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03/29/14 12:10 PM

#60665 RE: User-65225 #60664

Or, remember when the Brazilian billionaire was suppose to be buying a bunch of stock?.... Or what about the Chinese buyers, which was claimed several times?

What has history taught us about believing this stuff, while insiders are blowing out shares at the all time lows?... Every single claim like this has proven to be a lie. Eventually the stock loses support and drops to a lower trading range... and with dilution worse than ever and them still being unable to raise significant cash, I don't see how this situation is going to improve much.

If you think they are selling heavy now under .002, just watch what happens if this moves up a little. Just like every other run, it won't sustain... They are going to need a better story than the PR they put out last week, it did nothing and investors were waiting MONTHS to get it.

Only a fool would buy so much open market stock while shares are being issued at such a rate. I've seen this scenario play out hundreds of times and its never good for longs... When a stock is a good value, insiders are usually loading at the all time lows, not dumping at a record rate...