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03/26/14 8:53 AM

#24328 RE: mopower2u #24324

What credibility? To hear him talk these big Insider investors have more clout and money invested in this fiasco than management does. LOL. Did you notice how he subtly indicated in one of his last posts that PTQ was just a small holding, when before all he spoke of was the millions of shares the elite few were holding. The story changes daily.


03/26/14 1:13 PM

#24334 RE: mopower2u #24324

If you don't want me to post why ask me?

First of all there is plenty of money to keep PTQ in the game. You act like this is some great financial endeavor. It is not. many stockholders in Panama could have several million shares of PTQ and that might be less than 1% of family worth, or in some cases even annual income. Be reasonable, a week vacation in Spain for a family of four will cost a little over $61,000.00 just for tickets right now on American Airlines, flying first class of course. That would buy about 250,000 shares of PTQ. Navarro's new private plane he bought last month used, a 1981 model I think, would buy about 13,000,000 shares today. So don't get yourselves all in a dither when we are not talking about a lot of money traded daily. Very, very thin...very low volumes.

President Martinelli will definitely have to have FQM's detailed Cobre-Panama Engineering Report on his desk by 5:00PM Monday or he will throw them out of Panama in 24 hours. If you doubt that then you don't know anything about history here,(Law #8),or Panama, and you have not talked to anyone of authority. Believe me, FQM is also well aware of this. So you can be sure the report will be filed on time. Then the question is whether or not they or the government will decide to make it public and share it with you. Inasmuch as it relates to 25,000 direct/indirect jobs in Cocle and Donoso my guess is that they will say something. If not then only those with access to either the government or FQM will know what is actually going on and how PTQ fits into the mix.

So we come back to the share price. I expect it to continue to drop and I will continue to buy. Maybe $0.20 or $0.10 it really doesn't matter to me and others who want to be part of our future. The most critical thing right now is the election. If you do not see or understand that then you are really "disenchufada".

With regard to the constant whining and pestering about news, are you so clueless that you do not even know that a vote will have to be scheduled, a proxy sent, BCSC protocols and rules honored, and that you will not see a vote on the "deal" or issues for probably at least a month? I would expect a vote to be about the end of the fourth quarter. Then you can all read the proxy if you choose, look at the Q3 numbers out on May 15,2014 and influence the decision to the best of you ability. Than is you opportunity to show that you really count! Until you receive a proxy you are just speculating and twisting in the wind. Until the complete details and the future plans are outlined therein, the company has no obligation to tell you anything. So just watch for the Notice of Special Election.

As to credibility... HEY MJK, MAYBE YOU CAN WORK ON THAT AND SAVE SOME OF YOUR OWN CREDIBILITY IN THE PROCESS. LOL.Why in the world would I seek or even recognize credibility on this board? You must be joking. FWIW read the posts or ignore them...they cost nothing and maybe that is all they are worth. LOL.....or maybe not!

Bottom line: PTQ and management is here to stay. Petaquilla was never for sale as you all seemed to think and claimed. There will be no payout or dividend to stockholders, share price may remain low for several years as it did in the past. Maybe even back to 2003-2004 levels. PRD wins all bets are off. The mining sector will be developed and some of us will do very well when that happens. If I am wrong I will take my losses, but I am sure I know much more than most here about the future. Life is good!