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DRAG you missed the boat on SRSR it flew thats when you should have sold. The people who ran that stock up moved on whats your buy in? Take a look at MDMN Ive been in that stock forever and its kinda at bottom the range for that is .0075-.02 its a good return til we find out if this company does or doesn't have a deal to sign.
i use google chrome also... best browser out there...
I am test-driving the newest version of Google Chrome, and I have to say, so far, this blows away IE and Firefox as far as speed. Big noticeable difference. I'll have to try it tomorrow with my streamer on.
For anyone who listens to Pandora on the net, I highly recommend creating an Ottmar Liebert station. Even if you aren't into this kind of music, just give it a try, keeps me pretty level on tight days. And I can play my conga or djembe along with a lot of the music, another activity I highly recommend, drumming is great for stress during a rough trading day.
LOL! Let us get moved to a little larger place, and we'll have you and the missus over for beer and barbecue one night!
Maybe steak and Dom Perignon if our URST and SRSR ships come in!
1.59 margaritas tonight at Los Cucos!
what time you want me to be there?... mmm i am hungry
I'm cooking some pork loin chops. I haven't marinated them, but I seasoned them with salt, pepper, and fresh basil from my garden, and i'm frying them in a cast-iron skillet, the oil is olive oil with basil blossoms. See, to keep your basil plants producing leaves, you need to pluck the blossoms when they appear, but the flowers have a super strong basil aroma/flavor all their own, so wasting them is just silly.
Pluck the blossoms and soak them in olive oil. Just leave them in the fridge, and add new blossoms as they appear, and more oil.
After a few months have passed, you can begin to use the oil to cook with, not only does it impart an amazing flavor, it is literally aromatherapy, and will make your whole house smell ludicrously good.
You can use it as part of an oil-and-vinegar dressing/dip too, I use wild chile pequins that grow here in Texas, and my own garlic, to make a chile/pepper sauce that's outtasight in of itself, but mixed with basil blossom oil, it's really just tooo sublime for words!
CTKH must have a HUGE NSS position! I have never seen such a concentrated little group of obvious bashers!
Very impressive!
Dude, I never said I was in love with Cetek, lol. No worries, I almost always remember to sell!
Thanks for the warning, and the advice, your points are taken. But as far as agendas, no one can convince me that someone with over 600 posts on I-hub, and ALL bashing the same stock, no other posts anywhere, is not someone with an agenda.
That cat on the EXPH board PUBLICLY apologized Geoly, on Yahoo and I-hub, TWICE on each board, the day after EXPH issued a PR that they were going after bashers, and this is not the first company to do this. This stuff is not urban legend, it is real.
That's why I don't reply to certain individuals, no point at all, their statements are unsupported, their goal is to turn a discussion into a confrontation to sour potential investors from buying a given stock. There is ample empirical evidence to support the truth of what goes on when a stock is singled out to be NSS'ed into the ground, and Cetek was a prime candidate.
Watch and see what happens Geoly, I wouldn't be so quick to dump if I was you, by all means sell, but let it run a bit first, you may be surprised, this isn't just about Hilal or CTKH, it's about a phenomenae that we are witnessing maybe for the last time since laws will now prevent future NSS positions like this.
Good luck!
DRAG none of the peoeple that are posting have any agenda they have been burned by FH in the past. I attacked ORANGE like your attacking me (difference of opinion not really attacking) and I didn't take what he had to say seriously until my money was all gone. He was an investor a long long time ago as I and you are. FH is not a businessman nor a honest man.
with everything I said there is money to made here I see volume picking up and IM only urging you not to fall in love with a dream here that will never happen. TRADE it only.
good luck and Im sure some where down the road you will thank us.
trade it
You say this Geoly, yet you are attempting, by your actions, to submit those who are invested in this stock now, to the same thing. Do you wish losses for these people you don't even know?
From reading back through posts, it's easy to see who has an agenda, who works for whom, and there is no point in trying to reason with those who are paid to be unreasonable.
But you I believe. I believe that you were and are a shareholder, and that your gripe is legitimate to an extent, but again, no one forces anyone to buy a stock, and no one forces someone to buy too much of a particular stock.
