So, ARCH, keep up that good processes of recovering old stored solar energy and converting it into good useable present day products from the recycling effort designed to transform that old solar energies to solid, gaseous, and liquid fuels and other products like, fibers, medicines, etc.
Coal is defined by some as a combustible rock containing at lease 50% carbon, that is, old solar energy converted to plants and then put under pressure for a long time.
One of the byproducts of burning coal is carbon dioxide, which is the primary material used with solar energy to create more vegetation, like the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and shoes on our feet, the homes we live in, wind turbines, and the cars we drive. Without adequate carbon dioxide in the air, all plants die. And in case there are some less informed here, all our food, including all meats, are derived from processing plants, either in our own stomachs, or the bellies of animals, and all food is transported to stores in trucks made with from coal processed steel, and hydrocarbon gasoline, and mostly diesel fuel.
I think Arch Coal Inc and other coal companies should spend some of their marketing dollars on educating smart, but uninformed, Americans about carbon cycle SCIENCE, and how understanding it benefits human and other animal life..