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02/21/06 10:48 PM

#200627 RE: janice shell #200618

Your math is poor Janice.

These filthy brokers are stonewalling this cert pull and blaming it on the T A. They want it to stop on March 15. This whole thing of the time delay and the difficulties is preposterously absurd in this day and age of rapid communication. The ba**ards just won't cooperate in getting themselves exposed. Double Duh !!!! It DOES NOT TAKE ALL THAT TIME TO PULL CERTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the Task Force is almost ready to spring the trap. I'm luvin' this.


02/21/06 11:02 PM

#200629 RE: janice shell #200618

Ya Gump Your correct...The T/A last week were processing cert requests from DEC13th05........So the Jan 13th list does NOT EVEN INCLUDE THEM!!!!....The T/A Agent said there were 1000"S
left to process!....Janice...What part of that dont you get??