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MIMI & DAVID Walters .... ownership filing, nothing like having the inside scoop huh?
Cardiff Partners David Walters
Monarch staffing David Walters Ownership Interest
Mimi Walters Community Property Interest
Threshold for Disclosure
Customers that Provided Gross Revenue of $49,875.31 or greater
Below are customeI'S of Druc Consultants, Inc. la subsidiary of Monardl Stafflnr. Inc)
Avenal State Prison
Calipatra State Prison
CCI Tehachapi
Cen CA Women's Facility / Chowchilla
Centlnela State Prison
Chuckawalla State Prison
CMF Vacaville
Correctional Training Facility / Soledad
CSP Sacramento
Deuel Vocational Institution
High Desert State Prison
Kern Valley State Prison
Mule Creek State Prison
North Kern
Northern California Youth Center
Pleasant ValleyState Prison.
R.J. Donovan Correctional Facility
Salinas Vallev Prison
San Quentin Stite Prison
Valley State Prison For Women
Wasco State Prison
Below are custDmers of AmeriCan Healthcare ~1tI1I£ Inc. la subsidiary of Monarch Stafflnr, Inc)
California Department of COrrections
Sonora Regional Medical Center
Anesthesiologists Associates, Inc
Lending Institutions that Provided Loans of $49,875.31 or greater
This board got some props in this article.
Thursday, 20 January 2011 Print Article Bookmark page Email Article
Long Island hedge fund, NIR Group, probed in plot to inflate asset value
The criminal investigation into NIR Group looks like a Madoff copycat scheme to defraud investors by overstating the value of assets. Investigators are also probing allegations of kickbacks
By Alan Fein
(AXcess News) New York - After a two-year long probe by federal and state authorities, the WSJ revealed earlier today that Long Island-based hedge fund NIR Group is being criminally investigated over its alleged misrepresentation of asset valuation to its investors. At the heart of the probe is Mr. Corby Ribotski who heads up the fund.
Bernie Madoff Junior?Ribotski has come under fire over his handling of investor assets which in 2008 where held up to investors as being worth $780 million. The Journal story said that the hedge fund operator portrayed his fund "as having eight straight years of profits, beginning in 2001," though authorities are now questioning the fund manager's figures ever since NIR Group has been unable to find anyone who would provide a third-party valuation, let alone audit NIR Group's 2008 yearend results.
Breaking News - Two Years Ago
In December, 2008, AXcess News broke a story in which Ribotski's NIR Group took center stage following the downfall of Bernie Madoff in what was the lulu of all Ponzi schemes to hit Wall Street. Only in NIR's case the investigation isn't about assets that didn't exist, though their value is questioned as being so low authorities are dumbfounded as to how Ribotski could have kept it up for eight years.
In the 2008 story, "Madoff Scandal Tip of Iceberg in World of Seedy Hedge Funds", AXcess News reported that investors in Ribotski's NIR Group where growing more and more discontent to the extent that a chat board had been set up on about Mr. Ribotski and his company.While Ribotski's lawyers placed AXcess News on notice, the story was not recanted. In fact, Forbes picked up on the Ribotski story even earlier saying he had "a history of questionable business dealings and unpaid bills," though that hardly qualifies as "guilt by media" but looking back at my 2008 story I am grateful to see the WSJ finally giving NIR Group the once over, even if it is two years later.
In that Story I wrote: "Men like Mr. Ribotsky never make the press when compared to the Bernie Madoff's of Wall Street perhaps because the investors aren't big enough to matter to the New York Times, WSJ or others."
While the Wall Street Journal said Ribotski's NIR Group was being probed over $780 million in questionable asset value, an October, 2008 story by FINalternatives said NIR Group had $7 billion under management. Seems the Feds are off a bit, which may mean the investigation by regulators will broaden.
So far Ribotski has not been charged with any wrongdoing.
Kickback Scheme
Reuters echoed another aspect of the probe as reported by the Journal claiming individuals where under investigation for their role in a kickback scheme meant to inflate the value of NIR Group's assets. The FBI, SEC and the U.S. Attorney's office in Brooklyn, NY are involved in the investigation, Reuters noted.
Rehashing the News
FINAlternatives basically rehashed the crux of the WSJ story as well, never mentioning its October, 2008 $6 billion difference in funds under management - funny they missed that - though sidebar links did list other stories NIR Group was mentioned in.
