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The catalyst that brings me here is the non-stop spewing of baseless claims, false rumors and outright lies by guerguerian dickran, erhe's largest shareholder stuck with close to 400 million erhe shares for years. Sorry, but I don't see how my exposing and debunking dickran's thousands of falsehoods about erhc and nonexistent short sellers would be a catalyst for his/her so frequently promised but never delivered short squeeze.
Respect is earned. But the desperate, delusional, deceitful, despicable creation and promotion of thousands of false bullish rumors and outright lies about short selling are not the way to earn it. And in case you haven't noticed, that's also NOT the way to increase the share price of a non-reporting, Caveat Emptor, Expert Market stock as proved by erhe share price's long time resting place near zero.
When ERHC explodes upward I hope you learn your lesson that you can't treat other human beings as disrespectfully as you treat me.
That lesson will ABSOLUTELY be taught.
Dont forget Walldog going to other boards and spamming them about this POS.
You don't know the catalyst??
The one that brings you here every day. That one.
Thanks for the article,Krom.
Unfortunately, I don’t see anything we didn’t already know other than, maybe, that Block 10 looks to be the next block to be drilled, for those who hadn’t already surmised that from other sources.
Bought 60,000 shares for approx $12. I don't like the idea of a $12 beating... so I'll wait for that $8 sp to sell (maybe less LOL)
A stategy used years ago by Tyroty or Mark Gobles or someone was to contact major newspapers and inform them of a great investment called ERHC. They actually thought that they were providing a news flash of an undiscovered Nigerian gem that the media somehow missed. Maybe someone could try that again. It would provide another great laugh. LOL
Even his minions dont post here much anymore. They must have realized they hooked their wagon to the wrong horse.
dickran just can't face reality about his made up, sketched head short sellers even though he/she can't provide any proof they exist. So what delusional catalyst does dickran claim will trigger the long-promised but never delivered short squeeze? The sketched head didn't do it. Neither did dickran lies about libel suits and cease and desist orders. The dollars/share done deal buyout bullshit, spewed by dickran for years now, fooled no one. His/her African Queen claims never materialized; Game Stop like short squeeze for erhe was an insult to everyone's intelligence; lies about an SPV with 70 signed contracts promising not to sell erhe for less than dollars/share was a total embarrassment; the Shell bidding war canard left the share price near zero; Offor is chairman (according to rumors at a women's oil conference fell flat; and people are still laughing at the erhe dividends dickran doozy.
Yet dickran continues to pile on the short squeeze bs. What will cause dickran's latest catch phrase ("the short squeeze effect" lmao) to occur? The answer is nothing because there are no short sellers to squeeze. But it will be amusing to see what the next dickran baseless claim, false rumor, or outright lie about the short squeeze will be. He truly has no shame.
The short squeeze effect should take it to at least $8, especially if longs hold out.
Meanwhile check out this article
Won't someone just bury this thing already? Hasn't it scammed enough people over the years?
Nicely played. Funny as heck!!!!!!
To all my Canadian loving ERHE pals.........
“Hey there, eh? Let’s all be pals, eh? People from all over, eh, in all sorts of colours. Maybe someday we can gather 'round, chat about the success of ERHE, and enjoy a cold one, eh? And hey, if the puck drops, we’ll cheer like true Canucks, eh? And don’t forget to pour some maple syrup on that success, eh? Oh, and grab a Tim Hortons coffee and doughnuts while you’re at it, eh? And if the ice is ready, we’ll slide those rocks down the sheet like seasoned curlers, eh?”
Feel free to grab your toque and give it a go, eh?
You also predicted the African Queen. How did that work out for you. LOL
Just as I thought. No proof that the supposed short seller exist. Just another lie on your part.
Whatsapp???? Never heard of it. But Im sure its a great place where you can wallow in all the lies you have propagated.
What is so abundantly clear to everyone is that your "predictions" are desperate, deceitful and delusional. They are worth less than a share of erhe stock which continues to hover near zero.
Shell bidding war? erhe dividend? Short squeeze? Dollars/share? Shame on you.
I still predict dollars.
Your false and deceitful narratives are all you have. None of them have ever proven to be true. Now, the dickran bullshit has been so embarrassingly exposed and debunked, he/she had to create a new place to spread the lies. This time, dickran's new narrative begins with how risky erhc is, how it might go up or might go to zero, and, at his/her delusional, demented best, how losing money doesn't matter as much as being in the WhatsApp chat room. A far cry from dickran's thousands of declarations about erhe going to dollars/share, done deal buyout, $8 epic short squeeze, African Queen buyer and erhe short positions which no one can find and dickran can't prove exist.
