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Replies to post #192951 on GREENZ

Replies to #192951 on GREENZ


10/06/17 1:09 PM

#192952 RE: DFLY #192951

AMFE .169x.17 sellers done been drying up here recently all I know! Nice to see! Going to be fun and BIG weeks/months/year ahead IMO!

Uplist near as audit due to be done soon.

Divvy/spinoff of subsidiary into a new pubco to all that hold AMFE commons, which can still get in on.

New location near opening along with franchising starting with Snakes and Lattes.

Gro3 MJ starting to get legs sales etc

Record revs with 10s of mils doable over next years

Deal with Cineplex

Acquisitions mentioned

etc etc list goes on as to catalysts coming!