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and to you CoinOp, who hasnt posted since june and is probably posting under a different username now.....FU
ill tell yu how. whatever money you put in here is now GONE
oh youre playing the GET IN TROUBLE card. lol go EBET
That is pretty funny as I wrote to coinop and you on the board .you need to go to jiffy lube and get a tune up .when u write something please get ur facts straight before u write false info .could get u into trouble or make u look like a idiot
looks like the best you can sell this is for .0009 now. like 990 shares. who can possibly buy this. its expert market. you can only sell right?
yea and where did THAT get you moron? or whatever your new user name is. probably DOPE
im willing to bet that scott ruby is COINOPs new user cause he created his profile here in late may. makes sense too.
looks like COINOP added another user name probably to hide from people out to get him? his last post as COINOP was 6/12. its obvious.
what? noone wants to comment on the fact that this is expert market now? really? Does everyone still believe theyre going to get paid BIG and the PPS will end up at 4.00 minimum which COINOP touted here for months on end. really? seriously? you ALL can blame COINOP for suckering people in here while he sold out. i hope he gets his bad Carma one of these days. he should.
hey what happened to the quotation on this stock? is it finally cancelled?
it aint going to be resolved dude. theyre not gettin sht. theyre grasping at straws IMO. they already had to give the company away cause they wont have money to pay off their debts
I was actually yet again thinking about investment ops....
Amongst the fluzys and flunkies and bright idesasasss...
this is still trading?here it is almost Oct. wasnt their court case supposed to be resolved in Aug? oh well
whatever they make in the lawsuit will go to the 34mil owed to debtors and then GOD knows how much to the LAWYERS and then guess where IMO the rest will go(if there is any which i doubt)? it will go to the crooks pockets
It's all about the lawsuit now .we will see what happens.
Imo it can't be good news. These guys were criminals...let their stock fall into the abyss having gotten all their preferred out and leaving everyone with scraps. I hope 1 day they get THEIRS! if yu know what I mean
Docket 70 is out trying to get info Hopefully good news
if you look at his post history. its 20 pages of ONLY EBET posts. That tells us that hes either one of the lawyers for them or works in the company itself and just
pumped so hard to make money with his shares he received. They should put a stop to this on IHUB. but no way to regulate it.
Oh I do trust me
He swing traded, pumped, and made his nut. You honestly had NO idea why he's done posting?
Hello haven't heard from u in a long time .Have u heard of anything today as what happened in court
You've GOT to be kidding?
Aug 14th is court date! maybe some good news! i bought back in at .04
Yea keep laughing
i love how noones commenting here anymore cause noone can find any more BS to pump into this. i wish there was a way to get back at these sheisters for hurting so many people in this stock. especially myself
oh yea right. its lookin good. for the crooked officers of EBET i suppose. i think i lost m ore money in THIS stock than any stock in history. i hope
Karma gets THEM.
here come the bottom feeders. might go to like .04 then bammm. sub .01
well THERE it is. all directors and management RESIGNING>and a TWO CENT FKN STOCK.
Burp. Um. I can write as I need. Thats what these boards are for.
There are 3 dates then they will go to trial which the judge will give a date in the spring .And as every time aspire is sued they cut a deal before they go to trial .look what happened with Neo games not a bad settlement. I don't know if ur bitter or a shill or someone who loves to short a stock or just someone who likes to bring people down and make them feel like they are going to lose all their money .I will wait as long as it takes to end this story in a positive note and so will everyone else .please stop writing with all your negative
thoughts it's old news and it's annoying. .I think u should be more like coin op stop writing lol
Lol... The latest update on the Ebet Inc. vs. Aspire Global court case reveals that the court has granted Ebet's motion to amend its complaint. This decision was based on the liberal standards for allowing amendments and the court's preference to address challenges to the merits of a proposed amended pleading through motions to dismiss or for summary judgment, rather than denying the amendment outright on grounds of futility [[?]]( [[?]](
The defendants, Aspire Global and its affiliates, now have until August 14, 2024, to file a consolidated motion in response to the amended complaint. Ebet's opposition to this motion is due by September 23, 2024, and the defendants' reply is due by October 21, 2024 [[?]](
Ebet's legal action asserts significant claims against Aspire Global, including accusations of fraudulent conduct and breach of contract related to the acquisition of certain iGaming assets. The claims detail alleged manipulations of financial records and failures in maintaining necessary operations, particularly in Germany [[?]](
These developments indicate that the legal proceedings will continue to be complex and contentious, with further arguments and evidence to be presented by both sides in the coming months.
Sounds like to me that this will take years to finalize
What is your issue u act like everyone invested because of coin op they didn't. As for him not responding who cares .Anything that is written on the boards are more for entertainment not financial advice .
howd that work out for everyone? you fkd over so many people in this. i hope everyone realizes that.
Not a SINGLE post from coinop in over 14 days. He suckered everyone into this stock only to leave everyone high and dry. You all still think his heart was in the right place?
What is going on was illustrated by houlahan lokey .what they are doing is much safer then a chapter 11 or 9 as per infamous stop listening to the noise .There is a very good chance they can raise alot of money during the auction and the money they will get from the lawsuit. Either we will be bought out at a price the shareholders agree on or we will be in this to the end .I have watched coin op and infamous write .means nothing they both have no clue .I don't need their opinions we have lawyers that give us real advice
i have been saying all along that these guys not only owe way TOO much money to lenders and lawyers but can EASILY pocket ANY overage they get from
the lawsuit and just walk away. IMO these guys have been crooked ever since they LET their PPS fall to .002. Yes thats right .002 PRE SPLIT. just divide 30 into the current .067 price.
sounds like EBET becomes a shell company and hopefully the only thing going for it is the lawsuit (which i hope is on contingency so no cash outlays by a company with no assets). i sold the 100k shares i own at a nice loss so only have 1000. if anyone hears anything different please share. TIA
Don't listen to Mr negitivity we don't know the outcome .we do know no Bk .no one knows how much we will get at the end .Time will tell .Right now knowing no Bk and they are raising money to pay off debt is a positive not a negative. Mr infamous loves to spin bad news .the only bad news is I feel bad for Canada as they have him living there lmao..Keep the faith and let's hope we end up in the black ⚫️
Oh well, I took a risk and lost, I always do.
No way.. just the opposite imo. Read my last post
Ill tell you EXACTLY what it means...
Any settlement made in court going forward will go to the 37mil 8n debt and probably around 11mil im guessing for lawyers FIRST. then any cash left over will go directly into ebets old owners pockets and will no longer have ANY benefit to current common shareholders. I knew that was coming. I warned. All IMO
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