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03/29/14 11:22 AM

#24384 RE: mjkiii #24383

He won't have to know you by sight. He'll recognize you by smell.
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03/30/14 2:03 AM

#24387 RE: mjkiii #24383

Hi mjk, I thought it was telling that rather than repudiate the report from TVN, a respected national news source, you instead elected to attack a blogger. Sure, that fellow Okke is a sensationalist and certainly no friend of Petaquilla's. But he's just that, a sensationalist blogger. Not to say he's necessarily wrong. I don't know. But I do know that he has always had an anti-mining agenda and it's fair enough to point that out. (I'll remind everyone that I did not reference Okke, nor do I know him.)

But if you're going to try to discredit Okke you should probably use a credible source rather than an equally sensationalist attention whore who also happens to be a convicted felon. Surely that is obvious, no?

Don Winner is a ham-fisted halfwit who presents himself as a journalist when he mostly populates his site with the copied and pasted work of real journalists. You call him your friend. I don't doubt that he is. Some of the other friends you trumpet give us an idea of the standard you apply.

In fairness, Winner has done some admirable work chasing down serial killers. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about please know I am not kidding. This guy Winner is basically a cartoon but every now and then he decides to do the work that the local constabulary should be doing but aren't and actually brings to justice or at least brings to light a serious criminal. It's weird. But then, this is Panama so what did you expect?

And when did I ever say that I was unhappy with my investment in Petaquilla? I am proud to be a shareholder. I have a significant stake in the company and am happy to have it. I recognize that I have a higher tolerance for company tomfoolery than some others might because my investment is partially based on patriotism. But I also have a significant stake in Copa and somehow those guys seem to know how to run a business. You'll excuse me for having more admiration for companies that shepherd their resources wisely and manage to grow their business while turning a profit and delivering value to their stakeholders than I do for companies that are run into the ground by incompetence, arrogance, ignorance, kleptomania, or who knows what.

Please feel free to exult as the share price dives ever lower. I know that you somehow wear your tolerance for managerial mishap as a badge of honor. That's your right. But I recommend you be a bit less condescending to those of us who might like the surprise of seeing PTQ in the green every now and then. Otherwise you'll continue to be taken to task and it's apparent that you'd rather give than get.

And in the spirit of the equal time rule I'll leave you with this: Panamá es pa'lante, no hay pa'tras!