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Alias Born 08/16/2009

Re: geoly31 post# 8

Sunday, 09/27/2009 6:39:47 PM

Sunday, September 27, 2009 6:39:47 PM

Post# of 88
Dude, I never said I was in love with Cetek, lol. No worries, I almost always remember to sell!

Thanks for the warning, and the advice, your points are taken. But as far as agendas, no one can convince me that someone with over 600 posts on I-hub, and ALL bashing the same stock, no other posts anywhere, is not someone with an agenda.

That cat on the EXPH board PUBLICLY apologized Geoly, on Yahoo and I-hub, TWICE on each board, the day after EXPH issued a PR that they were going after bashers, and this is not the first company to do this. This stuff is not urban legend, it is real.

That's why I don't reply to certain individuals, no point at all, their statements are unsupported, their goal is to turn a discussion into a confrontation to sour potential investors from buying a given stock. There is ample empirical evidence to support the truth of what goes on when a stock is singled out to be NSS'ed into the ground, and Cetek was a prime candidate.

Watch and see what happens Geoly, I wouldn't be so quick to dump if I was you, by all means sell, but let it run a bit first, you may be surprised, this isn't just about Hilal or CTKH, it's about a phenomenae that we are witnessing maybe for the last time since laws will now prevent future NSS positions like this.

Good luck!

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