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05/26/09 2:08 PM

#4849 RE: clem #4845

How do you feel about an alleged financial criminal having continued access to Ihubs database which presumably includes names, addresses, passwords, credit card numbers, etc. etc. for several thousand people? Seems a bit foolish to me to let that continue, but then again this surfaced in the public in 2007 and nothing was ever done.
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05/26/09 2:17 PM

#4857 RE: clem #4845

"Just as in TV and Film , the public face of our products, be they in the US, the UK, Brazil, Italy or otherwise, get a disproportionate amount of attention, in the same way as a news presenter or a talk show host does on a TV channel. These profiles are all part of the product offering but they are not a pivotal business continuity issue."

With all due respect, many of these same personalities did not allegedly engage in fraudulent activity. The charges against Matt (and others) are quite severe. That would put this into a whole new category here Clem.

Just my humble opinion.

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05/26/09 2:17 PM

#4858 RE: clem #4845

will you address the SEC indictment and advfn's position?

with all respect, the example of a talk how host is a bit lost on me. IMO continuing with your example based on the SEC indictments etc, we have a talk show host using the TV station and its paying subscribers for illegal personal gain. Not to mention the other serious charges of fraud, money laundering etc etc

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05/26/09 2:22 PM

#4860 RE: clem #4845

clem, perhaps you could address this:

What many don't seem to understand is why ADVFN loops all inquires regarding Matt's suspicious activities back to Matt?

I would think hosting a public stock discussion room such as ihub would require public safeguards in order to protect an unsuspecting public from scams.

Due to the fact that decisions to purchase securities are sometimes made on information (or lack of it) gathered from stock discussions boards such as ihub, does not ADVFN as the parent company have an obligation to police it's policies or do you just take employees' words that they are not scamming?
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05/26/09 2:25 PM

#4862 RE: clem #4845

Do you really believe any of that?

iHub is a community....that we feel is big enough to sit back and await the outcome of this situation without pre-judgement.
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05/26/09 2:29 PM

#4866 RE: clem #4845

"iHub is a community of smart, seasoned stock speculators that we feel is big enough to sit back and await the outcome of this situation without pre-judgement."

Let me take a wild guess. You don't read this board, do you, Clem?
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05/26/09 2:50 PM

#4887 RE: clem #4845

Clem, we demand more from you than the evasive statement concerning one of your employees.
Whether stated or not ADVFN should suspend Matt from duties and posting to show participants here you take these charges and indictments seriously. Lack of action implies that you could careless about what has taken place on your site by the alleged participants.
I enjoy IHUB, but many have been irreparably harmed by the fraud brought upon them.

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05/26/09 3:03 PM

#4895 RE: clem #4845

the problem of MATTOFF still being in his admin position needs to be addressed ...
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05/26/09 3:31 PM

#4912 RE: clem #4845

Investorshub is also "big enough" that there will be plenty of users who will contact your advertisers about this issue, if they feel you aren't addressing it. They will contact both the iHub and the ADVFN advertisers.

I hope you and your staff are making the right decisions to avoid a backlash.
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05/26/09 3:54 PM

#4915 RE: clem #4845

clem: I remember when notorious SI poster Tony Elgindy was booted from Silicon Investor. (He was later reinstated via membership vote.) Tony paid someone to create a message board that had a similar look and similar functionality as SI had at the time and Tony's board was free. SI offered no free accounts at the time.

Almost no one made the move to Tony’s new board. Why? IMO, because the vast majority of SI users just did not quiet trust Tony.

Fast forward to iHub and the current SEC and DOJ charges...

I suspect you are taking your cue from Bob Z with respect on how to handle this debacle regarding the SEC and DOJ accusations and charges Matt and others used iHub to perpetrate "pump and dump" scams.

Migration from a message board does not happen overnight. Folks will begin to migrate away from a board they feel is unfair and they no longer trust. By the time you (ADVFN) realize your lack of action was the wrong course, it could be too late. iHub just may be on its way to joining SI as a message board ghost town.

Personally I would love to see the SEC and DOJ campout for a while at iHub as I suspect the majority of the scamsters here still feel pretty immune to prosecution...
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05/26/09 3:56 PM

#4916 RE: clem #4845

What an outrageous response to such a serious issue. Shame on you, Clem!!

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05/26/09 3:58 PM

#4918 RE: clem #4845

Wow! So no action will be taken as far as Matt is concerned. No temporary suspension until the matter is resolved? Nothing, huh?

