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Re: ichjw post# 21414

Monday, 01/25/2010 12:27:12 PM

Monday, January 25, 2010 12:27:12 PM

Post# of 312016
=== Executive Summary and Hot Posts ===

Be sure to Sign Up for the JBII EMail Alerts List here:

JBII Blogspot:

Stock Price Matrix Excel Spreadsheet by Estimated_Prophet and clu82:

Must Hear. CEO Interview by Wallstreet Reporter:

Definitive Guide to Plastics: P2O vs Recycling:

Interview Excerpts:

Direct Link to Interview:

Rawnoc's Excellent Summary:

=========== Executive Summary ========= (Hot Posts are below)

----------------------- Cliff Notes Version -----------------------------

From Rick-UK:

Why I am in JBII right now...

(There's no new DD in this post, rather my intention is to summarise JBII for those who are starting their own DD or considering doing so. As a great starting point for further DD, here is a good collection from Zardiw of the DD posted here on iHub: )

I believe JBII to be on the verge of greatness and I expect to see large PPS increases over the next couple of months following announcements on the independent validation of the P2O reactor, joint ventures with reactor operators and uplisting to NASDAQ or AMEX. My core reasons for being long in JBII are:

1. Very exciting sector and product - P2O (plastic to oil) conversion is big news and a hot topic right now. JBII's core product is their P2O offering (they have two other products as well which I'll discuss in item 5.) and the competitive advantage for JBII is their unique catalyst for which they own the IP.

2. Excellent management - The CEO John Bordynuik has an excellent track record and fantastic credentials and contacts. He has built a strong team around him and many investors here see him as the "perfect CEO". He is also very open and communicative with investors. JB seems to have all of the management and leadership qualities needed to take JBII forwards, as well as the technical expertise and creative vision that he has already shown.

3. Uplisting imminent - JBII's status is "SEC Reporting Company" and as such JBII is already fully reporting, with nothing hidden. Bordynuik has met with both NASDAQ and AMEX representatives to discuss imminent uplisting to one or other of these boards. An uplisting to either of these exchanges would hugely increae JBII's status and profile and enable larger investors (especially those who cannot invest in pinksheet stock) to take positions.

4. P2O news imminent - JBII is currently in the process of independently verifying it's P2O reactor. When the data comes back and assuming it's as good as it should be (and there's no reason it shouldn't as it is purely independent verification of what has already been tested by the company) this will be the springboard for JBII to start signing JVs for operating P2O reactors.

5. Two other great products - First is Pak-It which is prepackaged cleaning products. Second is analogue to digital conversation of old data on tape for organisations such as NASA.

Items 1. is why JBII is exciting and item 2. is why JBII stands a chance of fulfilling its potential. Items 3. and 4. answer "why right now?" and item 5. is really just an added extra bonus.

To declare my personal interests, I purchased JBII on 3rd December for 1.1 and sold a part of my holding on 30th December for 7.35 and I'm on free shares now. But with imminent announcements for the P2O independent verification and JVs and news on uplisting, I am holding the remainder of my position pending further announcements and I believe the run could only just have started. Uplisting to NASDAQ or AMEX together with independent validation of the P2O reactor and announcements of JVs will IMO send JBII soaring far higher than the current PPS.

-------------------------------- End Cliff Notes --------------------------------------------------

JBII. Awesome longer term investment here. Fully reporting. 13M Float. Zero dilution,
Audited financials, the works:

Plastic2Oil. ===

Video, Prototype:

1. Existing machines are used in China, Thailand, Taiwan, etc to convert Plastic to oil.

2. Bordynuik discovered a catalyst that makes this process much more efficient.

3. After the data is recovered from these tapes (they weigh about 5 lbs each), they will be fed into the machine and converted back to the oil from which they came from in the first place.

4. The oil (in the gasoline range from independent analysis) needs minimal refining, and will be sold into the refining market. He already has buyers.

5. The whole process will be franchised across the country/world. The first franchise has already been bought. 25 additional Joint Ventures are being negotiated.

6. The process will also recover oil from used tires.

7. Of course there is an unending amount of other waste plastic available to be converted to oil.
Roughly 8 lbs of plastic = 1 Gallon of fuel.

8. In larger metropolitan areas, the company will run it's own machines.

9. The first big production machine is currently being assembled in Niagra Falls.

NASA Tape Reading

Watch this Video of the CEO John Bordynuik demonstrating his new technology of reading computer tapes from NASA.
They get $22/tape. NASA has Millions of tapes to be read. Other companies also need these tapes read. Oil companies have a huge number of old seismic data tapes that can be reanalyzed with current software.

Be sure to click on "Show iBox".

Company: New website coming soon.

CEO Article:

Full DD:

1. CEO, John Bordynuik, is a very well respected scientist with close ties to NASA, MIT, numerous Fortune 100 companies, United Nations, US Army. Website: .

