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04/02/14 10:06 PM

#24035 RE: Penemy #24034

No doubt Penemy. Thats why I have been spreading the word. Hoping FH has been buying up shares on the sneak this last couple of months. Those will be Long shares and will lock the float up even more pushing us higher. Fingers crossed the old bat does himself and the SH's a solid and punches this out right.
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04/02/14 11:04 PM

#24044 RE: Penemy #24034

Good post Penemy. Based on the huge size of the reverse split, it seems a pretty safe assumption that Hilal is going for an exchange uplisting. That assumption made, then you have to realize that the listing of a stock on a major exchange is for one purpose and one purpose maximize shareholder value. Remember, it is very costly to move to a listed exchange and the SEC requires you to report the financials each quarter after that happens.

Then let's backtrack a bit. After silence all these years, why would Hilal suddenly go for an uplisting? After all, he is obviously doing very well with the company, He is selling weapons grade materials here and overseas, is ITAR compliant, recently expanded Hybrid-Tek, has 45 employees and six recent hires. Being ITAR compliant means he has to provide full audited disclosure of the financials to the government.

Now wait a minute. Did I just say he now has to provide full financial reporting to the government for ITAR compliance? Wouldn't that mean he has to spend all that money to comply with ITAR that he always refused to spend to be listed on the OTCQB?? So if he has to do the financials and spend all that money anyway, wouldn't the next logical step be that he go ahead and get to the higher exchange that he always intended to get to and told the shareholders he was going to do many years ago?? And wouldn't the disclosure of financials lead to a much higher share price before/after the reverse split?? After all, I think the argument for owning this stock all along is that it is massively undervalued? That's why I'm in it and have added to my share count.

I think a number of people are having trouble getting their arms around the concept that Hilal has to provide audited finacials now. There is no choice. Will he report the numbers publically? If he uplists, then yes, he will definitely report publically because a higher share price is in everyone's best interests, including his and any of the employess that own the stock. I ask again. Will he report publically? The answer is also yes if his assets exceed 10 million dolllars. And I will let people form their own conclusions on that, but I'm confident they do.

For many of the old-timers here who gave up hope many years ago, and after a couple of persistent and unrelenting bashers on this board have bashed Hilal for almost a decade, it is hard to believe that the CEO is about to deliver on the promises he made many years ago to build a great company and get to a listed exchange. Few people have a clue as to how special and how VALUABLE the Cetek Process is, but it is.

Imho there is clearly a comprehensive plan in the works here and Hilal did drop us a HUGE bombshell piece of news when he put the words "ITAR COMPLIANT" on the Cetek and Hybrid-Tek websites just last week. The scope of the reverse split is also a huge piece of news, as a pinkie trading over a dollar is not the method for seriously diluting your stock. Who would buy that?

Also, Hilal REVIVED Cetek Technologies, when he could have gone to a new entity. I suppose that if there were a chance to cut the shareholders out of his success, that was the moment in time. But no, Cetek Technologies, our company, is alive and well.

So you can pretend that these three events are unrelated coincidences or that there isn't a comprehensive plan in effect to FINALLY get the shareholder value where it should be, but I think you're going to miss out on something special. My feeling is that our long-awaited moment is finally at hand and that we will be extremely proud of what we hear about our investment after all these years. Hilal has been thinking big all along, and he apparently has products that are highly specialized and in high demand.