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03/11/14 4:03 PM

#5846 RE: Pyrrhonian #5844

Linda holding back info and owning 33% of the company??? Doesn't add up....

(Plz correct if I am wrong on the 33%, that was the last figure I remember)
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03/11/14 4:39 PM

#5857 RE: Pyrrhonian #5844

Anybody care to comment on AFs claims about German
enrollment progress? Strong accusations by this fellow.
Clearly he has an ax to grind and is NOT an impartial critic.
Nevertheless, he does (or so he claims) pick up the phone
to check on company claims of progress, etc.
Anybody on the German participation issues?
Nice profits today. Took some off, still hoping for
a good amount more even prior to top line data.
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03/11/14 4:59 PM

#5862 RE: Pyrrhonian #5844

Many great thoughts to counter Adam`s bashing. I am just glad i did not sell when the pps went south. But I believe in the company and will hold. thanks
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03/11/14 5:14 PM

#5867 RE: Pyrrhonian #5844

As you say, the trial is double blinded and neither the company nor the regulator knows its result.

I do find it interesting though about the delayed PR, it certainly seems material information.

But considering there is an active trial to consider, I trust the company had guidance on this and acted appropriately.

The last thing they would want to do would be to jeopardize the trial.

It does seem odd... but come to think about it, it was publicly published, thus the company was not withholding material information.

With this in mind, it makes sense the company took some time to decided whether or how to PR the information already in the public domain.