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05/07/03 11:43 PM

#1036 RE: NorthWesterner #1035

We "graduated" to a refrigerator around 1950 and by then they were hiding them coils on the back. The iceman cometh no more...

greg s

05/08/03 12:38 PM

#1037 RE: NorthWesterner #1035


My Dad worked for the local natural gas utility. We graduated from the old icebox to a natural gas refrigerator. Actually, we ended up with TWO of them and Dad got one for Grandma, too. (He could find good deals on used units).

I was ready to go to college before he replaced them with modern electric refrigerators. The nat. gas industry was trying to get all the old refrigerators out of homes. They posed a safety hazard, as people (unlike my Dad) didn't clean them religiously. When they finally offered a "bounty" on every gas refrig. turned in, my Dad took them up on the offer.

Man, I wish I still had one of those units. Perfect for a remote cabin with no electricity <VBG>.