2. Bordynuik has a very profitable private company, John Bordynuik Inc. (JBI) that reads the 'unreadable', i.e. the over 50 million computer tapes from the early computer era (60's-80's). There is a wealth of information on those tapes, and he developed his own tape drives to read these degraded tapes.

3. He has an exclusive contract with NASA and gets paid $22 per tape to recover the data. They are currently processing about 700 tapes a day, but will be processing many more due to new tape drives coming online very soon.

4. Their process can be used on any tapes, both legacy and current.

5. They have recently revolutionized data recovery methods (and Patented these methods), increasing the throughput tremendously, and are exploring applying the technology to disk hard drives as well.

6. A new office in Cambridge, MA has been leased, and will open soon.

310 Holdings (old symbol: TRTN) is now JBI Inc.(JBII) ===

In April 2009, Bordynuik bought a public shell company (310 Holdings), and moved most of the assets and production facilities from his private company (JBI) into the public company. The public company now has a positive balance sheet, with revenues. The transaction was independently audited. The new name of the company is JBI Inc.

The company is fully reporting and compliant. Stock Symbol: JBII

The goal of the company is to move to the NASDAQ exchange within a few months.

Recent Acquisitions:

1. Pak-It:
2. DCL Solutions:

Pak-It Patent Info ( Patent #'s: 6,037,319 and 6,136,776 ):

2. Javaco:

================== Hot Posts ============================

Questions about JBII: Addressed by Wess:

JBI Global Video Presentation:

CEO Communicatons Summary from Estimated_Prophet:

Conference Call Q+A

Latest News/Developments:

CEO takes 20% (12M) out of the OS.

JBII on Motely Fool:


CEO quotes:

John Bordynuik's 12/13 consolidated FB posts. (from Estimated_Prophet)

Company Owned/JV/Franchisee Open Discussion (please comment): I have received many requests for P2O JV's and so if you are considering one this might help. First, FL,NY,and PA is out of the question. NY is all company & R&D, FL is exclusive JV, PA is company. Structure: JV1 (op to pay $50k and receive 10% revenue), operate site. JV2 (op to pay $400k and receive 35% revenue) -- very few of these will be considered.

--Florida is out - sorry - too many land rushes start in FL(Outback, Checkers, etc..) so there are great operators there already to go.

I have been approached to allow funds to equity invest in large blocks ($100M+) to roll out sites (stock price must be significantly higher). They like this because all revenue stays within company, we like it because of above. Massive land rush would require $2.5B of fund equity, all agree this must be a massive concurrent implementation.

--I wouldn't be issuing much at $2.50, I wouldn't start equity financing until above $18 in any sort of volume.

--We have an inhouse cost/rev/earnings model for the P2O. Now it's applying it to the various options and building a dynamic model. Ie: PIPE at $4/share (3M shares) -- to ladder to $8/share (5M shares) -- etc... It's finding the right model + take into consideration state tax credits (then monetize them upfront), then JV's (funds prefer wholy owned due to earnings growth).

--And.. how long does it take to get the earnings to take it to $xxx/share , or for that matter, how long it takes the analysts (Funds) to push it there.

Outback Steakhouse structured 90/10's, 50-50, etcc, and manager agreements because they did not have the capital to go to market. We can head this off on the pass with equity funds & a few key JV's. Suggestions? I'll provide the math -- our mgmt is working out the gotomarket strategy as well.

Lockup of plastic is simple: pay me less for 10 years or continue to pay $80/ton and continue to lose money and you're not green. Very simple. As no one else can convert it, I will not allow a market to be created.

Please do the math and explore other similiar business models where a national rollout was required (ie: Checker's restaurants). Case studies like Lowen Funeral Homes don't apply because the costs of the funeral homes increased due to competition to buy clusters. We can benefit from clustering but not essential.

We are exploring the right balance: company (through equity PIPEs), JV's (10% and 35%), and franchisee (last resort).

In any event, FL should be a good quick test. I'll supply the math and maybe someone has some creative ideas to determine the ladder financing required to take it through (we are doing this inhouse but shareholders may think of something we have not).

BTW, the numbers presented (10%) is net revenue. Outback has a similiar model whereby they allow a JV to come in for $XXX at get 10%, the manager also must pay for his position (I believe $25k) for another %. Overhead is low.

Previous Quotes:

Our stock now has the interest and investment from institutional funds, not retail. That is where this activity is coming from. No stock promoters, just good old fashioned Funds. They couldn't get in before and now we cont...rol our business model unlike most other public companies.

Thank GOD - we are finally getting off this &^&*^ exchange!

We (JBI - stock ticker JBII ) received the PakIt manufacturing equipment today and 17 pallets of supplies to begin PakIt Canada.

Answers to common questions pouring in (no, I'm not paying $1000 to issue a PR to answer info already in the public domain): 1. There will be no stock split. 2. Applications for P2O will be on the web site hopefully today. 3. Volume? Some funds found us. All bets are off after mainstream media covers us.

