typically live in areas with higher crime rates. These requirements call to mind the Saturday Night Special laws passed in the 1960s, which banned the sale of cheap handguns. The laws were specifically intended to prevent African Americans from becoming gun owners, as many could not afford to purchase the higher-priced firearms.
With all their talk of “equity” and “systemic racism,” one might think progressive politicians would be loath to enact measures that disproportionately oppress black Americans. Indeed, if this were truly about equity, would they not offer reduced fees for those who earn less than a certain amount each year? Each of these states has these types for programs for those wishing to obtain driver’s licenses, even though driving is not a natural right specifically protected by the US Constitution.
Nevertheless, the anti-gun left still maintains that fewer law-abiding Americans arming themselves is somehow making civilians safer from violent criminals, the vast majority of whom commit gun crimes using illegally-obtained firearms. As with the other Second Amendment infringing laws being put into place by Democrats, it is not a stretch to think these will also face challenges in court.
Visa, Mastercard, Discover pause work on code that would track gun purchases
Companies back off plan to track gun store purchases following pushback from Republican lawmakers
Excellent. I'm sharing this one!
I my email list......
FOIA Request Uncovers FBI Effort to Get Hospitalized Americans to Forfeit 2nd Amendment Rights
The Washington Examiner reported new information Tuesday from a Gun Owners of America (GOA) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request showing the FBI “coordinated secretly with hospitals and medical centers to strip U.S. citizens of their rights to own, buy, or even use firearms.”
This news comes just months after a GOA FOIA revealed information about a form used by the FBI in an effort to secure forfeiture of Second Amendment rights.
On September 7, 2022, Breitbart News noted warned of the FBI effort in 2019, after GOA discovered the “NICS Indices Self-Submission Form” in December 2019. The form gave Americans the opportunity to “voluntarily” give up their Second Amendment rights, allowing no means by which the forfeited rights could be resecured.
GOA responded to Ammoland’s warning by filing the FOIA and the Daily Caller subsequently observed that the FOIA request showed the FBI actually took the form to the homes of some Americans, presenting those Americans with the option of giving up their Second Amendment rights:
The forms were presented by the FBI to people at their homes and in other undisclosed locations, according to bureau documents unearthed through the Freedom of Information Act by the firearm rights group GOA…At least 15 people between 2016 and 2019 signed the secret forms, which ask signatories to declare themselves as either a “danger” to themselves or others or lacking “mental capacity adequately to contract or manage” their lives.
Now the Washington Examiner points out the use of the forms went beyond merely going to the homes of some Americans by actually using the forms in conjunction with some hospital stays.
For example, “Facilities in New Hampshire, Delaware, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma, used the gun forms and supplied signatory records to the FBI. The forms are from 2011 and 2019, the year the FBI has said it discontinued their usage.”
The 2011 usage of the form was done in November of that year and was signed by an Oklahoma “medical professional,” who included “their state license number.” The Washington Examiner indicated the form was submitted to the FBI by the “Oklahoma’s Northwest Center for Behavioral Health, a mental health clinic.”
Rep. Andrew Clyde (R) commented on the newest revelations regarding the FBI’s work to help citizens forfeit Second Amendment rights: “Make no mistake — the FBI is weaponizing NICS forms to advance the Left’s dangerous agenda of dismantling our Second Amendment liberties and disarming our nation. Congress must thoroughly investigate this troubling matter and hold all unelected, anti-gun bureaucrats involved accountable for forcing Americans to relinquish their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.”
Federal Judge Strikes Down Missouri Law That Blocks Local Gov’ts From Enforcing Federal Gun Laws
A federal judge Tuesday struck down a Missouri law that blocked local police and governments from enforcing federal gun laws, according to court documents.
U.S. District Judge Brian Wimes ruled that the Second Amendment Preservation Act, which allowed law enforcement agencies to be sued up to $50,000 for assisting in the enforcement of federal gun laws, is unconstitutional and violates the Supremacy Clause, further saying that it is “invalid, null, void, and of no effect,” according to the ruling in United States District Court for the Western District Of Missouri. The Department of Justice (DOJ) previously sued the state over the law, saying Missouri could not “simply declare federal laws invalid,” according to a DOJ press release. (RELATED: ‘Zero Tolerance’: The Biden Admin Is Allegedly Shutting Down Gun Stores For Minor Clerical Errors)
“State and local law enforcement officials in Missouri may lawfully participate in joint federal task forces, assist in the investigation and enforcement of federal firearm crimes, and fully share information with the Federal Government without fear of H.B. 85’s penalties,” Wimes wrote in the ruling. “The States of Missouri and its officers, agents, and employees and any others in active concert with such individuals are prohibited from any and all implementation and enforcement of H.B. 85”
Republican Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey plans to appeal the decision, according to KY3.
“As Attorney General, I will protect the Constitution, which includes defending Missourians’ fundamental right to bear arms. We are prepared to defend this statute to the highest court, and we anticipate a better result at the Eighth Circuit,” he said.
Other states have been working to adopt similar legislation to the Second Amendment Preservation Act following recent final rules for pistol braces and ghost guns by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) and calls for so-called “assault weapon” bans by the Biden administration.
Republican Ohio state Reps. Mike Loychik and Jean Schmidt introduced House Bill 51 into the Ohio Legislature on Feb. 15, saying the bill was a protection for police officers who did not want to enforce President Joe Biden’s “brigade against Ohioans.”
Republican Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland In February, saying that Montana will not enforce the ATF final rule for pistol braces. Gianforte believes the final pistol rule “erodes the Second Amendment,” further reminding Garland that Montana passed legislation in 2021 that blocks Montana law enforcement and employees from enforcing any federal law on guns, according to the letter.
Bailey did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.
FBI Gun Seizure Orders Hit Record Level in Recent Years
District Judge Issues Preliminary Injunction Against ATF ‘Partial Frame’ Rule
the problem with no-knock
it's been terribly abused........and gotten people killed...
that didn't deserve it...... CO, they're trying to pass a No-Knock Red Flag improvement
now with no regard for a person's rights....guilty until proven innocent
and getting your firearms back....a total nightmare...
it's about disarming lawful citizens
people's pets and they themselves will get shot, etc
there's other ways to make arrests and not endanger people....
PLUS...they don't do jack shit with these nutbars that go shooting people
when they already KNOW they're friggin' dangerous
Welcome To Our Board - This Board Is For All 2nd Amendment & Firearm Related Matters
This board is dedicated to it's founder and my good friend ONEBGG
who was a Patriot and a Good Friend to Many.
These words fit him best:
Good friends are like gold:
Rare, Reliable, Beautiful and Valuable.
The above images are justa few active links that support freedom rights.
"Before All Else, Be Armed." ~ Niccolo Machiavelli
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