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05/26/09 4:05 PM

#4922 RE: clem #4845


With all due respect, claiming to be a “Media Outlet” is lame. If you wish to proclaim that as the basis for IHUB you need to hold to the responsibilities that come with it. My friend, you must provide a secure environment for your users. TV was a poor example in my opinion as TV in most cases is FREE to the end users. You have a BAD problem your looking at right now, if in a court of law of in the court of general opinion you are responsible to ALL that use “Your so called MEDIA”. Reckless management is already being indicted as we seen last week. Using your source of MEDIA to the general public I cannot see where you will not avoid costly legal fees and I almost feel certain liability judgments against your company in the near future. Your continued avoidance on the issue of MATT BROWN will speak volumes in the future. It almost reminds me of the Brits wearing the Redcoats in the dead of winter in the revolution. Pray be told that this is not another shot heard around the world! Now… Lets remember someone in the “Media” that was not protected by the company for his PUBLIC MISTAKE. Let us all bow our heads and say, “IMUS IN THE MORNING” Howard Stern, and of course the list can and will continue, Good luck with your “Media” your soon to find out what burden that statement will cause you down the road, AIMNSHO! Jean
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05/26/09 4:09 PM

#4926 RE: clem #4845

Just as in TV and Film , the public face of our products, be they in the US, the UK, Brazil, Italy or otherwise, get a disproportionate amount of attention, in the same way as a news presenter or a talk show host does on a TV channel. These profiles are all part of the product offering but they are not a pivotal business continuity issue.

This is joke right? You are fin kidding me right? This is akin to a bank manager being charged with multiple felony theft charges and being left in place. In that situation I would call the bank to be utterly incompetent if not criminal themselves. Nice to know the ethics of the parent company match its federally indicted employee.

Do I puke now or later?
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05/26/09 4:15 PM

#4934 RE: clem #4845

Thanks Clem..good news..:-)
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05/26/09 4:26 PM

#4943 RE: clem #4845

clem, HUH?

Just as in TV and Film , the public face of our products ... get a disproportionate amount of attention

We're not talking about some guy with a blowdryer giving us the weather. We're talking about the puppeteer, the guy in direct control BEHIND the scenes, who has consciously manipulated the control of information either directly or through proxies to the detriment of your CUSTOMERS. Make that present tense. It's STILL continuing.
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05/26/09 5:37 PM

#5006 RE: clem #4845


Just as in TV and Film , the public face of our products, be they in the US, the UK, Brazil, Italy or otherwise, get a disproportionate amount of attention, in the same way as a news presenter or a talk show host does on a TV channel. These profiles are all part of the product offering but they are not a pivotal business continuity issue.

Have you ever heard of six degrees of seperation? The public face IS your product. Having an stock manipulation indicted person running a stock site. Is now flying through the internet. It will soon be casting a very dark opinion of every product that ADVFN has.

iHub is a community of smart, seasoned stock speculators that we feel is big enough to sit back and await the outcome of this situation without pre-judgement.

IHUB community IS the jury and the judge. You will soon find that out.

Whatever the outcome, iHub will go on.

I'm sure it will go on, like a ghost town. You have now opened a very large door for someone to open a message board and take all of your traffic. PM's are flying that credit card info is not safe at IHUB. In case you didn't notice there is a organized crime element to this whole case.

A wise old sheep hearder once told me. You can shear a sheep all of its life, but you can only skin it once.

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05/26/09 5:59 PM

#5010 RE: clem #4845

In one post one of your Admins says that 99.9% of all penny stocks are scams, and in another he said iHub would just float away if not for the penny stock boards.

That's a recipe for disaster, especially when this site was purposefully designed to allow certain people control over the discussion. And to charge a subscription fee on top?

The naivety of the admins and mod-squad that I've seen in PM's these past few days is also shocking. There's a real lack of technical knowledge by folks supposedly in technical roles with positions of authority over iHub. How many current Admins were chosen by Matt?

I can't see this going to trial - a jury would throw them under the jail once they realize that people just like them are the targets of these crimes. The only question in my mind is still how far down the rabbit hole the Feds want to go. All it takes is Matt or one of these others to rat out 3 more, who rat out 3 more, who rat 3 more, etc, and the whole house of cards collapses. I'd like to believe the entire iHub archive has/is already available for the Feds to search. If not, it will be soon.

The iHub disclaimer is also moot at this point - especially the no-refund clause. The demise of iHub may come quickly if subscribers started demanding reversals from their credit card companies. No way the no-refund clause can stick now - the people who wrote it were indicted for defrauding those same customers!
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05/26/09 6:00 PM

#5011 RE: clem #4845

I can only make that mean anything under the current circumstances if I interpret it as: "Matt is not pivotal to IHUB."

So why is he still here?

(Did you have to suppress a chortle when you wrote the "smart, seasoned" part?)
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05/26/09 6:15 PM

#5017 RE: clem #4845

Clem, I've found some information regarding Matt on these boards you may or may not be aware of:

Frankly, in light of the recent events, I really believe the only way you could salvage IHUB and SI would be to shut both down and migrate them to a re-branded site.

