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Alias Born 02/03/2004

Re: Dragynn post# 3

Sunday, 09/27/2009 11:06:14 AM

Sunday, September 27, 2009 11:06:14 AM

Post# of 88
DRAG I HAVE no problem with you and investing in CTKH I have one with HILAL taking this yet as another opportuniy to take advantage of us. he used the NSS as a excuse why the PPS was not going up while unloading billions of shares on us during his pump all the while lying and telling us the OS was 250,000,000 shares until we as shareholders tallied each and every share up and realized it was already triple of what he was saying. I have no problem getting this pig back up but how it will be done is my problem. shamefully on hilal side will be the way.
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