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04/01/14 10:51 AM

#62464 RE: Hurricane_Rick #62463

HR, using the 144 affiliate rule, each officer could sell up to 1% of the o/s (968MM) or 9.7MM shares per quarter. Multiply that by the number of officers and it adds up.
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04/01/14 11:39 AM

#62465 RE: Hurricane_Rick #62463

My point is if they are looking to be bought out they could do it at any time they decide to,
no matter if the share price is $1 or $0.01.
Do you think they give a crap about rule 144???
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04/01/14 12:03 PM

#62466 RE: Hurricane_Rick #62463

anyone with restricted shares (control securities) in any company, not just MDMN, cares one bit about short-term spikes and dips in the share price? They can't buy or sell in any meaningful, independent fashion like common shareholders/traders, so their time horizons and outlook are much further out.

Certainly if we measure the share price from its trough levels several years ago, even today's share price looks great. But if we consider that this "world class" property was to deliver with three partners, and to date, the mining operation was to have been in a more mature standing, i.e. exploration already having been completed, daily/weekly ore being sent to the mill, refining and selling of the final products, be it gold, silver or copper, to already have been a matter of daily operations of this "world class" holding, the BOD does not care about the long term value of the holdings either. Certainly the current state of the company bears this out.

It is the paramount duty and responsibility of the BOD to look out for the shareholder. So far, they have disappointed the common shareholder, especially those who were duped by the BOD by joining a not so small time fraudster Swedish meatball. Really and truly, who in the world, having such an incredible property as this "world class" holding, would not perform proper due diligence on a partner who is not a well known commodity in the mining industry.

Had they partnered up with a major mining concern or a consortium of major mining companies who are well known, publicly traded, and credible on the world stage, I could see why the BOD would not spend a few Yankee Dollars and forego the due diligence.

A Swedish meatball? Why we didn't even know if the meatball was a mixture of pork and beef and chicken parts or even turkey innards, or just plain BS. It appears as though the following was their attitude when they partnered up with the Swedish dreamer: "Let's dispense with our duty and responsibility, he looks and acts the part. He's got a good website. Others believed him and made agreements with him. He can't be all that bad. So let's just get it done, done, done, spike up the price, and sell into the spikes. This BOD has behaved as irresponsible chefs with a recipe for disastrous results, so far.

I am willing to make a bet that they, insiders and members of the BOD have sold into the spikes, high and low. Anyone thinking they have not, is the epitome of naivete.

I will not accuse any member of the board in distributing shares without proof. However, as I have always maintained, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, It must be Les Price and his cohorts!
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04/03/14 9:12 PM

#62507 RE: Hurricane_Rick #62463

Rick, what's your DD saying?

5 months ago, according to your due diligence on the partners time line, we were in "any day" status. I am guessing (and market seems to agree) that the time line is now close to default status?

from what I've gleaned of decosta (dr. slimeball) and mike's latest efforts, it looks like we are still looking for a partner, and our new prospect generator status may be the ticket to lure one in.
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04/05/14 11:56 PM

#62518 RE: Hurricane_Rick #62463

Lets have a good week i smell some sp appreciation.

Also have a feeling any news releases coming from the company from now on will start to to impact the sp in a positive manor.