Forbes, which has covered Ribotski on more than one occassion, missed today's window of mediatunity and didn't cover the probe at all, though a story could be in the works.
I can only say, that these major publications everone turns to for 'breaking news' on Wall Street might do better to follow those reporters who live in the trenches (hint, hint). As to the outcome of the NIR Group's criminal investigation, I say, stones turned by the Journal have a tendency to show themselves for what they are, given time. Its a shame AXcess News was never mentioned for having broke the story in the first place, perhaps the next round of news will note that. Stay tuned!
...{"so they appeared legit"....
Who is legit?
thx for the heads up...NIR approached some friends last year...had an impressive due diligence they appeared legit
hmmmmm.. good question.
looks like it may be soon!... lol
“Corey S. Ribotsky”
Filings as: Signatory
201 Filings · Click on a Filing-Type¹ to view it · List the Documents within these Filings
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in the p.1 filings only.these 201 "object" Search. Show Filings with "hits"Docs searched and the 1st "hit".every "hit".
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As Of Filer Filing¹ As/For/On Docs:Pgs Issuer Agent
9/29/08 Ingen Technologies/Inc 10KSB 5/31/08 12:211 Publicease Inc/FA
7/23/08 IGIA/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,5 7/15/08 12:201 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
7/18/08 Ingen Technologies/Inc 8-K{3,9} 6/20/08 11:194 Publicease Inc/FA
6/11/08 Pediatric Prosthetics Inc 8-K{1,3,9} 6/02/08 9:128 Vasquez Alyssa/FA
4/10/08 Conectisys Corp 8-K{1,3,9} 4/09/08 8:113 Vote Power Corp
2/29/08 Golden Patriot Corp 8-K{1,3,9} 1/28/08 7:70 Filing Svcs Canada/FA
2/11/08 Golden Patriot Corp 8-K{1,3,5,812/19/07 8:72 Filing Svcs Canada/FA
1/07/08 Paradigm Medical Industries Inc 8-K{8,9} 12/24/07 7:114 Southridge Svcs LLC/FA
11/13/07 Aquatic Cellulose Int'l Corp 10KSB 5/31/07 11:120 Publicease Inc/FA
10/09/07 Juniper Group Inc 8-K{1,2,3,910/02/07 12:145
9/04/07 Advanced BioPhotonics Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 8/29/07 12:175 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
8/29/07 Ingen Technologies/Inc 10KSB 5/31/07 13:160 Publicease Inc/FA
8/17/07 Paradigm Medical Industries Inc 10QSB 6/30/07 11:141 Southridge Svcs LLC/FA
8/17/07 Tradequest International Inc 10QSB 6/30/07 9:126 Edgarbiz Inc/FA
8/14/07 Admiralty Holding Co 8-K{1,2,3,5 5/31/07 14:220 Adamson Sharon R/FA
8/06/07 Dynamic Leisure Corp 8-K{1,9} 7/31/07 2:11 Edgarbiz Inc/FA
6/22/07 Grant Life Sciences/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 6/15/07 7:113 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
6/06/07 Protocall Technologies Inc 8-K{1,9} 5/31/07 2:3 My EDGAR/INC/FA
4/24/07 Reclamation Consulting & App..Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 4/24/07 2:10 Publicease Inc/FA
4/16/07 Paradigm Medical Industries Inc SB-2/A 5:134 Southridge Svcs LLC/FA
4/11/07 Modern Technology Corp 8-K{1,2,3,9 3/12/07 13:100 Parsons James B/FA
3/28/07 Greens Worldwide Inc 8-K{1,2,9} 3/22/07 6:37 RR Donnelley/FA
3/19/07 Reclamation Consulting & App..Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 3/12/07 2:9 Publicease Inc/FA
3/13/07 Grant Life Sciences/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 3/07/07 7:115 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
2/20/07 Conectisys Corp 8-K{1,3,9} 2/16/07 7:109 Vote Power Corp
2/16/07 Aquatic Cellulose Int'l Corp 10QSB/A 8/31/04 20:329 Tri State Fina..Press/FA
