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02/26/14 12:52 PM

#23579 RE: Slashnuts #23578

Seems the market does not agree with your opinion of the situation.


02/26/14 1:31 PM

#23580 RE: Slashnuts #23578

If the judge rules, GERS will be instantly profitable, debt free, and the lawsuit will be over.

Like I said a couple of day's ago: The case isn't closed yet. Until that It can go both ways. And even if a judge rules that PEIX technology is patented by Greenshift, it still doesn't mean that PEIX is sentenced to pay an large amount of money. They started corn oil extraction in the end of May 2013 at the first plant and in October at the second. So how many do you think they have earned by doing so since then, and how much do you think GERS would be getting from it?

That of course if the judge rules PEIX has to pay for it. And it can take a long time before the judge will rule. Also PEIX will get the money back from Edinique if the patent was wrong.

Will GERS even make it that long???


02/26/14 2:09 PM

#23583 RE: Slashnuts #23578

So tell me, how are GERS and
"I think you folks will get a dose of realty from the Q413 report." related to each other

ID Supermoney

03/03/14 10:04 PM

#23714 RE: Slashnuts #23578

To bad in not buying again!! Back at $8.00 when I told you again!!

Budding heads here man you could have made money and bought out GERS!!!

Better buy now an easy double from here in less than 2 months!!

Man my shares at $2.40-50 are making me money!! Now 500% profit!!

Many should have bought when I told them too!!

This goes to $40.00 by year end and a divi payment coming in Q3 and Q4 is my guess!!

better get in!!!