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The cop said in an accident between two tractor trailers he thought they would pull me out of the wreck with a spatula I got pulled out without a scratch. Same luck as Trump with that bullet.
Blew on this one two.
Bad luck has followed me everywhere except in Atlanta
How is this Pirate ship ? Oohhy mates. Still cursed lol 😆
The entire EM Market is dead IMO. CEO's took their money and ran! from Retail. I had this one on Watch but looks like you are right! PYCT ON WATCH.
Paychest is not a sec registrant, so sec can't delist them, but Finra can revoke the ticker
your terminology is a bit confusing. i am not very smart. you are positive on these sub trips? maybe i am missing something you are correct the sec has not completely delisted them as of yet. maybe money will start flowing in? if so PP hold that 30 !!!
200 trillion
Sitting in off shore shell companies...
Flood coming get back under US umbrella...imho
Strange ...all these sub .0001s Sitting and SEC hasn't delisted them ...
pp this is the em isn't your 30 dollars gone? lol how you going to trade this one? dark defunct no news since 17 on watch but that 30 dollars looking like a loss cause pp. hang in there i guess.
OINK that means something bad since I am pig oink oink... me 30 bucks going to be 75 hopefully soon oink oink! $pyct oink.
Bringing home the bacon....sooie $PYCT
OINKKKKK OINKKKKKK PYCT come on 30 oiiinkkinnnng bucks.
Hold that 30 ya tub of lard !!!
OINK OINK 30 big ones OINK.
PP you in this one for 30 More Dollars? lol
OOOINK how long before SEC shut this oinnnnking ticker down to the pigpen? are all these tickers oooooinking over? OINK OINK.
Maybe PYCT is like the movie JEEPERS CREEPERS? 🤣
PYCT - How does the SEC not shut down this zombie shell? Are they entertained by it? Other stocks get nuked after not reporting after a couple of years.
Maybe the GHOST of MARIO PINO is keeping out of the NETHERWORLD? He is still DEAD..right? 🤪
30 dollars gone hang in there pp i guess lol
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They got me 30 dollars oooooooooooinkkkkk... I need a new coffee maker oink oink.. sec going to take this one out? Oink Oink.
I am surprised that the SEC has not completely revoked this one PP.
Once registration has been revoked, the stock's ticker will be deleted. Shareholders will still be shareholders but in a private company. Their stock will be extremely illiquid, and its value will be difficult to determine, as there is no public market for it.
At least she
Doesn't eat while she sleeps...
PP LOL you in this ? LOL!
LOL! Still not revoked? May as well bury this shell in Mario Pino's grave. Assuming he really is dead and didnt fake his own death. SEC usually revokes for not filing after a couple of years- yet this thing remains? How? Is it kept alive as joke by the SEC?
not sure what happened to this oinker but a lot of high hopes in the pigpen oink oink
How is this POS zombie shell NOT REVOKED by the SEC.
Other shells are REVOKED after just a year or two of not filing.
Lots of Lamb Love and Affection. Now go wash nuts...
I was told down the hall there's bathroom is on the right... The bathroom attendant said this is where all the nuts hang out....and for 2 bucks I'll vouch for you washing your hands. ......$PYCT
Down the hall and to the left. Please wash hands when done.
Wow, never thunk...
all these .000001 stocks
are flashing to. .0001
Was the pot stirred?
I've Got A Feeling ......
I'd hate to miss the train!! ...
Fingers crossed...I've got a LOT of shares
I have a feeling somethings going on. I've seen a up tick on activity on PY in recent weeks, not much better then nothing..
I still look in from time to time. I don't think this one has any life left in it though.
All the best to you and your investments.
This stock is dead right? I can’t even sell 4 million shares for $1
Just like I stated, this stock would not be delisted like some folks here have claimed. This stock has a huge NS problem.
This scam is still not de-listed... too funny
There is a few pinks that are breathing today beside PYCT , UVSE, GARB, TBEV, RMTB not sure whats the deal? perhaps changes after the new year? CIK # would be huge..
Quite some time, I been sittin' it out
Didn't take no chances, I was a prisoner of doubt
I knocked down the wailin' wall, ain't no sin
Got the feel of fortune, deal me in....
Sounds good ....stay on it... PYCT!
Not sure whats going on here, last week in fact a week ago today had 148 million, then a few million shares here and there today 21 mi ....makes me wonder if they will apply and get a CIK # then that would be a big deal...
Sorry youre almost 2 years too late - when one last scam pump sent this corpse of a stock over .001 ... since then it was demoted to Shadowy Grey Sheets and is literally worth $27,700 only because a stock cant go below 0.000001/share.
Its only a matter of time before it turns up on the SEC REVOKED List [url][/url][tag][/tag]