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03/23/14 7:41 PM

#14731 RE: Tincupx #14730

Tincupx, that is a great question.

Since the contention for Fairholme and Perry is the 3rd amendment a negotiated resolution may involve pre/post Aug 17, 2012 purchases. I also suspect that if the 3rd amendment is vacated by the judge, this ruling will affect the entire class of equity regardless of when purchases happened. So the judge could potentially make everyone whole whereas a negotiated agreement might not.

But as 44c always says, I am not a lawyer so this is a layman's opinion and is worth no more no less than anyone else's opinion.


03/24/14 4:59 PM

#14736 RE: Tincupx #14730

Pre C-ship shareholders vs. Post

While Ralph Nader might be a nice leader for the group, the fact is that is very naive.

Special dividend for pre-c-ship folks?
Give them special consideration?
Pay them x and let the hedge funds get the residual of the residual?

This is very naive.

This *might* be a class-action, but those don't usually fare too well.

No, the govt. doesn't want to admit wrong-doing, and they will merely release and move on. When, not if. Maybe they hold out for a while longer.

The concept of turning back the clock, figuring out who were the holders and who were not - who deserves x and who deserves y - is way too complicated.

Wishful thinking for Ralph (and others, perhaps), but this is not in the cards.

Many want back-dividends, too.

Many want the warrants to go away.

Has the government done anyone at F&F any favors? I didn't think so. Have they admitted to stealing, or show any sign of remorse for their actions? Nope, I didn't think so.

GL with a new position in FnF. If you want to get paid for your loss from 5.5 years ago, I wouldn't hold my breath.


03/25/14 11:59 PM

#14742 RE: Tincupx #14730

A rising tide lifts all boats. All FnF preferred and common holders MIGHT do ok. [Disclaimer: maybe not]

If Perry wins their case (trying to reverse the 3rd Amendment to the agreement between Tsy and FHFA), it would likely benefit all FnF preferred and common holders. [Disclaimer: but might not]

Winning some of the takings cases would benefit all. {Maybe]

A 10 year transition period to a new industry structure might give all FnF investors enough time to do well. {Maybe]

There are other ways that our FnF investments could work out well. If you are in it already, I don't see why you should give up now.