2/14/07 Grant Life Sciences/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 2/07/07 7:114 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
2/13/07 Grant Life Sciences/Inc 8-K/A{1,2,3 2/07/07 7:114 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
2/08/07 Greens Worldwide Inc 8-K{1,2,8,911/20/06 10:54 RR Donnelley/FA
1/11/07 Advanced BioPhotonics Inc SB-2/A 7:268 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
1/05/07 Cross Atlantic Commodities/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,912/29/06 7:115 Walker Jody M/FA
1/03/07 Grant Life Sciences/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,912/27/06 7:115 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
11/17/06 Midnight Holdings Group Inc 10KSB 12/31/05 22:387 Command Financial...Corp
11/15/06 Dynamic Leisure Corp 8-K{1,9} 11/09/06 7:84 Edgarbiz Inc/FA
11/13/06 Protocall Technologies Inc 8-K{1,3,9} 11/07/06 3:11 Greenberg Traurig/FA
11/03/06 Advanced BioPhotonics Inc 8-K{1,2,3,910/31/06 11:186 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
10/27/06 Pediatric Prosthetics Inc 10KSB 6/30/06 6:84 Bartley Amber/FA
10/24/06 Paradigm Medical Industries Inc SB-2/A 10/23/06 9:148 Southridge Svcs LLC/FA
10/18/06 Astrata Group Inc 8-K{1,3,9} 10/13/06 11:229 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
10/11/06 Midnight Holdings Group Inc 8-K{1,2,3,910/04/06 7:121 Command Financial...Corp
9/20/06 Midnight Holdings Group Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 9/15/06 7:121 Command Financial...Corp
9/15/06 Advanced BioPhotonics Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 9/12/06 14:260 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
9/15/06 Cyber Defense Systems Inc 8-K{1,9} 9/15/06 3:7 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
9/13/06 Advanced BioPhotonics Inc SB-2 6:349 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
8/25/06 Med Gen Inc SB-2 28:534 Kennedy Eugene Mi..Pa/FA
8/21/06 Edulink Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 8/16/06 7:117 MDM Corporate El..Inc/FA
8/21/06 Midnight Holdings Group Inc 8-K{1,2,3,8 8/15/06 7:124 Command Financial...Corp
8/15/06 Healthcare Business S..Groups/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 6/29/06 7:85 Abs Industries Inc/DE
8/08/06 Greens Worldwide Inc 8-K{1,9} 8/08/06 3:28 Action Edgar Fil..Svc/FA
8/08/06 Ingen Technologies/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 7/26/06 7:122 Publicease Inc/FA
8/07/06 Univec Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 7/31/06 7:71 RR Donnelley/FA
8/02/06 Healthcare Business S..Groups/Inc SB-2 8:194 Westmark Group Hold..Inc
6/26/06 Cape Systems Group/Inc SB-2/A 4:149 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
6/15/06 Midnight Holdings Group Inc 8-K{1,2,9} 6/12/06 9:27 Command Financial...Corp
6/07/06 Avitar Inc/DE SB-2/A 3:126 Dolgenos Newman...LLP/FA
6/02/06 Pediatric Prosthetics Inc 8-K{1,3,9} 5/30/06 13:228 Bartley Amber/FA
5/26/06 Golden Patriot Corp 8-K/A{3,8,9 4/12/06 3:26 Filing Svcs Canada/FA
5/22/06 Valcom/Inc 10QSB 3/31/06 9:68 De Joya Griff..Co/LLC/FA
5/17/06 eDOORWAYS CORP 10QSB 3/31/06 20:279 Data Electronic...Inc/FA
5/16/06 Midnight Holdings Group Inc 8-K{1,2,3} 5/08/06 7:119 Command Financial...Corp
4/21/06 Cape Systems Group/Inc SB-2/A 4:155 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
4/13/06 Luna Technologies Int'l Inc 8-K{1,9} 4/07/06 2:5 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
4/12/06 Skylynx Communications Inc 8-K{1} 3/13/06 2:2 Neuman Clifford L Pc/FA