And you are not hurting the one you are angry at Geoly, you aren't hurting Cetek one bit, just your fellow stock traders, of which I am one.
I'm not a tout, or a pumper, or any member of any wierd organized machination. I'm a single father of 4, putting the last couple of said four through college now, that and a couple of messy divorces have forced me to live very simply, and it's taken a lot of work to regain the point where I could return to trading to try to make extra. I started over again earlier this year with the bare minimum, 2000.00 dollars Geoly.
High roller huh? lol! Doesn't matter really, money is not the source of my pride, my sons and daughters are, money is just a means to an end.
Post as much as you like about the negative aspects of the past with regards to CTKH, but keep in mind always, the lessons of karma, what you give, is returned to you in three's, whether that be good, or bad. And if this man is as puposefully grievous as you say, I have faith that he pays for it every day in ways we don't know.
And rest assured, that if the price rises, and I do make a profit, that it will go towards a good cause, as my sons and daughters, are kind, loving people, who already go out of there way to do right by other folks. And I try to do the same.
DRAG I HAVE no problem with you and investing in CTKH I have one with HILAL taking this yet as another opportuniy to take advantage of us. he used the NSS as a excuse why the PPS was not going up while unloading billions of shares on us during his pump all the while lying and telling us the OS was 250,000,000 shares until we as shareholders tallied each and every share up and realized it was already triple of what he was saying. I have no problem getting this pig back up but how it will be done is my problem. shamefully on hilal side will be the way.
Short-Selling Sparks RICO Suit Against Financial Giants
Stun-gun maker Taser and shareholders claim that Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and others illegally manipulated stock price
Greg Land
Fulton County Daily Report
May 15, 2009
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Trooping into the courtroom of Fulton County, Ga., State Court Judge Patsy Y. Porter, a phalanx of lawyers representing the cream of global finance -- to be sure, a thinner cream since last year's financial collapse -- sought to short-circuit a suit claiming a conspiracy to reap tens of millions of dollars in unearned fees and force down the value of stock in stun-gun manufacturer TASER International Inc.
Robert F. Wise Jr. of New York's Davis Polk & Wardwell, representing Morgan Stanley and one of three lawyers who would argue for the defendants, opened up the hearing succinctly.
"In short," he said, "what we'd like is a dismissal."
For nearly two and a half hours, they and opposing counsel sparred over a suit, originally filed by dozens of TASER shareholders and later joined by the company itself. It accuses Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank Securities, Credit Suisse, Banc of America Securities and three remnants of Bears Stearns of engaging "abusive naked short sales" of TASER stock that have devalued stock and created millions of shares of "counterfeit" or "phantom" shares.
The complaint (pdf), filed nearly a year ago by Bondurant, Mixson & Elmore partners John E. Floyd and Steven J. Rosenwasser and Houston's James W. Christian and John M. O'Quinn, accuses the companies of violating the Georgia Securities Act, the state's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act and the Georgia Computer Systems Protection Act. A fourth count, added later, also alleges conversion.
In the case of TASER stock, says the suit, the companies deliberately engaged in a pattern of naked short-selling designed to generate commissions and fees for nonexistent stock transactions and interest on borrowed shares that were never loaned. They also manipulated the sales in order to drive down the value of TASER stock, it says, because the companies routinely short-sold the stock in their own proprietary accounts, "giving them a financial interest in lowering the stock's price."
"The SEC has repeatedly found that naked short sales can depress stock prices," said Rosenwasser, arguing in support of his case. "That's what happened with TASER."
In 2005, he said, TASER stock suffered a stunning 77 percent decline largely because of the defendant companies' manipulation.
"Why would they do that?" he asked. "Because they make a wealth of money. ... They make hundreds of millions of dollars in fees and commissions from short-selling," he said, asserting that the companies' second-largest source of revenue came from such transactions.
The suit includes figures purporting to show that, on a given day, the number of TASER shares the DTCC recorded as being held by the defendant companies could be vastly lower than the number the company itself claimed to control. For instance, on May 22, Morgan Stanley claimed "beneficial ownership" of 11.7 million shares; the same day, DTCC records showed the company holding 2.6 million.