The Pakit fundraising kits are for school fundraisers, sports, etc.. It includes bottles: glass cleaner, autumn (fabreeze), and a heavy duty surface cleaner). 3 pakits for each and laundry soap. We sell for $12 and they can resell for $18 to 25.

We are doing a major rollout in Canada (test) with full page advertising and we actually have Heart Niagara and other non profits using to kits to fundraise now.

We are running 3 shifts in Niagara on tapes and soon 3 shifts on PakIt here. We are doing laundry soap here in volume.

A lot of funds are now supporting the stock (analyst coverage).

"Certain municipalities and companies have agreed to provide raw materials to the Company at no cost, or in some instances, the Company is compensated to accept the raw materials. The catalyst costs less than $0.01/litre. There is no guarantee that the raw materials will continue to be available in the amounts and upon terms satisfactory to the Company in every location that would support a Plastic2Oil processor. Consequently, the cost of feedstock is a variable that the Company will have to contend with."


Realistic Outlook for JBII from Estimated_Prophet:

buenokite sees the LIGHT:

Pak-It Products - Tests and Results:

CEO John Bordynuik Speaks:
Gold in Tires:
Got any ideas to help promote Pak-It?:

JBII Revenue Sources:

Misc Hot Posts:

Reading Tapes:

============= Saving the Best for Last =================================

Posted by: Estimated_Prophet Member Level Date: Sunday, January 24, 2010 1:33:37 PM
In reply to: Jim Bishop who wrote msg# 218438 Post # of 218497 Send a link via email Share on Facebook Tweet this post

Pretty good JBII post if you are a naysayer :)

Yes, it is a cult stock. I think that is easy to understand. I expected it when I first started purchasing shares in late August 2009. I and many believe it to be the best stock opportunity ever. I think even the naysayers can admit to that, as this is a too good to be true story. So, of course it's going to be a cult, and of course people are going to be radical about it. Add to it a CEO that has some moxy, and a flare for communicating in modern ways(FB). Steve Jobs has a cult like following, and so will JB if he accomplishes his goals. Wait until you see what the cult looks like a year from now, if the goals are being obtained. It may look like Jesus Camp :)

Many of us JBII longs have a deep appreciation and love for the CEO. We think he is doing things the right way, and that he is the most honest CEO we have seen. So, again, that adds to the cult, and the cheerleading. Maybe we are wrong, but it hasn't been proven out yet. The only thing we have is his word and his pattern of execution. Everything has looked great so far. I expect the speculation on P2O to be knocked out within 60-90 days. At that time, we'll all find out who made the right decision.

John has stated that when he found the catalyst that he did not think the research being done had converting plastic to oil in mind. Oil was cheap, and plastic was not plentiful. Look at a chart of plastic production. We produce 7 times the amount of plastic today versus the early 70's. I have asked John about the original owner of the catalyst. He says they have no claims on ownership of it. He gained ownership of the research when whatever institution sold the tapes with the knowledge on them signed the waivers of release.

John's IQ of 170 probably makes him very capable of understanding chemistry beyond what anyone of us could. John is a schematics and engineering geek. I think it translates, but why is this a knock anyway? He is just going to produce the chemical catalyst that he found. He has hired chemist in the company. They have done a lot of research on this. They aren't just winging it. John isn't putting his credibility on the line without major research to back up his claims.

That's a key point that naysayers never discuss back with me. Why would a guy like John pull off a pump and dump? It makes no sense at all. He is sole sourced by NASA and MIT. A multi-billion dollar oil company trusts John with their precious seismic data. It takes a lot of trust in someone to give them all this incredibly precious data from oil and gas, NASA, and MIT. Everything you read about John backs up his credibility and honesty. Please point me to something contrary to this.

The machine is being validated by a third party lab that usually validates refineries. The reason he put it there was to help expedite the permitting issues. He wants to show that it is a green process. You think they are worried that it isn't, and just threw it over to a third party lab the instant they received the final parts to the machine? Give me a break.

I don't think they can scale it up any larger than the current 20 tons a day. The process is currently limited by the condensers ability to process the hydrocarbons. That might be something they can upgrade in the future.

I can't answer the licensing part of this. The machine was built by John. John, I believe, enjoys building things. Maybe he wants things to go according to his plans, and maintain the largest ownership possible.

The cleaner, lol. It's a great product, but we aren't investing in JBI for it. It's a nice product, that should bring in some nice profits. The main need was for catalyst production. I have some Pak-It's under my sink. They have been there for about 3 months now. I thought I better check on them after reading this post. Yep, doing just fine. Just sitting there, still in their Pak-It's.

John is flying in an analyst this week. He has flown in some very large business men to see it already. Al Sousa seemed to be confident of everything.

I look forward to John knocking the speculation out of all of this. Again, I think we'll have it clearly TKO'd within 60-90 days. Then, all the naysayers can say to potential P&D's, "looks too good to be true, but then there was that one that wasn't, JBII, but that was one in a million". Or, I lose faith in humanity altogether if you naysayers are correct.


Back Yard Bee Hive: See Link in my profile.