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02/27/06 5:49 AM

#338 RE: BullNBear52 #337

When police officers raided the Austrian biathlon and cross country houses, they found 100 syringes and evidence of blood doping. In a less publicized incident, a police raid of Bode Miller's trailer home turned up three empty bottles of Jack Daniel's and five frozen burrito wrappers.


02/27/06 2:28 PM

#347 RE: BullNBear52 #337

Interesting excerpt from Dan Wetzel's column on YahooSports

"So here are my final 20 thoughts as my own personal Euro Trip mercifully ends without major international incident."

3. There is a Chinese speedskater by the name of Fengtong Yu.
Fengtong, I suppose, being a little bit of a long name, perhaps just to pick up chicks
or just because it works for T-Mac and A-Rod, Fengtong goes by F Yu.

This means nothing in Chinese. In English, it is the funniest thing ever
(to seventh graders and Abbott and Costello fans).
Imagine the hijinks of a phone call.

"May I ask who is calling?"

"F Yu."

"I beg your pardon?"

"F Yu"

"Well, if you are going to be rude, F Yu too."

"No, that is my son."
