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03/26/14 1:18 PM

#155486 RE: GStockz #155485

any trust left will disappear

What if you don't have any trust to begin with? ;-)

I find it easier now-a-days to be a pessimist with ENTI. It's an easier let down. After 4 years of let downs I guess I've learned something.. lol

I agree with you that the RS will kill us, BUT, do you have any other suggestions on how to create a stock that people won't laugh at? Please don't say buy back because we know that is furthur away from reality....

I've been -$23k for 4 years, I say let them RS us, got nothing else to lose. Just follow it up with some mega-news, yaddi-yada type stuff. But, only after our 20 restriction and DO NOT DILUTE!

Captain Bly

03/27/14 9:20 AM

#155515 RE: GStockz #155485

Aye matie, agreed.... humph, trouble wit the amount of shares? Argh so make the loyal crew holdin walk the plank n' fix the ship so it floats again wit a R/S ? Hope fer a new crew?

If a CEO does it once would he really hesitate to do it again if in troubled waters?

I would NEVER buys a stock where a CEO pulled that one. Not in pennyland, not the Big-boy stocks either.

...but it hasn't happened here yet... Time will tell matie. Time will tell.