Yes, dickran has spewed out thousands of asinine warnings to his sketched-headed short sellers that he/she can't prove exist. dickran has predicted epic $8 short squeezes for years that never happened. Lying about erhe is now second nature to dickran. So disgusting and despicable that when confronted with his/her own words about erhe on another platform, dickran immediately responded by deceitfully denying it was about erhe. He/she truly has no shame. Of course, all that matters is share price and dickran desperately continues to get it to 9 or 10 cents even though it hasn't been above a penny for many, many years.
What narrative? You're the only one here along with your clown squad with any narrative. The end game is near. This thing is near death on it's death bed.
Link to what?
There are plenty of links on ihub of warnings to short sellers ahead of time that they were being milked.
Everyone is just waiting now for the end game which will come out of Sao Tome.
Not much else is there to talk about... but feel free to chat all you want here, shorts can't control the narrative on WhatsApp.
There are no shorts in an issue thats been triple dog nuts for over 5 years. Fact Those that keep saying there are still active shorts in this issue are liars. If the shoe fits then wear it.
Link????? Oh just more of your unfounded bullshit.
Who are you trying to convince? You've been here for 15 years as you so say and it's been one gigantic failure. I mean, who spends this much time on a failed pump and dump scam everyday? Pathetic.
You can make up whatever you need to make up to make you personally feel better or pump your falsehoods, but here are the facts.
This has been proven to be another scam. Nobody is buying it
.000001 pps
grey market listing.
can't buy shares anywhere
about to be shut down by the SEC.
Case closed.
At this point, I'm not sure who you think you've convinced that there are no shorts in ERHC.
But I guess in your head, you must think that your short seller denials are effective because you keep denying their existence.
I guess that's one area where we disagree...I think no one is buying the theory that there are no short sellers.
But I guess one person's futile effort is another person worthwhile endeavor.
Do you want to deny it for another decade, too?
Shorts are as much of a lie as your African Queen, done deal, $8 short squeeze, dollars/share and all your other asinine nonsense. erhe "or zero"? With share price near zero for over 6 years it is obvious who fell for it. You are pathetic.
It's not my psyop. I don't do psyops.
But someone definitely was spreading information that the EEZ was a dud when clearly it's not.
Maybe Total because of condominium theory? I don't know.
But shorts definitely fell for it.
Brilliant strategy - right, as long as share price doesn't matter lmao. Your psyop, sketched head, fake spv, Shell bidding war, erhe dividend bullshit just doesn't fool anyone. dickran has been fully exposed for the deceitful, desperate, delusional, demented, despicable character he/she is. Brilliant strategy "or could go to zero" - such a joke.
You're too late. You were too busy falling for the psyop that the EEZ was a dud.
It's not.
As a result, short sellers ended up severely dropping their average short price by selling millions of shares in the last year or so. Now they can't even offer a few pennies without causing a squeeze.
A brilliant strategy flawlessly executed by longs... called "milk the shorts"
Still spreading huge bullshit after you just got your ass blistered. You are person of no shame.
Sounds just like Red from the old Elephant Fields board. But it costs you to be a member. Whata huckster.
This guy is good---tells you you might lose all your money but you wont care because you will be amongst a bunch of other awesome people who got sucked in also. LOL Cant make this up
I don't mind spending a few minutes a day until erhc issue is finally resolved. It's worth it proving on a daily basis how big of a liar dickran has been and continues to be about erhc. Hopefully it kept any gullible investors from turning over control of their shares to your failed SPV and will keep any new, unsuspecting souls on WhatsApp or anywhere else from being influenced by your baseless erhc claims, false rumors and outright lies. It has already become quite apparent that your dollars/share, $8 short squeeze, Shell bidding war and erhe dividends claims are pure nonsense as even you don't believe them with your new (or zero) disclaimer.
I have no other plan because I have no short position in erhe, never have. I just want to make sure no one profits from lies and deception. And what do you have? 400 million worthless shares and a sketch of a head. And of course, "the other dickran" to console you. lmao
Ok, you win.
But what do you win?
You think you're going to get those shares back at $.0001? NOT!
You try to control the narrative here on ihub, but you don't control it in a WhatsApp group, now do you?
Do you even have a plan? What are you going to do on a potential dividend day or Shell announcement day or Total announcement day, should any of those days come to pass?
And if they don't, do you really want to spend another decade here with me presumably fighting social injustice?
dickran (and his delusional "other dickran") keep piling on the falsehoods. Of course he/she was referring to erhc:
I have assembled 70 of the coolest people...
I have an investment in an oil company...
You'll need WhatsApp...
Large quantities of ERHC can't be bought at $.0003 as the shorts who are trying to cover well know.
So it can NOT be 300 times $.0003, now can it? If it's even about ERHC, which the other Dickran tells me it's not.