It's ironic that the company who owns IHUB could be considered a penny stock itself. From what I can see your burn rate is about 200,000 Pounds a year at ADVFN, and this debacle at IHUB will likely add to that burn.

It absolutely astonishes me that Matt is named in an SEC complaint but is not suspended from posting, much less suspended from work! It tells us a lot of ADVFN that you are making light of these serious allegations.
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05/26/09 6:28 PM

#5024 RE: clem #4845

24 Bank accounts in Hongkong I don't think you need anymore proof of what Matt did here at I-hub.

He should be Canned till further notice
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05/26/09 7:00 PM

#5035 RE: clem #4845

Here are the posts regarding Matt that were deleted from my thread tonight, as Matt has informed me by PM just now:

Posted by: ajtj99
In reply to: None Date:5/26/2009 5:22:40 PM
Post #147936 of 147944

There's some interesting things about Matt on this SI thread.

People can draw their own conclusions. I believe the evidence and anecdotal bits point to a pattern that goes back over 10-years for Matt.

Feel free to share this on the SEC thread.

Posted by: ajtj99
In reply to: ajtj99 who wrote msg# 147937 Date:5/26/2009 6:04:59 PM
Post #147938 of 147944

Matt talking about Anthony@Pacific:

Matt says he will only use T/A to play OTCBB stocks from now on, and also cautions about using the word "scam":

Matt hates scammers and pumpers:

Matt knows front running:

Matt suggesting IHUB could have an impact on the entire stock market:

Matt's hot OTCBB picks, but of course, 3-years later in 2003 he said he never bought OTCBB stocks:

Anyway, just putting out some background information I've found from poking around.
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05/26/09 7:46 PM

#5065 RE: clem #4845

Clem as a CEO of ADVFN you definitely show that you could careless about you’re paying customers of IHUB. By not suspending your employee until this matter has been resolved in a court of law.

Is this the best statement you have?

IHUB may go on, but it may go on with a scent that it will never be able to get rid of. Bad for business is all I can say.

Any legit company would suspend an employee for this until the outcome. This make me wonder are there more IHUB employees involved, is this to keep someone quite?
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05/26/09 7:49 PM

#5068 RE: clem #4845

Look thats a bold statement, that you may have no control over. as a member i hope ihub does stay around, but i learned along time ago never say never.
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Phil(Hot Rod Chevy)

05/26/09 10:43 PM

#5177 RE: clem #4845

iHub is a community of smart, seasoned stock speculators that we feel is big enough to sit back and await the outcome of this situation without pre-judgement.

You are joking right?

Most of the posters on this board would have been members in old fashioned lynch mobs.

Hang first and find out the truth later.

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05/27/09 4:22 AM

#5382 RE: clem #4845

Perhaps this is a trivial observation...

but there's a typo in the 5th paragraph of your address.

The proper spelling is m-a-n-i-p-u-l-a-t-o-r-s. I'm sure it was an innocent oversight when you typed s-p-e-c-u-l-a-t-o-r-s.

iHub is a community of smart, seasoned stock speculators...

As a global financial information provider/facilitator, I've no doubt that the veracity and integrity of your properties' content, and their oversight, is of paragon importance. Please accept my contribution (above) as a wee bit of aid in realizing the aim of your endeavor.
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05/27/09 9:26 AM

#5433 RE: clem #4845

Right ON!!! z
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05/27/09 10:36 AM

#5472 RE: clem #4845

(LOL)What a crock! Thanks Clem.
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05/28/09 7:30 PM

#6113 RE: clem #4845

EDIT Clem, thank you for responding to my email and I'm surprised that you did it so quickly. For anyone who was like me and thought that you weren't really you, you are really you. I'm sure that you're delighted to hear that. ;-)

EDIT here: As it turns out, my suspicions were this post:
There is special "geo" targeting.

Thank you for responding to my second email too.

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07/21/09 11:32 PM

#10959 RE: clem #4845

I'd have to question ADVFN's CEO's judgment in keeping Matthew Brown in his position.
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02/17/10 2:15 PM

#13101 RE: clem #4845

pre-judgement phase done.....

iHub is a community of smart, seasoned stock speculators that we feel is big enough to sit back and await the outcome of this situation without pre-judgement.
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06/23/10 2:49 PM

#14868 RE: clem #4845

Hey Clem,

Here's a good reason why Matt should no longer have access to Ihub Members information.


Posted by: ihub_tutorial Date: Thursday, July 27, 2000 7:21:44 PM
In reply to: Bernard Ng who wrote msg# 18 Post # of 504

Even though I hate scammers and pumpers...

I think posting your IP address is a violation of privacy...I can find out anything I want to about somebody with just an IP address. That's scary.

This is an open debate though...What do you think?
The # of time a msg has been read though is something I have no problemos with!

But I'm sure it's all a moot point now since there has been unfettered access for so long already.