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Large Green

03/25/14 7:56 AM

#397137 RE: philipmax #397102

philip, the value of any escrow shares is zero like everybody's are at this time. They are only markers showing what type of WaMu equity you owned. In the event there are monies that are run through WMI Litigation Trust for disbursement via third party suits (none to date) or other, the Trust knows where to send the monies. For every dollar that is run through the trust for disbursement, preferred receive .75 cents on the dollar and common would receive .25 cents on every dollar, hence the 75/25 split with no cap that was originally on preferred.

If you did not release you did not receive any shares in Newco called WMIH but you hold the right to sue. There was a deadline to exchange your shares in which case you would have received escrow shares had you owned either WAMPQ, WAMKQ or WAMUQ and completed the exchange event before the deadline. The first two were preferred and the last one was old WaMu common shares. These no longer exist. The deadline was over two years ago so you since you did not go through the exchange event, you held the right to sue.

As always though, you should check with your legal professional before making any type of moves. The aforementioned is only my opinion based and what I have learned.