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Dominion Melchizedek

03/28/14 8:03 AM

#106490 RE: adanac #106485

LOL! What difference does volume over 10 year period make? NONE. Any shorts from a decade ago had 10 years to cover at .0001 and nobody, not the SEC or the company itself even hints at the existence of these mysterious naked shorts that some claim exist. I guess that when a scam shell uses toxic financing to enrich themselves and their toxic financiers using convertible preferreds then dumping of tens of billions of commons onto retail speculators, the naked short theory is the only hope left. But its a false hope. This junk will never see a sustained .0002 bid - some have been trapped in this scam for several years thinking buying at .0001 would yield a quick double or triple. They will dump like mad should a .0002 bid appear and keep taking it out. 100% profit is sweet even if you have to wait a few years to get it. Problem is, it wont happen.

The only way at this point to boost the share price is massive restructuring of the shares which would wipe out minority shareholder leaving them with 99% loss or more. And that assuming the SEC would allow it.

These scammers cant even get the 2 years CHILL lifted. What a joke.