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The countdown for the share exchange has begun. I believe our moment is imminent; we could receive the share exchange announcement any day now. This is the moment I've eagerly waited for many months. I hope they opt for a 1-1 exchange; That would be truly life-changing for many long-term investors like us.
Pb this just supposedly came out, I think I know what it means for the most part, but can you clarify?Thanks... Maybe doesn't mean much of anything new now?
Absolutely, I have full confidence that under Morrison's leadership, our opportunity will come. Among the options available on the OTC market, EMGE stands out with its solid fundamentals and a robust management team.
Stunning volume in both KOAN and $750!!!
Girls, you must do better! Come on Krome.....get a few more felons involved..maybe that will lead to another pump and dump.
" I do believe" belong on the SHORT BUS!
Well said! EMGE will have its day!
So following your logic Krome, Zimbler controls thru Eocine Mngt 3.1mm Pref C
Zimbler also controls with Morrison thru Regen Bio 1.5mm Pref C, so lets say that's a 50/50 ownership, or 750k sh of Pref C each
If that Pref C was converted Jan 1 as you proclaim 100 for 1, Zimbler now owns 385mm EMGE common, so please tell me how he is not involved??
As for the Class A shares, please show me in a filling where it states that they are just going to be " terminated". I have a hard time believing they are going away without some remuneration.
I do believe victory is coming and we will move exponentially! It will happen as we wait patiently. EMGE$$$_$$$$$
I agree. This will be a significant victory for all of us. Often, we get caught up in wanting everything to happen immediately, but that's not the case here. Building a successful and profitable business takes time. We just need to patiently wait out this process.
I agree PB. We, that know what we have are confident in our position… we don’t owe anyone an explanation and just have to wait it out. The flippers came and went when the volume disappeared. The asshole bashers just prove that there is something here, or they wouldn’t be. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to hang around a stock and bash it, if there wasn’t value to them. Praying on peoples emotions is the lowest of life forms, so anyone relishing in making people feel bad will just create a karma for being a negative asshole that will no-doubt, burn those who do it in the end. Anyway, have a good one brother… be well.
Thank you Gat...I appreciate the birthday wishes. See PB response to me earlier...he sums it up nicely. He's good at providing clarity. I'm confident where the preferred shares will exchange at a 1:1 ratio, we'll have to wait and see how they exchange the common shares. At current we can only deduce and apply some common sense to how it should work out. If we convert and find ourselves anywhere at or above the 1 cent mark we're doing great!
"Good afternoon and Happy Birthday... yea if I remember right you have 3 little ones to take care of during the day so that's why your waiting until later."
Is it wine time's gotta be 5pm somewhere in the world!!LOL
#2 ON THE BREAKOUT BOARD... HMMMmmmm whats up with that?
Good afternoon and Happy Birthday... yea if I remember right you have 3 little ones to take care of during the day so that's why your waiting until later. Yea I'm still a little confused with some things here looking at everything etc. sounds like we are really only waiting for the 251(g) mainly. Just when I see the 16 million possibility I seen about .0378 (if i rember the calculation ,not doing it now eating lol)pps.possible Os about 427 million
I got 2 little older ones one in high school here the other went back to Philippines for 4 year nursing degree then come back. At least cheaper there for college though.
Never seen so many a hole bashers with nothing better to do in a stock i was in lol...
WOW.....the whole $800 will be rewarded? CLOWN!
yes, I know...he is Zimbler's right hand lackey and administrator, the barred lawyer....but you are right I did mistakenly say that Zimbler was a lawyer when I said:
ALL THESE BIG SHOT'S promoting this POS co and a mere $880 in total dollar volume is traded. The other POS that it swapped shares with KOAN, has traded an even more pathetic $360!!!!!!!!