The so-called "phantom shares" also dramatically increased the number of TASER shares reportedly held by stockholders, the suit says.
"Objective shareholder voting data demonstrates that the defendants' unlawful selling of unregistered and unissued TASER shares flooded the market with counterfeit shares," it says. "For example, at the time of TASER's 2005 annual vote, TASER had approximately 61.1 million shares outstanding. Yet, approximately 82 million shares voted, an additional over-vote of approximately 20 million shares."
That figure is "particularly compelling," said the complaint, because the day of the vote there were roughly 17.2 million shorted shares of TASER stock. Thus, "[e]ven if all of the TASER shares that were sold short were able to vote ... there were at least 3.7 million shares that were undoubtedly counterfeit."
The suit, which now has 42 shareholder plaintiffs as well as TASER, does not enumerate the financial loss suffered by those bringing it, demanding only compensatory and punitive damages, along with attorney fees and court costs.
Fields of Mesquite
we were running through
mesquite tree thickets
swingin' hickory sticks
hand-carved with
Buck knife blades
our grandaddies
bought for us
down at the feed store
we were lithe and leaping
pools of pasture quicksand
scratched and bleeding
parrying dragon's teeth
and vaulting post-oak battlements
with broomstick spears
our eyes
were clear and fierce
we were young and feral
and thus
and we glorified every
barbwire battle-scar and bruise
stomped sticker-bushes
into green mushes
with our bare feet
the sea-monster catfish
and piranha perch
feared us
and whole herds
of holstein-minotaurs
fled as we sounded our war cry
and charged
skinny sun-browned
arms and legs windmilling,
whirling wooden weapons
though johnson-grass jungles
clad in cut-off loincloths
we carried our world
in our pockets
a cane pole was our standard..
and we knew the warrior's way..
slipped out at night
stalked through moonlight
and kept the coyote's at bay
'cause we were wolf-kin
and blood brothers
even the demons would fall back
from the howl of our pack
we rode bareback and bridle
on mighty steeds
slaying weeds
with barn-door broadswords
and there wasn't a crow
that didn't know
to take a wing-hot
if they saw us reach
for that back-pocket
and all we hated was
the devil
and havin' to eat that damn liver
and we never understood
how being still...
and quiet...
was being good
even cartoons on all three
channels on a saturday morning
could not contain our spirits
with woods, water, and
adventure calling!
we flew though
mesquite tree thickets
thick with crickets
and the sound of cicadas
rasping love songs
spinning and dashing
crashing the brush
in our rush
to the river
to set sail on homemade rafts
crafts of quick hands and water-logs
and on a good day
we all got to play
Huckleberry Finn
and if forever would just never end
Peter Pan would be
my bestest friend
and i'd still be tilting
at windmill dragons
drinking flagons of root beer
and making tin cans dance
with a Daisy red ryder..
but as with all good things
time has a way
of pulling your strings
and we began to lose
the warrior's path
to schools, and rules of engagement
designed to narrow our minds
our young hearts
of starlight and Silmarils
would not willingly
accept this paradigm
and soon cracked under the strain..
and no mesquite thorn
ever cut so deep
or caused so much pain..
but i won't delve here
into the years of tears
or a false fate
beat into me
with the hate
of angry hands
took me thirty years
to make my stand
but here i am
proud to join the man
who said
awake at last
from past lies
with a will to spill
in hatred's eyes
and i know you know
i'm a poet who grew
from seeds planted
by those who ran
through the bamboo
but if you can find it
in your heart to trust me
and the bond of warrior-word
that we share..
then Brothers and Sisters
dare to bare your feet
and together at last
we will charge
Dragynn '07
There are no links period to NSS figures, it's almost impossible to track. Everyone knows this. Your question is unanswerable, and therefore, irrelevant.
You have no idea what I know, it's ridiculously presumptive of you to suggest that you do.
Your relevant experience with this stock, by your own admission, is a major loss, how exactly does that qualify you to advise me on my trading decisions?
Assaulting me, or anyone who might be tempted to invest in Cetek, is not going to get your lost money back.