4/10/06 Millenia Hope Inc SB-2 9:191 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
4/04/06 Wellstar International/Inc SB-2/A 4:100 MDM Corporate El..Inc/FA
3/29/06 Angel Acquisition Corp 8-K{1,9} 3/23/06 7:113 Dickson Rita S/FA
3/17/06 Avitar Inc/DE SB-2/A 4:122 Dolgenos Newman...LLP/FA
3/15/06 Conectisys Corp 8-K{1} 3/14/06 7:111
3/09/06 Midnight Holdings Group Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 3/06/06 7:118 Command Financial...Corp
3/01/06 Paradigm Medical Industries Inc 8-K{7,9} 2/28/06 7:121 Tanner & Co/FA
2/24/06 Monarch Staffing/Inc 8-K{1,9} 2/21/06 2:5 Data Electronic...Inc/FA
2/13/06 Advanced BioPhotonics Inc SB-2/A 12:277 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
2/10/06 DealerAdvance/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,5 2/08/06 8:117 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
2/01/06 Wellstar International/Inc SB-2/A 5:149 MDM Corporate El..Inc/FA
1/30/06 Collectible Concepts Group Inc 10QSB 11/30/05 16:246 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
1/05/06 Juniper Group Inc 8-K{1,2,3,512/28/05 8:103 Starkey & Henricks/FA
1/03/06 Encompass Holdings/Inc SB-2 7:164 Kupel & Co/FA/Fil..Agent
12/30/05 Skylynx Communications Inc SB-2 6:104 Neuman Clifford L Pc/FA
12/22/05 Luna Technologies Int'l Inc 8-K{1,2,3,912/16/05 13:257 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
12/15/05 MotivNation/Inc SB-2 16:265 Securities..Institute/FA
12/14/05 Epicus Communications Group Inc 8-K{1,3,5} 12/07/05 13:228 Business Wire/FA
12/13/05 Wellstar International/Inc SB-2 20:255 MDM Corporate El..Inc/FA
12/09/05 Furia Organization Inc/DE 8-K{1} 12/05/05 14:118 Integrity S..Transfer/FA
11/28/05 Safetek International Inc 8-K{1,2,3,911/18/05 7:115 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
11/23/05 Nayna Networks/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,911/17/05 8:138 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
11/16/05 Advanced BioPhotonics Inc 8-K{1,2,3,911/14/05 15:241 Business Wire/FA
11/16/05 Cyberlux Corp 10QSB 9/30/05 17:241 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
11/14/05 Monarch Staffing/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,511/04/05 24:365 Data Electronic...Inc/FA
11/01/05 Reclamation Consulting & App..Inc SB-2/A 12:238 MDM Corporate El..Inc/FA
10/27/05 Innofone Com Inc SB-2 6:143 Publicease Inc/FA
8/31/05 Msgi Security Solutions/Inc 8-K/A{1,3} 7/19/05 2:26
8/24/05 Roo Group Inc 8-K{1,9} 8/18/05 2:7 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
8/19/05 Cape Systems Group/Inc 10QSB 6/30/05 17:251 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
8/08/05 Skylynx Communications Inc 8-K{3,9} 6/27/05 15:125 Neuman Clifford L Pc/FA
7/22/05 Roo Group Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 7/18/05 13:252 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
7/20/05 Itronics Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 7/15/05 15:150
7/01/05 Grant Life Sciences/Inc SB-2/A 5:244 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
6/28/05 Reclamation Consulting & App..Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 6/28/05 14:225 MDM Corporate El..Inc/FA
6/22/05 Veridicom International Inc SB-2/A 4:103 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
6/20/05 Grant Life Sciences/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 6/14/05 8:115 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
6/02/05 Egpi Firecreek/Inc 8-K/A{3,8,9 5/19/05 2:7 More Wilma/FA