Show me how that's about ERHC Energy?
You made some false assumptions there.
Clearly you cannot buy ERHC in America.
And where do you get 300 times that particular share price? No share price is mentioned.
The dickran deceit never ends. For anyone who isn't already convinced that dickran has been lying here for years, check out how guerguerian dickran describes an investment in erhc on other social media when not piling on his dollars/share bullshit on this message board:
I have an investment in an oil company. if you'd like to join me in this investment (which is extremely risky) then connect with me. Minimum investment is only $1,000...I'll join you to an investment group consisting of some of the most amazing humans you'll meet. The comraderie (sic) is amazing. And even if you fully lose your investment, it's worth it just so you can get to know these people.
The investment itself could turn $1,000 into $300,000 over the course of a little over a year or it can go to zero. It's very binary...
Canadians cant buy shares because its not listed in canada. Another lie on your part.
You fail to understand that nobody here wants to change the minds of you bag holders. You made your bed and now have to sleep in triple dog nut land forever.
You are like wack a mole. Everytime you post your bullshit you get whacked.
Usually used like this...."Eh, Molson?"
If I'm going to be here 10 years then so are you going to be here 10 years.
That's already more or less proven.
I'm not familiar with the word "eh?" .. is it Canadian?
Demented, delusional, desperate wishing by a stuck, as in 400 million shares worth of stuck, bag holder. Just a few short decades longer, eh?
Share price doesn't matter only value does.
You and those who invest in bitcoin will learn that the hard way.
For example, bitcoin is priced at $60k, but it's value is near zero.
Erhc is priced near zero, but it's value is in the dollars.
Time eventually causes value and price to converge.
That will happen... and longs will wait until it does.
And who knows, maybe another Canadian will emerge and see the value and buy shares in the meantime?
But, once we get a dividend, the shorts can do nothing more.
Peter Ntephe, a FINRA Arbitrator, understands this very well.
Not looking to change the minds of stuck longs. Simply pointing out the facts in response to delusional, demented, desperate, deceitful bullish claims. Shell bidding war? erhe dividends? What would anyone hope to gain by hyping such nonsense? And erhe remains near zero as dickran clings to the delusion that share price doesn't matter. Embarrasing.
You must be bored to post that knowing full well that even a hundred daily posts like it won't change the minds of longs and volume will remain zero until we get the news we desire.
Looks like guerguerian dckran, proven liar and erhe's largest stuck shareholder with close to 400 million shares, is scraping the bottom of the barrel in his desperate search for mindless minions to parrot his/her delusional talking points. But with erhe stock near zero as it has been for more than 6 years, dickran's best "advice" is to continue to wait as he/she has been doing for more than a decade lmao. Wait for what? One debunked narrative after another. The latest - Shell bidding war and erhe dividend - on the way to the dickran dung heap of baseless claims, false rumors and outright lies. Pathetic.
You need to re-read your source oil information as it never said that.
Yes Krom and the value of block 4 and the JDZ plus the stamped by the shorts to cover their ill gotten gains will drive
the SP to a very high number !
Correct Krom. Cannot hide from the truth.
ERHC's common stock is traded on the OTC Grey Sheets (No Bid/Ask) under the symbol "ERHE."
ERHC Energy Inc. is a Houston-based independent oil and gas company focused on exploration of its working interests in the Gulf of Guinea, off the coast of central West Africa. We are proud of our heritage of visionary leadership that was responsible for ERHC being among the first to identify the possibility of significant oil reserves in what was once an undeveloped oil region of the world. We continue to build upon that heritage by continuing to be willing to take chances and having the commitment to do the hard work necessary to realize the value of our assets.
Today, ERHC has interests in Blocks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 in the offshore Joint Development Zone (JDZ) of Nigeria and the island nation of Sao Tome and Principe. The National Petroleum Agency of São Tomé & Príncipe (ANP-STP) on behalf of the Government of São Tomé and Principe has awarded ERHC Energy 100 percent working interests in Blocks 4 and 11 of the São Tomé & Príncipe Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). In addition to the two Blocks already awarded, ERHC has rights to acquire up to a 15 percent paid working interest in two additional blocks of its choice in the EEZ.
The Company has signed participation agreements with subsidiaries of Addax Petroleum Inc. and Sinopec Corp. The operators of JDZ Blocks 2 (Sinopec), 3 (Anadarko) and 4 (Addax) have secured approval from the Joint Development Authority for drilling locations. Additionally, ERHC continues to pursue other potential oil and gas acquisitions, where feasible.
JDZ Block 2: 22.0%
JDZ Block 3: 10.0%
JDZ Block 4: 19.5%
JDZ Block 5: 15.0%
JDZ Block 6: 15.0%
JDZ Block 9: 20.0%
ERHC will be responsible for its proportionate share of exploration and exploitation costs in the EEZ blocks.