Come on can do better than this with all the BS DD and promotion you've been trying to cram down ppl's throats. $880! LMFAO
To be clear...Zimbler is not an attorney.....his right hand lackey and admin, Michael Krome was
I see...well I asked why you felt that way and you gave a thorough answer and I respect that...I will have to admit the answer you gave is in line with my thoughts to why you felt that way...not saying I agree...just saying I see your points...keep in mind if Zimbler is a securities lawyer of many stocks it might just be that pb has taken interest in some of these stocks as nothing more than pb taking interest in those stocks...and the lingo he uses might be from years of experience of reading through filings from investing or being in business situations as perhaps a business man and such things as that...but I do not know because I really don't know pb on a personal level other than the Ihub alias...all I know is that many stocks he has interest in eventually run well...and he always, since 2003, does a great job on the DD available on all of them
Truly simply a matter of time. Accumulation of .0015 will be greatly rewarded. TICK TOCK!
Thank you PB....appreciate the HB wishes!! "So True....words of wisdom!
"I no longer recommend people to come here, because, at the end of the day, they will flip away on our token."
Good morning and happy birthday! When the MM drops the PPS on low volume, it technically doesn't affect much. With higher volume, we could easily see a jump to $0.003. Currently, it trades based on its merit. I no longer recommend people to come here, because, at the end of the day, they will flip away on our token. Additionally, whether the PPS is low or high, if we achieve the exchange to KOAN shares at a 1-1 rate, the current trading price won't matter. What matters is when the announcement comes, it will be too late for those wanting to get in at this dirt-cheap level for the exchange to KOAN shares.
Krome was a securities attorney....he was in tune with a lot of different public co's, so to see this person who I believe to be him post on other co's is not of a surprise. The language that he he uses more often than not contains legal " jargon" that a typical investor/ individual would not use. The fact he has opined on other co's Zimbler controlled/ controls is too coincidental as they are so off the beaten path. The fact that he uses a safe harbor statement it's just not one thing that leads me to my conclusion. Lastly, the full throated endorsement of EMGE and info at the fingertip's he has seems to reflect someone affiliated with the co. No one other than someone affiliated with the co would be making such comments. So yes, I believe it to be Krome, a disgraced barred attorney who violated securities laws in penny stock pump and dump scheme!
Just more promotional BS!
Good morning Gat....this is a great share....thank you!! you're right I did not see this. You are right....will see soon. I will be drinking later on today's my birthday!! Woot-woot! Hopefully my trades will all go "my" way....positive!
Morning Threebabiesbusy I think many did not see this at about 4:15 min mark last year video with Jim Morrison saying he can comfortably say he is confident in sales of excess of 16 million for 2023. Will see soon hopefully. Also not responding to any of the bashers lol, got to get to work and not drinking today of course lol .
If I read it right should be within the next week.... 15 days from April 1?
Good morning PB! Appreciate the share breakdown, I guess time will tell. I am a long time holder of the company and would like to see something positive come to fruition in terms of my holdings. I always appreciate your experience and personal insight.
Thank You
We are in the same situation as the insider who held the preferred shares. The Class A Preferred Shares have no dividend or conversion rights; they are created for vote control. Therefore, Class A will be terminated. Class B Convertible Preferred Stock has no voting rights, with a conversion rate of 20/1. During the quarter ended December 31, 2022, 4,500,000 shares of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock were redeemed for 70,000,000 shares of the Company’s Common Stock. Class C is where we need to be concerned, and the insiders have already converted them into common shares. This indicates they hold the common stock, which will later convert back into the preferred shares restricted for one year. Series F was terminated; therefore, right now, technically, everyone is holding the common shares and waiting to exchange them for KOAN shares.
No crap there isnt enough volume , Im talking about the way this stock was pumped when the folks bought in upper .0020s and .0030s . Those Bagholders !
Not to mention that it is just stupid to say such a thing....nobody makes others watch penny stocks....nobody makes others get a trading account and nobody makes others push THE BUY BUTTON! happens time and time again....peeps expecting to get rich and relying on others comments and DD, opinions etc and they end up bag holders, much of the time they did not take profits when given the chance.....the poor souls want to blame others for their self-negligence and bad decisions
There’s not enough volume to steal folks money
Sorry didnt just show up , told yall a couple weeks ago where this POS was going to trips ! From the .0020s at that ! Go throw rocks !