5/20/05 Collectible Concepts Group Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 5/18/05 13:213 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
5/18/05 Paradigm Medical Industries Inc 8-K{8,9} 4/27/05 7:124 Tanner & Co/FA
5/06/05 Whos Your Daddy Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 4/29/05 14:134 Automated Filing..Inc/FA
4/28/05 Cyberlux Corp 8-K{1,2,3,9 4/22/05 14:242 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
4/15/05 Insynq Inc 10QSB 2/28/05 36:277
4/06/05 Cyber Defense Systems Inc 8-K{1,9} 4/01/05 8:108 Cvpospisil/FA
3/29/05 IGIA/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 3/23/05 13:231 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
3/21/05 Conectisys Corp 8-K{1} 3/17/05 7:111
3/08/05 Insynq Inc 8-K{1} 2/28/05 8:134
3/02/05 Allied Security Innovations/Inc 8-K{1,2,5,9 2/24/05 8:106 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
2/07/05 US Wireless Online Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 2/04/05 8:88 Action Edgar Fil..Svc/FA
1/31/05 Modern Technology Corp 8-K{1,2} 1/25/05 17:139 Parsons James B/FA
1/18/05 Cape Systems Group/Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 1/11/05 18:269 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
12/23/04 Pacificap Entertainment Hold..Inc 8-K{1,2,3,912/23/04 15:221 MDM Corporate El..Inc/FA
12/06/04 Allied Security Innovations/Inc 8-K{1,3,9} 11/30/04 16:253 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
12/03/04 Sharp Holding Corp 8-K{1,2,3,911/30/04 14:238 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
11/01/04 New Millennium Capital Pa..II LLC SC 13D 1:8 Financial Systems Group Inc Bryan Cave LLP 01/FA
Ajw Offshore/LTD²
Ajw Partners/LLC²
Ajw Qualified Partners/LLC²
Corey Ribotsky²
New Millenium Capital Partners II/LLC²
10/29/04 New Millennium Capital Pa..II LLC SC 13D 1:8 New Rock Technologies Inc Bryan Cave LLP 01/FA
10/05/04 Monarch Staffing/Inc SB-2 17:275 Loev Corporate F..Inc/FA
9/29/04 Cyberlux Corp 8-K{1,2,3,9 9/23/04 14:222 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
9/16/04 Roo Group Inc 8-K{1,2,3,9 9/11/04 14:240 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
9/09/04 Actis Global Ventures Inc SB-2 25:363 Publicease Inc/FA
7/08/04 Pacificap Entertainment Hold..Inc SB-2 19:339 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
6/25/04 Conectisys Corp SB-2 12:305
6/22/04 Cape Systems Group/Inc S-1 29:499 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
6/04/04 Midnight Holdings Group Inc SB-2 18:285 MDM Corporate El..Inc/FA
5/17/04 Central Wireless Inc 10QSB 3/31/04 9:139 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
5/14/04 New Millennium Capital Pa..II LLC SC 13G/A 1:12 Aventura Holdings Inc Bryan Cave LLP 01/FA
Ajw Manager LLC²
Ajw Offshore/LTD²
Ajw Partners/LLC²
Ajw Qualified Partners/LLC²
Corey Ribotsky²
First Street Manager II, LLC²
New Millenium Capital Partners II/LLC²
SMS Group, LLC²
5/10/04 New Millennium Capital Pa..II LLC SC 13G 1:13 Aventura Holdings Inc Bryan Cave LLP 01/FA
Ajw Manager LLC²
Ajw Offshore/LTD²
Ajw Partners/LLC²
Ajw Qualified Partners/LLC²
Corey Ribotsky²
First Street Manager II, LLC²
New Millenium Capital Partners II/LLC²
SMS Group, LLC²
2/23/04 Sitestar Corp 8-K{5,7} 1/31/04 2:8 More Wilma/FA
2/12/04 Conectisys Corp 10KSB 9/30/03 14:289
2/02/04 Peak Entertainment Holdings Inc SB-2 34:761 Vintage Filings LLC/FA
1/09/04 Clickable Enterprises Inc SB-2 9:176 MDM Corporate El..Inc/FA
11/19/03 Roanoke Technology Corp SB-2 21:381 TP Electronic F..Corp/FA
10/15/03 Aventura Holdings Inc SB-2/A 7:86 Edgarbiz Inc/FA
6/17/03 Peak Entertainment Holdings Inc SB-2 15:320 MDM Corporate El..Inc/FA
