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Small Bank Deposit Outflows Continue As Fed Bailout Fund Usage Jumps To Another New Record High
FRIDAY, NOV 24, 2023 - 05:30 PM
Total domestic US banks saw inflows last week on a SA and NSA basis...
Source: Bloomberg
But, while large banks saw $16.5BN (SA) in deposit inflow, small banks suffered another weekly deposit outflow (of $3.3BN SA) last week...
without The Fed's help, the crisis is back
Source: Bloomberg
This pulled total deposits down to their lowest since September after rising (on a Fed magically-adjusted basis) for six months...
Source: Bloomberg
And as deposits flow out of small banks, usage of The Fed's emergency funding facility for the banks increased to a new record high again, above $114BN...
Pretty lonely here. A year from now this may be one of the most viewed places on IHUB.
Adding FAZ to my portfolio. My "Insurance policy".
Keeping FAZ on my "maybe" list AGAIN.
Sold all FAZ shares. Made a little profit. Got in too late. March 9 is when I should have bought.
Oh well. Now will wait for another big sell down, but keep FAZ very close on my radar. Banking fiasco could make this very attractive if it continues.
Parked some cash in this puppy. Only way I can be at rest playing golf.
Probably so.
I'm thinking of getting in the mo.
Can't see this not going up with the current SVB situation
Wow, no one posted here since 2021. Well here goes nothing. I've had a little of this and lost my arse over the past few years but I think I'll start making some back this year.
The short funds are working well currently!
Margin call time could mean quite a dip in the overall market, FAZ might be really good. AMC leading the way.
Similar to stocks. Price rises and position decreases, both by ratio of the split.
In many cases and what I prefer is selling the last day before the split and rebuying the day of the split.
Just my opinion, not advising.
Split date is March 1.
How would that affect their options?
Announced. FAZ to undergo 1/8 reverse split.
Good luck to you Citrari!!
March in the money calls
Good to hear from you. I’m glad to see that you’re in this play as well. I’m in for a plus so far, not sure how my patience is on this one. I’m about to find out. May you only have success in future trades.
Patience will bring rewards. That said, one should always have a mental stop, especially with the volatility and decay found here in a 3X etf. What does FAX have going for it? High odds from the below charts that the bottom is in, though a retest/retrace is not out of the question. No one can pump better than the Fed or manipulate better than the Wall Street thieves, so stubbornness is not an asset.
Green Trades.
I have a FAZ core to swing and trading shares for intraday currently. For how long? I don't know. I just try to follow the chart signals.
Still holding my shares. Come on now drop for us diehard longs!!
let’s hope so, i can’t stand the companies disregard to old accounting practices. we shall see.
Once reality sets in and the bubble pops, this should move up quickly.
Why aren’t you people buying cheap shares. Must be a slow mover.
I’m putting a nice portion of funds that this is the downplay of this bs market. Go short....
Man is this all we get from storming the capital building ????
Market is going to tank sooner or later. Get in at 52 week low.
Man soooo tempting lol
I can’t pull the trigger
Time to buy before the bubble burst!
Just In: $FAZ Direxion Daily Financial Bear $FAZ Trading Report
The Direxion Daily Financial Bear (NYSE: FAZ) update and the technical summary table below can help you manage risk and optimize returns. Here we provide day, swing, and longer-term trading plans for FAZ, and we cover 1000 other stocks too. This is a snapshot, it was real-time when the ...
Got this from FAZ - Direxion Daily Financial Bear $FAZ Trading Report
Elections though.. has me thrown off.. I don’t see a bear market until 2021.
I think its about time to buy - all these people not paying their house loans is about to catch up to these banks. This could double before years end...
Get ready for another flip..
Long time Faz and Fas flipper. I got a .15 cent Bio Phar company. They have a drug called Bucillamine that they got.the rights too 7 years ago. Bucillamine clears up the Glass and inflammation in Lungs. Rvvtf is going to get this repurposed as a covid fighter.
Took profits @ 18.65. What a ride!
Wouldn't shock me either if it continues to move higher.
Back into FAZ @ 16.80 with a light reentry.
Strictly day trades.
Problem with the 3x bulls is they have liquidation points. They can literally disappear in a day. None of them are safe. It’s all about timing with these things
I used to follow FAZ and FAS. What I noticed before, and now it's really proving out, is that decreasing market volatility hurts them both. But it hurts FAZ far more than it hurts FAS.
Seems like a good day to jump in again considering congress just passed $484B and the market is like, eh?
Ya, I sat on my hands all day too, then at the end of the day I had to hit buy. Jumped in again at $28.42.
I wanted to jump back in all day today, but sat on my hands.
Market broke above the 2790 line and now looks like 2850 and maybe new ATHs coming which is just crazy to me..