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05/12/03 6:03 AM

#24190 RE: blueskywaves #24186

I do not beleive many shareholders would object to the handing out of options to talanted engineers.

The objections come when the company wants to grant huge rewards to non performing grossly overpaid executive that to date and over the history of the company have failed its shareholders. I believe the accumulated losses to date give firm evidence of what I say. Over the same period of those massive accumulated losses the management of the company have been over paid and have made several millions through the granting of excessive options.

The current debate centres on the next proposed grant of a mere 5 million options.

In order to get my vote of approval I require a number of things, these are as follows.

1. The Nokia/Samsung monies on board as indicated by the CFO at the CC on 17th March.

2. Details of the companies objectives and plans for the next twelve months(Detailed) and next three years.( General)

3. Information regarding the proposed split of the additional options between management and other employees.

4. Details of how current options will be allocated.

5. The removal of the right of the committee to grant options at less that fair market value.

6. The tying in of executive bonuses and compensation to clearly defined future profit objectives.

If the company was to do the above, I would have no problem in ensuring that the employees received the highest employment rewards in the business.



05/12/03 7:43 AM

#24196 RE: blueskywaves #24186


How about doing this on all these companies that are giving big time options to new hire engineers providing us with the name of the companies that are doing it in the telecom field, and the telephone number and contact at that company, and I personally will call each and everyone and ask what kind of option package and salary they are paying for new hire engineers. Now you can't be any more fair than this, and I personally will report back to this board exactly what option packages are being given out. I will also ask what the outstanding shares of this company are and what percentage of options granted would that dillute the overall shares. Now isn't that a real fair way to evaluate this option proposal?
