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Are you still alive??? This was some BS here. I am curious is you are still around?
I know! Too bad they didn't take that action before Jeff, Blair, and friends ran their incompetent operation at our expense. No surprise it ended with a suspension.
Game over. RIP - BCDH. SEC revoked BCDH registration today. This will never trade again.
Little late for them to file. The SEC has shut them down.
My thoughts: Same as always, we got lied to and cheated by the entire BCDH team following the sale of GRWW. (Of course, we were conned back then, too, but the real con job was done after the trade.)
We were sold nothing but lies and total mis-management by BCDH. I guess I believe it is over, with the SEC stopping future investors from wasting their money on another fraud. JMO
Thoughts on BCDH being suspended by the SEC???????? Finally over????? Beats being a publicly traded company with the last CEO of BCDH (Blaire) cross dressing but what do I know????
Hey Roger??????????
Know anything about the mess that happened since GRWW changed to BCDH??????????
Funny the shell was sold across the pond after the destruction.
BCDK........ Chris and Brian. keep am eye on the email. Couple days????????? Yea that was time time frame but>>>>>>>>>>>> Who really knows.
Hold on............ New management was screwed here. I just read the recent filing. I will be in touch with them about this little ROGER problem. I have not made a penny or have a dog in this fight.
December 31, 2014
Common stock issuable upon conversion of 4,728,125 shares of convertible preferred
stock at a ratio of 640:1 3,026,000,00
New management you will know by the email and wait for days. Roger, former guy that ran show here at BCDH???????????? RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have nothing to hide. You screwed every shareholder here. Chris,,,,, Brian,,,,,,, New owners??????? I will be in touch. I had no part of this. Your filings show me what I need to see and I have not read it all. I don't need to. I will talk to new management of BCDH. Give me a few days............. Boom, we speak. I don't get paid for this crap. Wish I had. LOL
Hold on........... I could be completely wrong. Their lawyer filed. I think it is too late but if they hit the window, this is not dead. I am not here to hurt new management at all........... I could have helped them along time ago. I remember this movie with famous actor Chuck Norris. It is on topic for BCDH. It was the Octagon and he says the world does not want to be saved. Management here at BCDH?????????? DUDE, I am not selling anything. Salvation from the SEC....... GD F EM............... I wish you the best on that thought.
I just came across your post about BCDH..... BCDH has been delisted by the SEC after they suspended it and kicked it to grey sheets. I have links to theses facts. Now a sob story about the new management wasting time and money here???????? Sob Sob Sob for BCDH!!!!!!!!!!! SEC took it easy on them by just killing their ticker. 9 rounds in the BCDH discussion is simply not advised from any standpoint.
[PDF]Bioject Medical Technologies, Inc., et al. - SEC › aljorders › 2016
2 days ago - (n/k/a ingXABO CORPORATION) ... the hearing was scheduled to commence on January 12, 2016.
All it means is that the suspension has expired, and that BCDH can now trade on the Greys.
Does that mean the printing presses can start here again? How long to $0.0001? That is all this stock has been since GWWW days, a printing press, IMO.
[PDF]OTC-004 - DTCC › Files › pdf › 2016 › OT...
3 days ago - 01/07/2016. 12K SEC. REINSTATEMENT. 45719V108 BCDH. INGXABO CORP COM. 01/07/2016.
Off topic to discuss another ticker. The connection never existed to BCDH. But I must ask the powers that be at least take my word that BCDH was nothing less than THRR previous management. Fact. And not who one would think. A real puzzle that I can put together.
I don't know either. But I imagine he's had a lot of questions from the authorities in the past few years. He worked for Carrillo for awhile. And then when Carrillo Huettel went out of business, Huettel was briefly hired by Zouvas, though that didn't last long.
Still a list for him. Can't say how active he has been on them.
Yes, well, I don't think Zouvas is doing much securities business these days. He was way too close to Luis Carrillo.
True. But the BCDH shell was handed off to a "new law firm". Watch the other tickers and specifically in Tempe. As they always keep the fun stuff close to home.
lol, Luke Zouvas is not well known in a good way...
Going after bad but more or less dormant companies by revoking registration is a quick, cheap, and easy solution for the SEC. It's not the first time they've done it to a company with Greyling involvement. The same happened with DUCP. And that was a scam worthy of a criminal prosecution.
I'll bet they'll eventually get around to taking down Trilliant Exploration (TTXP) as well. They've been delinquent since 2013. The SEC suspended it in 2014; don't know why they haven't yet revoked registration.