5/23/03 Insynq Inc SB-2/A 5/22/03 5:130
5/22/03 Wi-Fi TV Inc 10QSB 3/31/03 1:105 Business Wire/FA
5/07/03 Ibiz Technology Corp SB-2/A 7:104 Publicease Inc/FA
3/18/03 Insynq Inc SB-2 21:403
3/14/03 Ibiz Technology Corp SB-2/A 12:287 Publicease Inc/FA
1/24/03 Aventura Holdings Inc SB-2 6:87 Edgarbiz Inc/FA
1/21/03 Conectisys Corp 10KSB 9/30/02 9:212 RPM Technologies Inc
1/14/03 Wi-Fi TV Inc 10KSB 9/30/02 7:203 Publicease Inc/FA
11/13/02 Central Wireless Inc SB-2/A 4:81 Publicease Inc/FA
10/30/02 Trezac International Corp SB-2/A 16:279 Publicease Inc/FA
10/18/02 Insynq Inc 10QSB 8/31/02 7:109
9/30/02 Wi-Fi TV Inc SB-2/A 9/27/02 10:321 Publicease Inc/FA
9/23/02 Insynq Inc 10KSB 5/31/02 14:545
8/09/02 New Millennium Capital Pa..II LLC SC 13G 1:9 Uncommon Media Group Inc Bryan Cave LLP 01/FA
Ajw Offshore/LTD²
Ajw Partners/LLC²
Ajw Qualified Partners/LLC²
New Millenium Capital Partners II/LLC²
7/17/02 Antares Pharma Inc 8-K{5,7} 7/12/02 6:95 Donnelley Rr Fi..Svcs/FA
7/03/02 Roanoke Technology Corp SB-2 17:259 Anslow Richard..Assoc/FA
7/02/02 Universe2u Inc 8-K{5,7} 6/25/02 8:114 CT Edgar123/FA
6/21/02 New Millennium Capital Pa..II LLC SC 13G 1:3 Uncommon Media Group Inc Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
Ajw Partners/LLC²
Ajw/New Millennium Offshore/LTD²
New Millenium Capital Partners II/LLC²
Pegasus Capital Partners/LLC²
6/17/02 Peak Entertainment Holdings Inc SB-2 4:71 Data Electronic...Inc/FA
6/12/02 Insynq Inc SB-2/A 8:150
5/30/02 Netstaff Inc/IN 8-K{1,2,5,7 5/17/02 10:163 Publicease Inc/FA
5/15/02 Peak Entertainment Holdings Inc 10QSB 3/31/02 2:37 Data Electronic...Inc/FA
5/09/02 Allied Security Innovations/Inc SB-2/A 7:91 St Ives Financial/FA
4/26/02 Conectisys Corp SB-2 30:323
4/22/02 Wi-Fi TV Inc 8-K{2,5,7} 4/08/02 14:222 Publicease Inc/FA
4/11/02 Insynq Inc SB-2/A 5:171
4/05/02 Ajw Partners LLC SC 13G 1:9 Clickable Enterprises Inc Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
Ajw Partners/LLC²
Corey S. Ribotsky²
New Millenium Capital Partners II/LLC²
The N/I/R/Group/LLC²
4/05/02 Ribotsky Corey 4 Owner 1:1 Clickable Enterprises Inc Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
4/03/02 Energy Vision International/Inc 8-K{5,7} 3/26/02 10:163 Barker Darrell/FA
2/25/02 Insynq Inc 10QSB/A 11/30/01 12:169
2/12/02 New Millennium Capital Pa..II LLC SC 13G/A 2/13/02 1:2 Allied Security Innovations/Inc Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
Ajw Partners/LLC²
New Millenium Capital²
The Nir Group/LLC²
2/12/02 New Millennium Capital Pa..II LLC SC 13G/A 2/13/02 1:2 Sitestar Corp Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
Ajw Partners²
The Nir Group²
1/22/02 Epicus Communications Group Inc SB-2/A 21:434 Dodrill Meredith/FA
1/16/02 Insynq Inc 10QSB 11/30/01 5:26
12/05/01 Allied Security Innovations/Inc S-8 12/05/01 21:107 St Ives Financial/FA
11/01/01 Aquatic Cellulose Int'l Corp SB-2/A 4:63 Donnell..Financial/NY/FA
10/09/01 Aquatic Cellulose Int'l Corp SB-2/A 18:288 Donnell..Financial/NY/FA
10/01/01 Insynq Inc 10KSB/A 5/31/01 37:401 Huebotter Martha S/FA
8/21/01 Allied Security Innovations/Inc SB-2/A 14:216 St Ives Financial/FA
8/16/01 Wi-Fi TV Inc 10QSB 6/30/01 8:143 Publicease Inc/FA
8/13/01 Ajw Partners LLC SC 13G/A 1:3 Clickable Enterprises Inc Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
Corey S. Ribotsky²
Glenn A. Arbeitman²
New Millenium Capital Partners²
The N/I/R/Group/LLC²
8/13/01 Ribotsky Corey 4 Owner 1:1 Clickable Enterprises Inc Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
7/31/01 Insynq Inc 10KSB 5/31/01 37:400 Huebotter Martha S/FA