This is just another stock, it's nothing to be so dramatic about, certainly not to the point of insulting people you don't even know, and who have done you no harm. I'm just an average guy trying to make a buck, why is that such an affront to you?
I apologize for whatever has angered you so, and I thank you for bringing your post, and your concerns here. Rest assured, I won't delete anything here unless it de-evolves to hardcore insults and name-calling. I appreciate you toning down the anger in your posts on the CTKH board and not using harsh language, I take no pleasure in deleting anyone's posts. If you could see the entire list of posts, you would notice that I have deleted ALL posts that have personal attacks, regardless of their sentiment regarding CTKH.
In cases where I refuse to answer posts, it is likely because I have identified that person as having an agenda, such as having ALL your posts on I-hub on one board only. Such was the case with the fellow on the EXPH board, who I in fact outed a few days before his notorious public apologies, only to have my post deleted for my trouble. So rather than let the discussion turn into a ridiculous pissing contest, I simply choose not to respond.
Again, the past of Cetek, does not seem much different than most of these highly speculative pink sheet stocks, and has very little in the way of bearing, upon the future potential of the PPS to appreciate. JMHO.
Good luck to you as well Geoly, seriously.
where do you see the NSS in CETEK and can you provide us with a link? You have No Idea what CETEK is about and ther many years we havew spent following it. WE know the ins and outs and all the players. You have no idea what this man is capiable of telling you to win you to think he is for real. He has for years lied to us. The MAN you need to get in touch with is JIM STOCK Stock enterprizes look him up on line and email him or ask any question you like he wa sthe IR person for a very long time.
good luck
Hello all, I am Dragynn.
I am not an investment adviser, broker, or even a big fish, just an ordinary retail trader. Nothing you read that I write, should be taken as anything more than opinion. Grownups take responsibility for their own investment decisions, they don't blame other people, message board posters, or the company for their losses, this gives them the right to take credit for their wins.
I am a technical trader at heart, TA is how I started, and even when scalping pure momo, I STILL look at the chart before I do anything. I scalp, daytrade, and have short, near, intermediate, and long-term holds. I am toying with currency trading right now, it seems even easier than stocks, nothing but pure charting, sweet!
I am above average when it comes to reading charts and predicting breakouts. I am lousy at exit strategy at times, lol, I should let the winners run more...but taking smaller profits makes my batting average pretty high, and "basehits win ballgames" as they say. This year, the pinks/BB's have really surprised me, I took some small chunks of long rides early on before I started believing in some of the breakouts i've seen. I'm averaging around 25% per month this year on the entire port.
Just FYI for comparison, my personal preferences in charting are thus:
6 month chart, candlestick, daily
20,50,200 day exponential moving averages overlaid
Volume below in bars, with avg. volume for last 30 days noted
RSI-OBV-MFI graphed separately from chart but overlaid on one another.
That's it, no other indicators, after toying with a legion of other indicators, and various theories as to their application for years...I came to find that basic trendlines and key support/resistance levels, along with moving averages, worked much better as long as you learned how to interpret and apply them. RSI-OBV-MFI combine to give an even more refined idea of money flow in and out of the stock.
My top 3 books to read about trading and investing, would have to be:
1. Secrets for profiting in bull and bear markets. Stan Weinstein
2. The Intelligent Investor. Benjamin Graham
3. A Beginners guide to daytrading online.Toni Turner
These are the "must-reads" before anyone starts trading IMO, and a good cross-section of trading styles for a beginner, yet are still valid in certain aspects for the experienced trader. None of these books is super long or overly complex, I HIGHLY recommend them.
I trade to live, don't live to trade, i'm an artist, just not a very good one, lol, and I don't like starving!
Peace to all,
A board for discussion of all stocks, currency trading, TA, FA, strategies, and also any off-topic discussions that don't need to take place on stock-specific boards. Work it out here, but remember to abide by the applicable TOU, profanity or personal attacks are NOT okay. Bashing is for angry unaccountable losers, all bashing posts will be stomped, as will any other post that the moderator deems to be stupid, especially any mindless pumping from kool-aid drinking morons touting garbage companies.
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