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Marble Man

03/18/14 9:06 PM

#48644 RE: OpinionEMA #48642

Wow. What an unprofessional mess. Very disappointed as an investor on the lack of effort on the company's part. I'm speechless....

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Watts Watt

03/18/14 10:36 PM

#48649 RE: OpinionEMA #48642

Some observations I make from the video(s):

Obviously, Paul Hauck is a superb public speaker, with no hem and haws, full transparency and credibility due to his broad technical expertise.

It is easy to see how he made a connection with each member of the listening audience.

There was no stumbling or fumbling (other than understandable powerpoint and video set-up, which we see everyday in real life).

Honestly, this is the most important person in the whole LQMT management organization chart.

It is clear to me that his winning approach to potential buyers of our technology is going to pay many dividends down the road if the other roadblock people in the organization are eased out to pasture or are forced to give Hauck the utmost in support.

He exudes a quiet confidence as well as nervousness...just professionalism and know-how, something I have not see since Neil Paton, former Chief Technology Officer, left the company.

Believe me, he will be telling the boys in the lab what to make, and, watch out Glenton, if I were you, I would hide your chess set. (FantasyLand meets RealityLand)

I only have one concern, now. Moldmaking. and getting the very best, on the level of Nymold, a company who knows how to make a profit.

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03/18/14 10:58 PM

#48651 RE: OpinionEMA #48642

"OpinionEMA" well done ! From 4 minutes in Part 2 the show and tell got me. Paul's done a good job in his 1st week making a strong case for LM use in small precision medical implements.

PLUS The Liquidmetal CD's he gave as handouts (NICE TOUCH) for the attendees augments LM's sellable points and the prospective clients can take those back to their company for other decision makers to view.

His 20 minute PP presentation, which is not short, is technically geared for his specific audience with almost entirely NEW graphs and charts but I followed along comfortably...Had a couple small glitches but no biggie.

***Actually, the ENGEL 101 machine vacuum attachment LM video demo may be improved but it's pretty decent - better than many ENGEL videos I see on this.

Maybe Paul should add "Metallica" music from this Sirius channel to amp up the appeal LOL !

Despite the mistaken assertion previously posted, there was minimal overlap from Mr. Steipp's presentations on YOUTUBE, like this one. e.g. Paul's is more technical w/ no financial information.

Anyone can discern the difference in the PowerPoint slides and presentation energy.

One and a half thumbs up !

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03/19/14 3:01 AM

#48662 RE: OpinionEMA #48642

The early portion of the 2nd part video shows real Engel machine processing LQMT. It's very meaningful to watch this lively working machine.
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03/19/14 7:56 AM

#48671 RE: OpinionEMA #48642

WHAT A RIDICULOUS MESS. A 5 year old can use Power point... LOOK OUT BELOW...
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Barney Vissur

03/19/14 8:23 AM

#48677 RE: OpinionEMA #48642

I found it interesting that he mentioned re: manufacture that "we do have a contract manufacturer that we work with and we hope to expand those relationships" (plural, not "relationship"). And then transition to "a contract manufacturer." No mention of VPC. They are clearly looking at other mftrs. I would think VPC is unfixable. About 2:30 into video 2 up to about 3:15, he makes both of those quotes.

Good, he's not a golfer! (I don't hate golfers - I play, I suck). He's a do-er! AND, he's got 2 quarters to prove he can get it done. FWIW, I like this guy - he's real. Let's see if he can make LQMT real because, right now, rumor - pop. Fade of rumor - fade of price. I would love to know the real story how he got to LQMT.
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03/19/14 12:49 PM

#48724 RE: OpinionEMA #48642

Paul Hauck (don't call me Hogan)

does not appear to be a Salesman and/or Marketeer

At a minimum he has not been on the road and lackluster presentation skill shows

Lack of eye contact to audience
Lack of Powerpoint 101 skill

He is more of a long time techie with no real life P&L responsibility

Why Paul then you might ask?

Fill the org chart with credible resume. Classical exit strategy