7/09/01 Airtech International Group Inc SB-2/A 5:88 Donnelley Rr & So..Co/FA
6/14/01 Ajw Partners LLC SC 13G 1:3 Clickable Enterprises Inc Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
Ajw Partners LLC²
Corey S. Ribotsky²
Glenn A. Arbeitman²
New Millenium Capital Partners²
6/14/01 New Millennium Capital Pa..II LLC SC 13G 1:3 Allied Security Innovations/Inc Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
Ajw Partners/LLC²
New Millenium Capital²
New Millennium Capital Partners II LLC²
The Nir Group/LLC²
6/14/01 New Millennium Capital Pa..II LLC SC 13G 1:3 Collectible Concepts Group Inc Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
6/14/01 New Millennium Capital Pa..II LLC SC 13G 1:3 Sitestar Corp Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
Ajw Partners²
New Millennium Capital Partners II LLC²
The Nir Group²
6/07/01 Ribotsky Corey 3 Owner 1:1 Clickable Enterprises Inc Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
6/07/01 Ribotsky Corey 5 Owner 1:1 Clickable Enterprises Inc Robinson Silv..Berman/FA
5/24/01 Central Utilities Production Corp 10KSB 12/31/00 10:231 Imperial Financ..Corp/FA
5/11/01 Vital Living Products Inc 8-K/A{5,7} 2/23/01 2:101 Bowne of Atlanta Inc/FA
5/07/01 Wi-Fi TV Inc POS AM 6:168 Publicease Inc/FA
4/30/01 Netstaff Inc/IN 10KSB 12/31/00 11:196 Publicease Inc/FA
3/27/01 Vital Living Products Inc 10KSB40 12/31/00 6:57 Bowne of Atlanta Inc/FA
3/01/01 Vital Living Products Inc 8-K{5} 2/23/01 5:82 Bowne of Atlanta Inc/FA
1/26/01 Wi-Fi TV Inc 10KSB/A 9/30/00 11:204 Publicease Inc/FA
1/16/01 Wi-Fi TV Inc 10KSB 9/30/00 11:188 Publicease Inc/FA
1/10/01 Sutura/Inc 8-K{5} 12/28/00 10:145 Merrill Corp/FA
9/15/00 Central Utilities Production Corp 10QSB 6/30/00 14:225 Imperial Financ..Corp/FA
6/20/00 Sitestar Corp SB-2 6/19/00 9:237 More Wilma/FA
6/12/00 Wi-Fi TV Inc SB-2 21:361 Publicease Inc/FA
3/03/00 Wi-Fi TV Inc SB-2 18:293 Publicease Inc/FA
11/19/99 Wi-Fi TV Inc SB-2/A 39:306 Publicease Inc/FA
¹ Filing-Type descriptions:
This filing was Deleted by the SEC. (See our Deletion Policy.)
10KSB Annual Report -- Small Business – Form 10-KSB.
10KSB40 Annual Report -- Small Business -- [X] Reg. S-B Item 405 – Form 10-KSB.
10QSB Quarterly Report -- Small Business – Form 10-QSB.
3 Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership of Securities – Form 3.
4 Statement of Change in Beneficial Ownership of Securities – Form 4.
5 Annual Statement of Change in Beneficial Ownership of Securities – Form 5.
8-K Current Report – Form 8-K { Post-8/23/04... Section 1: Business & Operations; 2: Financial Info.; 3: Securities & Trading; 4: Accountants & Accounting; 5: Governance & Management; 6: Asset-Backed Securities; 7: Reg. FD; 8: Events; 9: Financials – Pre-8/23/04... Item 1: Control; 2: Assets; 3: Bankruptcy; 4: Accountants; 5: Events; 6: Resignations; 7: Financials; 8: Year; 9: Reg. FD; 10: Ethics; 11: Suspension; 12: Results }.
POS AM Post-Effective Amendment.
S-1 Registration Statement (General Form) – Form S-1.
S-8 Registration of Securities to be Offered to Employees Pursuant to an Employee Benefit Plan – Form S-8.
SB-2 Registration of Securities by a Small-Business Issuer – Form SB-2.
SC 13D General Statement of Beneficial Ownership – Schedule 13D.
SC 13G Statement of Beneficial Ownership – Schedule 13G.
/A Amendment to or Amended version of a previous filing of this type.
² Group Member: Registrant or non-Registrant party to a filing made by a group.
Don't forget about Corey's exploits.
More people are keeping track on the NIR board, which is free and open.