Both of those were pumped extravagantly, but fairly briefly. Maybe Leslie's losing his touch; neither enjoyed much of a run.
My guess is that Charms is working mostly with Pinks these days, which makes their activities harder to trace.
Buy a shell from a well known law firm
Zouvas & Associates LLP
Legal Counsel
3990 Old Town Ave.
Suite C102
San Diego, CA 92110
What do you get when you buy BCDH????????????
I would say you get away easy.
SEC Suspension of Trading
Dec 22, 2015
OTC Disclosure & News Service
Washington, D.C. -
Washington, D.C.
Release No. 76727 / December 22, 2015
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced the temporary suspension of trading in the securities of the following issuers, commencing at 9:30 a.m. EST on December 22, 2015 and terminating at 11:59 p.m. EST on January 6, 2015:
Black Castle Developments Holdings, Inc. (n/k/a ingXabo Corporation) (BCDH)
The Commission temporarily suspended trading in the securities of the foregoing companies due to a lack of current and accurate information about the companies because they have not filed certain periodic reports with the Commission. This order was entered pursuant to Section 12(k) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act).
The Commission cautions brokers, dealers, shareholders and prospective purchasers that they should carefully consider the foregoing information along with all other currently available information and any information subsequently issued by these companies.
Brokers and dealers should be alert to the fact that, pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 15c2-11, at the termination of the trading suspensions, no quotation may be entered relating to the securities of the subject companies unless and until the broker or dealer has strictly complied with all of the provisions of the rule. If any broker or dealer is uncertain as to what is required by the rule, it should refrain from entering quotations relating to the securities of these companies that have been subject to trading suspensions until such time as it has familiarized itself with the rule and is certain that all of its provisions have been met. Any broker or dealer with questions regarding the rule should contact the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, DC at (202) 551-5720. If any broker or dealer enters any quotation which is in violation of the rule, the Commission will consider the need for prompt enforcement action.
If any broker, dealer or other person has any information which may relate to this matter, they should immediately communicate it to the Delinquent Filings Branch of the Division of Enforcement at (202) 551-5466, or by e-mail at
Copyright © 2015 OTC Markets. All Rights Reserved
Greylings were never officially here. That is the funny part. Yea.... I have got a screen shot if Ingxabo Website showing them as advisors. But the question at hand is why did Ingxabo change their website and remove Greylings????? Answer is why BCDH did not file anything. Even OTC Markets initial company disclosure would be tough for these guys given the past. The SEC going after them for filings past due??? Oh no. That is horse crap. Current owners of BCDH are getting out of this easy if Greylings involved. We have good reasons to think they indeed - are involved. Matters not. BCDH is toast. And call the SEC and blow the whistle thing???? I could have taken them down much harder than this suspension. Our tax dollars did not serve justice here. Trust me on that part.
I HOPE it means the SEC will be going after the Greylings. It's past time. It's the third of their junk companies that've had their registration restricted in the past few years.
ingXabo CorporationingXabo Corporation Caveat Emptor
Common Stock / Status : Suspended
Game over...................
Gentlemen across the pond purchased a stinky pinky. They SEC says they should have at least done a stinky filing.
OTC Markets Group Inc. (“OTC Markets”) has discontinued the display of quotes on for this security because it has been labeled Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) for one of the following reasons:
Promotion/Spam without Adequate Current Information — The security is being promoted to the public, but adequate current information about the issuer has not been made available to the public. OTC Markets believes adequate current information must be publicly available during any period when a security is the subject of ongoing promotional activities having the effect of encouraging trading of the issuer's securities. At such instances, as a matter of policy, when adequate current information is not made available, OTC Markets will label the security as "Caveat Emptor." Promotional activities may include spam email, unsolicited faxes or news releases, whether they are published by the issuer or a third party.
Investigation of Fraud or Other Criminal Activities — There is an investigation of fraudulent or other criminal activity involving the company, its securities or insiders. When OTC Markets becomes aware of such investigation, the companies’ securities may be subject to Caveat Emptor.
Suspension/Halt — A regulatory authority or an exchange has halted or suspended trading for public interest concerns (i.e. not a news or earnings halt).
Undisclosed Corporate Actions — The security or issuer is the subject of a corporate action, such as a reverse merger, stock split, or name change, without adequate current information being publicly available.
