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03/27/14 1:56 PM

#176098 RE: DewDiligence #176050

I've shared it with a few elected officials and bureaucrats, yes. No, it didn't go anywhere because nobody wants to tackle drug pricing.

And yes, in that original article from 4 years ago I mention that we'd have to exempt "non-poor" countries. We'd pick a basket (G7, for example) of countries and work off of that. Then weight even that by GDP or income or something.

It's unsustainable for the US to pay for R&D by itself (or largely by itself). Frankly, some administration should bring it up as a WTO issue. While the WTO rules are more suited to tariffs or unfair local subsidies, the rules should work in the reverse situation of a restriction requiring US companies to charge LESS.

I tried that angle in my discussions, too. That got a little more interest, but nobody wants to get anywhere close to touching drug pricing after the "death panel" nonsense.