Are you kidding me , when this stock goes down the Pumper cheerleaders get awfully quiet , look up the post numbers when it happens ! You are clueless
Looks like another basher has shown up, so...on ignore you go!
We don’t have to pump it up this writing is on the wall, we have the L’Oréal CEO reverse merging emergent, big things coming here
Another tick down , seems like there are only 3 - 4 Folks here telling the Truth and trying to warn Folks on losing money !
Yes...PB has been around for a very long time and is very, very well respected!
Hey PB, in doing some of my own dd on the KOAN side....the documentation on their side specifies equity interest as only the Preferred-type shares. It's very specific with the share type and it did not include any verbiage for common only all of the preferred versions. This may be where we might have some concern....your thoughts? The docs I posted last week inquiring show where they elaborate on the types of preferred shares with no acknowledgment of the common sh.
pb has been around since 2003 here on Ihub investing and posting thorough DD and giving his interpreted and even debating opinions on filings and news etc on hundreds of stocks...what makes you suddenly think he is Michael Khrome the barred affiliated lawyer with Zimbler's other than you just being convinced?...he is not acting in a unusual manner...he just seems like pb who seems to be hot on this stock like he is with many others throughout the years.
Certainly. It's only a matter of time before they officially announce the share exchange with KOAN. Countless individuals will wake up one day regretting not having acquired shares for the exchange. Bookmark this post.
The key question that needs addressing is the fate of the EMGE common shareholders.
When we refer to “EMGE Equity Interests”, it refers to the transfer of ownership in EMGE. The ownership or financial stake in a company.
These are the common financial terms. Equity interest, interest, compound interest, liability interest...“EMGE Equity Interests” include both preferred and common shares. Furthermore, (EMGE Equity Interests) include common stock, preferred stock, bonds, warrants, and other financial instruments.
Great work is usually PB. It’s just a matter of time before this rips in my opinion. Have a great one brother!💪🏻
Trip ZERO'S I assume is your reference??
Trader....PowerLESSBattles is a mouthpiece for EMGE. I remain convinced that he is Michael Krome, Zimblers admin and barred attorney for a pump and dump pennt stock scheme. No one outside of the co would ever post the BS he does unless they were affiliated. Bottom line remains EMGE was a shell before and remains one today. All affiliated co's controlled by one or 2 ppl.....they happened to find a shittier co in KOAN that they now use as the front ...same old story...just a diff name.
Was a good attempted to take the price down but that is exactly what people were waiting for
Ya'll ready for Trips , its coming !!!
Here's another
Subsection 368(a)(2)(E) Reorganizations – The Reverse Triangular Merger
Finally, the third merger variation is the “reverse triangular merger” under subsection 368(a)(2)(E). In this variation, the acquiring corporation merges its own subsidiary with the target company, leaving the target company as the surviving entity. As with the forward merger, this variation also allows the acquiring corporation to be insulated from the target company’s liabilities, but it comes with the added benefit of preserving all non-transferable assets of the target company. By contrast, sometimes, in forward triangular mergers, certain non-transferable assets of the target company may be lost as it is absorbed by the subsidiary of the acquiring corporation.
Importantly, in a reverse merger, at least 80% of the total consideration paid to the target company must take the form of acquirer voting common or preferred stock.
Again, it’s not at all difficult to see why corporations must utilize the services of an experienced and qualify tax attorney to navigate through these transactions. Understanding and complying with all these rules and regulations are not easy tasks, so it’s in your best interest to hire experienced counsel to help you with Sec. 368 reorganizations. A NYC tax attorney at Mackay, Caswell & Callahan, P.C., has a wealth of expertise with these and other types of transactions. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need assistance!
Found a good article covers the basis of what everyone is talking about.
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