Unsolicited Quotes — The security has only been quoted on an unsolicited basis since it entered the public markets and the issuer has not made adequate current information available to the public.
Other Public Interest Concern — OTC Markets has determined that there is a public interest concern regarding the security. Such concerns may include but are not limited to promotion, spam or disruptive corporate actions even when adequate current information is available.
OTC Markets will resume the display of this security’s quotes once adequate current information is made available by the issuer pursuant to the Alternative Reporting Standard or by the SEC Reporting Standard, and until OTC Markets believes there is no longer a public interest concern. Investors are encouraged to use caution and due diligence in their investment decisions. Please read our Investor Protection page and OTC Markets Policy Regarding Caveat Emptor for more information.
Yes, Kidd is always a red flag. Eventually he was fired as CEO; the new owners accused him of fraud, but didn't really do anything about that. And Corey Ribotsky was a major lender.
Greens World Wide was Thomas Kidd. This shell was sold cheap when it left his hands. Kidd did something with Golf and dumped shares. I have to wonder why the new owners did not file anything with even OTC Markets. Whatever they paid for the shell is now a total loss. But the SEC did send a letter to whatever address saying guys - file your numbers. I posted about them needing to file a month ago. I was curious how they would paint the filings to reflect everything not told. Now the story ends.............. R.I.P BCDH. It is over.
Yes. This company's been run by crooks for more than ten years. Good thing the SEC's putting it out of its misery.
No better than the old cheating management.
They had sufficient time to file everything with the SEC. Now they get nailed for not doing the simple thing - file numbers. Way it goes.
That's a good thing. At least Leslie and Clinton Greyling won't be making any money on it.
BCDH: SEC Suspension for Financials / Filings delinquencies:
Admin Proceeding:
Interesting that new management has not filed anything with OTC Markets. Buy even if they do, will they really say where and who they purchased the shell from??? Kinda doubt it as dartfordconsulting or should we say Roger was officially never here in the past. Yea. Some comments were out of line about current management and I would say it was just joking around at BEST. Really care to get down to facts on the past, present, and future here???? Charms was a major boo boo. Got a screenshot of that.
Who did new management buy the shell BCDH from????
Roger holds a Bachelors degree in finance from the Sid Craig School of Business at Fresno State University. At the age of 24 he became Managing General Partner of The Rowell Company in Fresno, California. His direction took an office building with 27% occupancy to 100% at the time of its sale. Roger is Managing General Partner of Temecula Ranchos, A California General Partnership. He was in charge of the financial and operational aspects of the farming organization. Temecula Ranchos was one of the largest Grapefruit producers in California. Roger is also President of Mahowell Services, a California Corporation. His duties include due diligence and real estate acquisitions. Roger recently resigned from his five year career as a financial advisor with Merrill Lynch where he focused on corporate financing to become CFO of Thresher Industries.
I have just come across your post about BCD, everything you have posted is totally wrong. I you took the trouble to do some homework and check with the law firm representing the ingXabo Corporation and the Corporate Advisors, you will discover that shareholders have been kept in the loop by the Board through a series of Shareholder Announcement,( As a shareholder I have a complete record) which has documented every step of the process, from the purchase of BCDH as a mis-managed, run down shell to a company re-inventing itself and on the brink of emerging from 2/3 years of inactivity to get re-instated as a trading company on the OTC Pink sheets. The company hired a new law firm recently and are about to appoint an Advisor, BCDH is not, in any way,a scam. None of the Directors have been taking a salary, indeed they have put their own money in to get the Company onto it's feet. The CEO gave up his full time job to steer the Company in a new direction. There are new deals afloat.
Your statement is not only incorrect it is LIBELLOUS. I suggest you write and apologise to the Board for the disgraceful accusations and personal slurs posted, post this as a retraction, and ask if you can be put on the mailing list for Shareholders Announcements (this would of course mean coming out from behind an alias). e-mail the CEO at: You will need to prove you are a shareholder - not just a disgruntled malcontent with an agenda. Be advised, we reserve the right to take legal action
Got a new CEO for BCDH. Dude is into animals in Africa. He likes the zoo and is going to market bug spray. Seems the other director Brian is some hippie looking dude in London. All advisement to them is worst garbage excuse pump and dump criminals at "Charms Investments" down in Florida. Thought old CEO put on a show when he dressed up like a lady. It is going to be zoo time fun with Chris the new new CEO.
Ouch.... 3 gallons?????? Take it easy dude.