The São Tomé & Príncipe EEZ encompasses an area of approximately 160,000 square kilometers south and east of the Nigeria/São Tomé & Príncipe Joint Development Zone and surrounding the volcanic islands of Príncipe and São Tomé. Block 4 is situated directly east of the island of Principe. Block 11 is directly east of the island of Sao Tome.
Ocean water depths around the two islands exceed 5,000 feet, depths that have only become feasible for oil production over the past few years; however, oil and gas are produced in the neighboring countries of Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Congo.
The African coast is less than 400 nautical miles offshore, which means the exclusive economic zones of the concerned countries overlap.
Operations in JDZ Block 2
ERHC's consortium partner Sinopec Corp. is the operator in JDZ Block 2. In August 2009, Sinopec commenced exploratory drilling of the Bomu-1 well, which was completed in early October 2009. The NSAI report estimated ERHC's unrisked prospective resources in JDZ Block 2 totaled 77 million barrels of oil and 93.9 billion cubic feet of natural gas (P50). The NSAI report estimated ERHC risked prospective resources in JDZ Block 2 totaled 38.3 million barrels of oil and 47.9 billion cubic feet of natural gas (P50).
Operations in JDZ Block 3
The NSAI report estimated ERHC's unrisked prospective resources in JDZ Block 3 totaled 27.3 million barrels of oil and 32.9 billion cubic feet of natural gas (P50). The NSAI report estimated ERHC risked prospective resources in JDZ Block 3 totaled 8.7 million barrels of oil and 10.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas (P50). The operator, Addax Petroleum, began drilling the Lemba-1 well in October 2009 and completed drilling in November 2009.
Operations in JDZ Block 4
ERHC's consortium partner Addax Petroleum is the operator of JDZ Block 4. In August 2009, Addax took possession of the Deepwater Pathfinder deepwater drill ship and started drilling the Kina prospect. The NSAI report estimated ERHC's unrisked prospective resources in JDZ Block 4 totaled 231.6 million barrels of oil and 245 billion cubic feet of natural gas (P50). The NSAI report estimated ERHC risked prospective resources in JDZ Block 4 totaled 88.4 million barrels of oil and 86.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas (P50). In 2009, Addax Petroleum drilled the Kina, Malanza-1 and Oki East wells.
2012 (from 10Q)
Weighted average number of shares of common shares outstanding | 738,933,854 |
Authorized shares: 950,000,000
ERHC Energy Milestones
In May 1997, ERHC entered into an exclusive joint venture with São Tomé & Príncipe. ERHC sought that agreement because it identified the possibility of significant reserves offshore of Sao Tome & Principe years before anyone else did and was willing to undertake the hard work necessary to realize the value of these assets.
All of the proceeds from these sales were received by the Company during the quarter ending March 31, 2006.
Block 11A encompasses 11,950.06 square kilometers or 2.95 million acres (click on map to enlarge). The Block is situated on Kenya's border with South Sudan to the north, Block 11B and Lake Turkana to the east and near Kenya's border with Uganda to the west.
-Link to the June 2009 Sao Tome and Principe AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) Conference slide presentation in Denver. It shows EEZ Block delineations and much more:
-The National Petroleum Agency of São Tomé & Príncipe (ANP-STP) on behalf of the Government of São Tomé and Principe has awarded ERHC Energy 100 percent working interests in Blocks 4 and 11 of the São Tomé & Príncipe Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The ANP-STP has indicated that it expects to invite ERHC to negotiate Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) on the two Blocks in due course. In addition to the two Blocks already awarded, ERHC has rights to acquire up to a 15 percent paid working interest in two additional blocks of its choice in the EEZ. The ANP-STP has informed the Company that selection of these other blocks will take place at a later date to be determined.
-Another great post on the EEZ can be found here:
-Possible pre-salt oil deposits in the EEZ:
Operators/ partners for Blocks 2,3 and 4 (Block 4) 3) (Block 2)
Deepwater rigs
Deepwater rigs video's and animations
Growth Company Investor Show 2008 in London part 1 part 2 Q&A part
ERHC Web TV presentation to RedChip Conference
CEO Peter Ntephe Interview - on RedChip TV
DD web sites
Facts about ERHC/ERHE:
Track drillships
Industry News
The New Yorker, 10/07/2002, OUR NEW BEST FRIEND, by JON LEE ANDERSON,post #3510
DAILY INDEPENDANT, Tuesday May 24th, 2005, The long wait for JDZ deal POST #3035
Area News & Newspapers
AKPO information
ERHE 8K 4-24-2017
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