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03/11/14 11:14 PM

#11559 RE: Asher78 #11558 do realize those comments are going to get everyone on this board laughing right? First let me remind you that a few months ago you were predicting $12, $11 and as far as $10 landing points for Ford and months dice. Predictions aren't meant to last that long so your "genius" factor has been proven to be null and void. You need to know I have gone on quite a few boards to see what you say since everything here seemed quite preposterous and lacking in reality. I have yet to find one in which your predictions have ever been accurate, so once credibility. Regardless of your attendance one takes you seriously and Ford remains strong. Anybody that actually has to state out loud that they are a genius is actually struggling to generally put consistent thoughts together and there is where you qualify. I could challenge this intellect, but I have already proven you wrong so many times that if you were truly a genius...then that establishes my I.Q. at an infinite level. First learn how to read an actual article and present your case and then I and everyone else might consider your comments to be legitimate or at least worth consideration. All you do is rant about knowing how to read charts (which again never supports your predictions) and never support this vast expertise with any real data. It doesn't take a genius to know you have no place here other than to get responses like this. You will have no "genius" response to this...more than likely you will simply delete this post, but you will at least know how you are regarded...and that technically you are not regarded at all as having anything of value to offer here. Ford will remain strong as will the participants on this board in spite of you and you must realize that by now considering all of the negative responses to your inane drivel. Like I said...anyone that compares a company making 25,000 vehicles per year to a company making 2,500,000 isn't offering an intelligent argument. Doesn't take a genius to see a huge disparity here.


03/12/14 6:06 AM

#11560 RE: Asher78 #11558

As much as I don't agree with his commentary about the company his analysis is correct. Until I see a higher high or higher low the linear regression is still in a downtrend. The PSAR just flipped yesterday to the down side. This is just my opinion but I stay on the sideline till this thing turns around.
