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03/05/14 9:49 AM

#25780 RE: no_mo_Butterfinger #25779

Awesome! I have also noticed very positive skin effects--softer and less wrinkles believe it or not. Better skin alone makes me euphoric:)


03/05/14 10:18 AM

#25781 RE: no_mo_Butterfinger #25779

as I've stated previously, I am aware of an ophthalmologist who has written a script for V [for DES]....


03/05/14 11:04 AM

#25783 RE: no_mo_Butterfinger #25779

In recent years, I've experienced two significant episodes of ischemic colitis (blood flow diminished due to CHF) and have dealt with gastrointestinal symptoms similar to IBS for many years before that. The colitis begins as an inflammation to colon tissue due to cellular starvation resulting from the poor blood flow. I've also had diverticulosis for many years which may become inflammatory and might help to explain some of the other inflammation related issues I experience.

After a year of taking Vascepa at the 4gm dose, I have experienced a major improvement in symptoms and substantial reduction in frequency of onset. I will stop short of calling it miraculous, but I've become a V Evangelist to anyone I learn has gastro problems in any way similar to mine. I've had many friends and acquaintances with Crohn's and Celiac disease who've provided surprisingly positive feedback, not cures but relief!!

P.S. Trigs are at 175, not perfect but not bad.

P.P.S. I've owned Amarin stock back to early 2010 so as far as that "euphoria thing" goes, Not So Much!!!