Another one I own is Valor Energy, VLRN. From their latest SEC filing.
"Specifically, we must increase the authorized shares in order to fulfill our
obligations under various convertible debentures. On September 30, 2000, we
issued two convertible debentures of $240,400 in cash each for an aggregate of
$480,800. On March 14, 2001 we issued two convertible debentures of $50,000 in
cash each for an aggregate of $100,000. On December 31, 2001 we issued two
convertible debentures of $100,000 in cash each for an aggregate of $200,000. On
March 19, 2004, we entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement with AJW
("Investors"). Under this agreement, Investors agreed to purchase (i) 10%
convertible debentures of the Company, in the aggregate principal amount of Nine
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($900,000), convertible into shares of common stock,
par value $.001 per share, of the Company; and ii) warrants to purchase Nine
Hundred Thousand (900,000) shares of Common Stock. On March 22th, 2004, we
issued three convertible debentures of $433,333, $433,334 and $33,333
respectively, in cash each for an aggregate of $900,000. On August 6, 2004 we
entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement with AJW QUALIFIED PARTNERS, LLC,
LLC, ("Investors"). Under this agreement, Investors agreed to purchase (i) 10%
convertible debentures of the Company in the aggregate principal amount of Two
Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) convertible into shares of common
stock, par value $.001 per share, of the Company, upon the terms and subject to
the limitations and conditions set forth in such Debentures and (ii) warrants to
purchase Two Hundred Fifty Thousand (250,000) shares of Common Stock (the
"WARRANTS"). On January 31, 2008, we replaced certain accrued and unpaid
interest due under the terms of our convertible notes with the issuance of three
additional convertible debentures of $55,657, $48,302 and $123,109 respectively,
for an aggregate of $227,068. Both of these agreements provide if at any time
the number of shares of Common Stock authorized and reserved for issuance is
below the amount to be reserved for the Investors under the terms of the
Agreements, the Company will promptly take all corporate action necessary to
authorize and reserve a sufficient number of shares."
EPGL.... here is another...."In the first quarter of 2008, the Company entered into discussion with the NIR Group, LLC with the intent of restructuring all of the Company's outstanding debt obligations to AJW Capital Partners, LLC, AJW Offshore, Ltd., AJW Qualified Partners, LLC and New Millenium Capital Partners II, LLC. The intended restructuring is to, among other things, extend the current maturity date of all principal amounts due during 2008 for an additional two years. It is expected that the Company and the NIR Group will formalize the restructuring through a revised financing agreement or an addendum to the current agreement prior to September 1, 2008"
"For the six months ended June 30, 2008 and 2007 the Company did not issue any of its common stock, except in connection with conversion if its debt".
Did I read that right??>>//!! Did you become NIR's,Robitsky's & Sicenzia interpreter? A foolish stance IMO but no surprise that you couldn't stop yourself// ;)
Putting this in context Corey is actually talking about Pipe dealers. What he is saying is that a company should want to do business with a pipe dealer "...who's going to be a financial partner as opposed to someone who's just looking for a trading play." Seems to be admitting that these deals can be a big problem. (So Rufus found out. Lol) Then Sichenzia seems to suggest that these deals are always dilutive but that in the long run the company can recover. I'd like to see few examples of that.
Both the previous posts when read in order as they appear in the article begs the questions; i) PIPE investments are almost always a variation of (hybrid) convertible debt.ii)PIPE's rarely include any form of freetrading shares. Mr Sicenzia states that at first,after a PIPE dilution will occur.
___Where does this 'at first' POST PIPE dilution come from?
Even the best PIPE deals see their share of stock price upheaval in the months that follow, given the dilution. But good companies that carry out their business plans can rebound, says Gregory Sichenzia of securities law firm Sichenzia Ross Friedman Ference. "At the end of the day, it comes down to management," he says."At first there'll be dilution, the stock will get beat up a little bit. But if management can take that money and build value, eventually the stock will respond."
From the same article:
Corey has a quote in the July 2008 issue of Entrepreneur Magazine.
"The company has to know who they're getting into bed with," says Corey Ribotsky, managing member of N.I.R. Group, a PIPE hedge fund that looks at more than 1,500 companies seeking PIPE financing each year. "You want someone who's going to be a financial partner as opposed to someone who's just looking for a trading play."
Kind of ironic, considering the way Corey treats businesses and their shareholders